--GregorioTeX Lua file. -- --Copyright (C) 2008-2025 The Gregorio Project (see CONTRIBUTORS.md) -- --This file is part of Gregorio. -- --Gregorio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --(at your option) any later version. -- --Gregorio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --GNU General Public License for more details. -- --You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --along with Gregorio. If not, see . -- this file contains lua functions used by GregorioTeX when called with LuaTeX. local hpack, traverse, traverse_id, has_attribute, count, remove, insert_after, copy = node.hpack, node.traverse, node.traverse_id, node.has_attribute, node.count, node.remove, node.insert_after, node.copy gregoriotex = gregoriotex or {} local gregoriotex = gregoriotex local internalversion = '6.1.0' -- GREGORIO_VERSION (comment used by VersionManager.py) local err, warn, info, log = luatexbase.provides_module({ name = "gregoriotex", version = '6.1.0', -- GREGORIO_VERSION greinternalversion = internalversion, date = "2025/02/28", -- GREGORIO_DATE_LTX description = "GregorioTeX module.", author = "The Gregorio Project (see CONTRIBUTORS.md)", copyright = "2008-2025 - The Gregorio Project", license = "GPLv3+", }) local real_gregorio_exe = nil gregoriotex.module = { err = err, warn = warn, info = info, log = log } local format = string.format local hlist = node.id('hlist') local vlist = node.id('vlist') local glyph = node.id('glyph') local glue = node.id('glue') local whatsit = node.id('whatsit') local rule = node.id('rule') local hyphen = tex.defaulthyphenchar or 45 local part_attr = luatexbase.attributes['gre@attr@part'] local part_commentary = 1 local part_stafflines = 2 local part_initial = 3 local dash_attr = luatexbase.attributes['gre@attr@dash'] local potentialdashvalue = 1 local nopotentialdashvalue = 2 local center_attr = luatexbase.attributes['gre@attr@center'] local startcenter = 1 local endcenter = 2 local glyph_id_attr = luatexbase.attributes['gre@attr@glyph@id'] local glyph_top_attr = luatexbase.attributes['gre@attr@glyph@top'] local glyph_bottom_attr = luatexbase.attributes['gre@attr@glyph@bottom'] local prev_line_id = nil local alteration_type_attr = luatexbase.attributes['gre@attr@alteration@type'] local alteration_pitch_attr = luatexbase.attributes['gre@attr@alteration@pitch'] local alteration_id_attr = luatexbase.attributes['gre@attr@alteration@id'] local syllable_id_attr = luatexbase.attributes['gre@attr@syllable@id'] local cur_score_id = nil local score_inclusion = {} local line_heights = nil local new_line_heights = nil local score_heights = nil local new_score_heights = nil local saved_positions = nil local saved_lengths = nil local new_saved_lengths = nil local saved_newline_before_euouae = nil local new_saved_newline_before_euouae = nil local last_syllables = nil local new_last_syllables = nil local score_last_syllables = nil local new_score_last_syllables = nil local first_alterations = nil local new_first_alterations = nil local state_hashes = nil local new_state_hashes = nil local auxname = nil local tmpname = nil local test_snippet_filename = nil local snippet_filename = nil local snippet_logname = nil local base_output_dir = 'tmp-gre' local function set_base_output_dir(new_dirname) base_output_dir = lfs.normalize(new_dirname) end local space_below_staff = 5 local space_above_staff = 13 local score_fonts = {} local symbol_fonts = {} local loaded_font_sizes = {} local font_factors = {} local font_indexed = {} local next_variant = 0 local variant_prefix = 'gre@font@variant@' local number_to_letter = { ['0'] = 'A', ['1'] = 'B', ['2'] = 'C', ['3'] = 'D', ['4'] = 'E', ['5'] = 'F', ['6'] = 'G', ['7'] = 'H', ['8'] = 'I', ['9'] = 'J', } local capture_header_macro = {} local hashed_spaces = {} local space_hash = '' local per_line_dims = {} local per_line_counts = {} local saved_dims = {} local saved_counts = {} local catcode_at_letter = luatexbase.catcodetables['gre@atletter'] local user_defined_subtype = node.subtype('user_defined') local create_marker = luatexbase.new_user_whatsit('marker', 'gregoriotex') local marker_whatsit_id = luatexbase.get_user_whatsit_id('marker', 'gregoriotex') local translation_mark = 1 local abovelinestext_mark = 2 log("marker whatsit id is %d", marker_whatsit_id) local function get_prog_output(cmd, tmpname, fmt) local rc = os.spawn(cmd) local content = nil if rc == 0 then local f = io.open(tmpname, 'r'); if f then content = f:read(fmt) f:close() end end os.remove(tmpname) return content end local function gregorio_exe() if real_gregorio_exe == nil then local tmp_gabcfile = io.open(test_snippet_filename, 'w') tmp_gabcfile:write("name:test;\n%%\n(c4)(g)\n") tmp_gabcfile:close() local exe_version -- first look for one with the exact version real_gregorio_exe = 'gregorio-6_1_0' -- FILENAME_VERSION local cmd = {real_gregorio_exe, '-o', tmpname, test_snippet_filename} exe_version = get_prog_output(cmd, tmpname, '*line') if not exe_version then -- look for suffix-less executable real_gregorio_exe = 'gregorio' cmd = {real_gregorio_exe, '-o', tmpname, test_snippet_filename} exe_version = get_prog_output(cmd, tmpname, '*line') end if not exe_version or string.match(exe_version,"%d+%.%d+%.") ~= string.match(internalversion,"%d+%.%d+%.") then real_gregorio_exe = nil err("Unable to find gregorio executable.\n".. "shell-escape mode may not be activated. Try\n\n".. "%s --shell-escape %s.tex\n\n".. "See the documentation of Gregorio or your TeX\n".. "distribution to automatize it.", tex.formatname, tex.jobname) end os.remove(test_snippet_filename) log("will use %s", real_gregorio_exe) end return real_gregorio_exe end local function mark(value) local marker = create_marker() marker.type = 100 marker.value = value marker.attr = node.current_attr() node.write(marker) end local function mark_translation() mark(translation_mark) end local function mark_abovelinestext() mark(abovelinestext_mark) end local function is_mark(node, value) return node.id == whatsit and node.subtype == user_defined_subtype and node.user_id == marker_whatsit_id and node.value == value end local function keys_changed(tab1, tab2) if tab2 == nil then return true end local id,_ for id,_ in pairs(tab1) do if tab2[id] == nil then return true end end for id,_ in pairs(tab2) do if tab1[id] == nil then return true end end return false end local function saved_computations_changed(tab1, tab2) local score_ids = {} local id,_ for id,_ in pairs(tab1) do score_ids[id] = true end for id,_ in pairs(tab2) do score_ids[id] = true end for id,_ in pairs(score_ids) do local inner1 = tab1[id] local inner2 = tab2[id] if inner1 == nil or inner2 == nil then return true end local keys = {} local index for index,_ in pairs(inner1) do keys[index] = true end for index,_ in pairs(inner2) do keys[index] = true end for index,_ in pairs(keys) do if inner1[index] ~= inner2[index] then return true end end end return false end local function entries_changed(tab1, tab2) local k, v for k, v in pairs(tab1) do if tab2[k] ~= v then return true end end return false end local function is_greaux_write_needed() local id, tab if entries_changed(state_hashes, new_state_hashes) or entries_changed(new_state_hashes, state_hashes) then return true end for id, tab in pairs(new_line_heights) do if keys_changed(tab, line_heights[id]) then return true end end for id, tab in pairs(line_heights) do if keys_changed(tab, new_line_heights[id]) then return true end end for id, tab in pairs(new_last_syllables) do if keys_changed(tab, last_syllables[id]) then return true end end for id, tab in pairs(last_syllables) do if keys_changed(tab, new_last_syllables[id]) then return true end end if saved_computations_changed(saved_lengths, new_saved_lengths) then return true end if saved_computations_changed(saved_newline_before_euouae, new_saved_newline_before_euouae) then return true end -- For alterations, check if either the keys or values changed. for id, tab in pairs(new_first_alterations) do if keys_changed(tab, first_alterations[id]) or entries_changed(tab, first_alterations[id]) then return true end end for id, tab in pairs(first_alterations) do if keys_changed(tab, new_first_alterations[id]) or entries_changed(tab, first_alterations[id]) then return true end end return false end local function write_greaux() if is_greaux_write_needed() then -- only write this if heights change; since table ordering is not -- predictable, this ensures a steady state if the heights are unchanged. local aux = io.open(auxname, 'w') if aux then log("Writing %s", auxname) local