(c) IDEAL FONTS 1996
Inter deposit registration.

  Pleased to give you few informations (not too much! still stay simple) 
about the stuff in this directory.

This directory is provided by IDEAL FONTS
                              4, avenue Cadoux-Girault
                              F-92270 Bois-Colombes

                           Tel-fax: (331)

Currently you will find in this directory a 1 month demonstration
version of the Virtual DC fonts (VDC) for Textures. To test them you
need the Textures application by Blue Sky or at least their free
TexturesReader application (look in their archives). Of course, don't
expect to find the complete set of complete DC fonts, this is just
a reduce set to show you the quality all along the provided tests
which are designed multilingual: french and english.

The file VDC1.1DEMO.sea.hqx is a binhex file. Take it with fetch an
automatically you will obtain VDC1.1DEMO.sea on your Mac, just
double clic on this archive and you will retrieve what is available
for free from Ideal Fonts on one diskette. Here are an installer and
uninstaller. Now enjoy!

V     V  DDDD    CCC
 V   V   D   D  C
  V V    D   D  C
   V     DDDD    CCC      FONTS  from  IDEAL FONTS  