id, tab, id2, line, value aux:write('return {\n ["line_heights"]={\n') for id, tab in pairs(new_line_heights) do aux:write(string.format(' ["%s"]={\n', id)) for id2, line in pairs(tab) do if id2 == 'last' then aux:write(string.format(' ["%s"]=%d,\n', id2, line)) else aux:write(string.format(' [%d]={%d,%d,%d,%d,%d},\n', id2, line[1], line[2], line[3], line[4], line[5])) end end aux:write(' },\n') end aux:write(' },\n ["last_syllables"]={\n') for id, tab in pairs(new_last_syllables) do aux:write(string.format(' ["%s"]={\n', id)) for id2, value in pairs(tab) do if id2 == 'state' then aux:write(string.format(' state="%s",\n', value)) else aux:write(string.format(' [%d]=%d,\n', id2, value)) end end aux:write(' },\n') end aux:write(' },\n ["saved_lengths"]={\n') for id, tab in pairs(new_saved_lengths) do aux:write(string.format(' ["%s"]={\n', id)) for id2, value in pairs(tab) do if value ~= nil then aux:write(string.format(' [%d]=%d,\n', id2, value)) end end aux:write(' },\n') end aux:write(' },\n ["saved_newline_before_euouae"]={\n') for id, tab in pairs(new_saved_newline_before_euouae) do aux:write(string.format(' ["%s"]={\n', id)) for id2, value in pairs(tab) do if value ~= nil then if value then aux:write(string.format(' [%d]=true,\n', id2)) else aux:write(string.format(' [%d]=false,\n', id2)) end end end aux:write(' },\n') end aux:write(' },\n ["state_hashes"]={\n') for id, value in pairs(new_state_hashes) do aux:write(string.format(' ["%s"]="%s",\n', id, value)) end aux:write(' },\n') -- Write information about alterations and line breaks. This -- needs to go into the .gaux file because it affects whether -- alterations are printed, which in turn affects which lines -- alterations fall on. aux:write(' ["first_alterations"]={\n') for id, tab in pairs(new_first_alterations) do aux:write(string.format(' ["%s"]={', id)) for i, value in pairs(tab) do aux:write(string.format('[%q]=%s,', i, value)) end aux:write(string.format('},\n')) end aux:write(' },\n}\n') aux:close() else err("\n Unable to open %s", auxname) end warn("Line heights, variable brace lengths, or soft flats/sharps may have changed. Rerun to fix.") end end local function init(arg, enable_height_computation) -- is there a better way to get the output directory? local outputdir = nil for k,v in pairs(arg) do if v:find('%-output%-directory') then if v:find('%-output%-directory=') then outputdir=string.explode(v, '=')[2] else outputdir=arg[tonumber(k)+1] end end end local basepath = tex.jobname if outputdir and lfs.isdir(outputdir) then basepath = outputdir..'/'..basepath end basepath = lfs.normalize(basepath) auxname = basepath..'.gaux' tmpname = basepath..'.gtmp' test_snippet_filename = basepath..'.test.gsnippet' snippet_filename = basepath..'.gsnippet' snippet_logname = basepath..'.gsniplog' -- to get latexmk to realize the aux file is a dependency texio.write_nl('('..auxname..')') if lfs.isfile(auxname) then log("Reading %s", auxname) local score_info = dofile(auxname) line_heights = score_info.line_heights or {} last_syllables = score_info.last_syllables or {} state_hashes = score_info.state_hashes or {} saved_lengths = score_info.saved_lengths or {} saved_newline_before_euouae = score_info.saved_newline_before_euouae or {} first_alterations = score_info.first_alterations or {} else line_heights = {} last_syllables = {} state_hashes = {} saved_lengths = {} saved_newline_before_euouae = {} first_alterations = {} end if enable_height_computation then new_line_heights = {} new_last_syllables = {} new_state_hashes = {} local mcb_version = luatexbase.get_module_version and luatexbase.get_module_version('luatexbase-mcb') or 9999 if mcb_version and mcb_version > 0.6 then luatexbase.add_to_callback('finish_pdffile', write_greaux, 'gregoriotex.write_greaux') else -- The version of luatexbase in TeX Live 2014 does not support it, and -- luatexbase prevents a direct call to callback.register. Because of -- this, we lose the LuaTeX statistics and "output written to" messages, -- but I know of no other workaround. luatexbase.add_to_callback('stop_run', write_greaux, 'gregoriotex.write_greaux') end else warn('Height computation has been skipped. Gregorio will use '.. 'previously computed values if available but will not recompute '.. 'line heights. Remove or undefine \\greskipheightcomputation to '.. 'resume height computation.') end saved_positions = {} new_saved_lengths = {} new_saved_newline_before_euouae = {} new_first_alterations = {} end -- node factory local tmpnode = node.new(glyph, 0) tmpnode.font = 0 tmpnode.char = hyphen local function gethyphennode() return copy(tmpnode) end local function getdashnnode() local hyphnode = gethyphennode() local dashnode = hpack(hyphnode) dashnode.shift = 0 return dashnode,hyphnode end -- a simple (for now) function to dump nodes for debugging local function dump_nodes_helper(head, indent) local dots = string.rep('..', indent) for n in traverse(head) do local ids = format("%s", has_attribute(n, glyph_id)) if node.type(n.id) == 'penalty' then log(dots .. "%s %s {%s}", node.type(n.id), n.penalty, ids) elseif n.id == whatsit and n.subtype == user_defined_subtype and n.user_id == marker_whatsit_id then log(dots .. "marker-whatsit %s", n.value) elseif n.id == glyph then local f = font.fonts[n.font] local charname for k, v in pairs(f.resources.unicodes) do if v == n.char then charname = k end end log(dots .. "glyph %s {%s}", charname, ids) elseif n.id == rule then log(dots .. "rule [%s] width=%.2fpt height=%.2fpt depth=%.2fpt", n.subtype, n.width/2^16, n.height/2^16, n.depth/2^16) elseif n.id == hlist or n.id ==vlist then log(dots .. "%s [%s] width=%.2fpt height=%.2fpt depth=%.2fpt shift=%.2fpt {%s}", node.type(n.id), n.subtype, n.width/2^16, n.height/2^16, n.depth/2^16, n.shift/2^16, ids) elseif n.id == glue then log(dots .. "glue [%s] width=%.2fpt", n.subtype, n.width/2^16) else log(dots .. "node %s [%s] {%s}", node.type(n.id), n.subtype, ids) end if n.id == hlist or n.id == vlist then dump_nodes_helper(n.head, indent+1) end end end local function dump_nodes(head) log('--begin dump--') dump_nodes_helper(head, 0) log('--end dump--') end -- helper function for center_translation() local function get_first_node_by_id(id, head) for n in traverse_id(id, head) do return n end end local function center_translation(startnode, endnode, ratio, sign, order) -- total width between beginning the two centering points local total_width = node.dimensions(ratio, sign, order, startnode, endnode) -- definition of translation with a beginning is: -- \hbox to 0pt{ -- \kern 0pt -- \vbox to 0pt{ -- \vss\hbox to 0pt{ -- translation\hss -- } -- } -- \kern 0pt -- } -- -- While normally we could use startnode.head.next.head.next.head -- to reach the translation (glyph node), packages such as LuaTeX-ja -- may have, for example, prepended a whatsit node to each list -- to store e.g. text direction, moving our translation glyph node to -- startnode.head.next.next.head.next.next.head.next instead. -- -- To avoid unpleasant surprises, let's search for each desired node -- by its type: local vlistnode = get_first_node_by_id(vlist, startnode.head) local hlistnode = get_first_node_by_id(hlist, vlistnode.head) local glyphnode = get_first_node_by_id(glyph, hlistnode.head) -- hence translation width is: local trans_width = node.dimensions(glyphnode) -- now we must transform the kern 0pt into kern Xpt and kern -Xpt where X is: local X = (total_width - trans_width) / 2 vlistnode.prev.kern = X vlistnode.next.kern = -X end local debug_types_activated = {['linesglues'] = false} local function set_debug_string(debugstring) for debugtype in string.gmatch(debugstring, "[^,]+") do debug_types_activated[debugtype] = true end end local glue_sign_name = {[0] = 'normal', [1] = 'stretching', [2] = 'shrinking'} local function debugmessage(type, ...) if (debug_types_activated[type] or debug_types_activated['all']) then texio.write_nl('GregorioTeX debug: ('..type..'): '..format(...)) end end gregoriotex.module.debugmessage = debugmessage -- Find stafflines and commentary, which are meant to take up the full -- line width, and adjust them to actually take up the full line -- width. local function adjust_fullwidth (line) -- Determine line width, ignoring \leftskip local line_width = line.width for child in node.traverse(line.head) do if child.id == glue and child.subtype == 8 then line_width = line_width - node.effective_glue(child, line) end end debugmessage("stafflines", "line width %spt", line_width/2^16) local function visit(cur) for child in node.traverse_list(cur.head) do if has_attribute(child, part_attr, part_commentary) then debugmessage("adjust_fullwidth", "commentary width %spt -> %spt", child.width/2^16, line_width/2^16) child.width = line_width local new = node.hpack(child.head, line_width, 'exactly') cur.head = node.insert_before(cur.head, child, new) cur.head = node.remove(cur.head, child) elseif has_attribute(child, part_attr, part_stafflines) then debugmessage("adjust_fullwidth", "staff width %spt -> %spt", child.width/2^16, line_width/2^16) for r in traverse_id(rule, child.head) do r.width = line_width end child.width = line_width else visit(child) end end end visit(line) end -- Adjust height and depth of an hlist to fit its contents local function adjust_hlist(cur) local new_height = 0 local new_depth = 0 for child in traverse(cur.head) do if child.id == hlist or child.id == vlist then new_height = math.max(new_height, child.height - child.shift) new_depth = math.max(new_depth, child.depth + child.shift) elseif child.id == rule or child.id == glyph then new_height = math.max(new_height, child.height) new_depth = math.max(new_depth, child.depth) end end debugmessage('adjust_hlist', 'height %spt -> %spt, depth %spt -> %spt', cur.height/2^16, new_height/2^16, cur.depth/2^16, new_depth/2^16) cur.height = new_height cur.depth = new_depth end local function find_attr(cur, attr, val) if has_attribute(cur, attr, val) then return cur elseif cur.id == hlist or cur.id == vlist then for child in traverse(cur.head) do local found = find_attr(child, attr, val) if found ~= nil then return found end end end end local function drop_initial(h) -- If there is a dropped initial, lower it to its correct position local indented = tex.count['gre@count@initiallines'] debugmessage("initial", "%s indented lines", indented) local initial, initial_line local save_height, save_depth, save_shift -- Find the initial. for line in traverse_id(hlist, h) do initial = find_attr(line, part_attr, part_initial) if initial ~= nil then initial_line = line break end end debugmessage('initial', 'found initial with height=%spt depth=%spt shift=%spt', initial.height/2^16, initial.depth/2^16, initial.shift/2^16) save_height, save_depth, save_shift = initial.height, initial.depth, initial.shift -- Add up the total distance from the initial's current position -- (baseline of first line) to the baseline of the last indented line. local last_line local last_glue local last_distance = 0 local line_num = 0 for line in traverse(h) do if line.id == glue then debugmessage("initial", "glue %spt", line.width/2^16) if line_num == indented then last_glue = line end -- bug: this can't account for stretch or shrink if line_num >= 1 and line_num < indented then last_distance = last_distance + line.width end elseif line.id == hlist then debugmessage("initial", "line height=%spt depth=%spt", line.height/2^16, line.depth/2^16) line_num = line_num + 1 if line_num > 1 and line_num <= indented then last_distance = last_distance + line.height end if line_num < indented then last_distance = last_distance + line.depth end if line_num <= indented then last_line = line end end end debugmessage("initial", "distance from first to last indented line is %spt", last_distance/2^16) -- Compute the shift. If initialposition = 0 (firsttop) or 1 -- (firstbaseline) then it's already in the right place, but -- otherwise it's aligned with the baseline of the first line and -- needs to be adjusted. local initial_shift = 0 if tex.count['gre@count@initialposition'] == 2 then debugmessage('initial', 'align to baseline of last line') initial_shift = last_distance elseif tex.count['gre@count@initialposition'] == 3 then debugmessage('initial', 'align to bottom of last line') initial_shift = last_distance + last_line.depth end debugmessage("initial", "initial shift is %spt", initial_shift/2^16) -- Perform the shift initial.shift = save_shift + initial_shift -- Adjust height of first line using the initial's true height initial_line.height = math.max(initial_line.height, save_height - initial_shift) -- Pretend that the initial's descender is on the last indented line local save_last_depth = last_line.depth last_line.depth = math.max(last_line.depth, save_depth + initial_shift - last_distance) -- Adjust glue between last line and the line after it. if last_glue and last_glue.subtype == 2 then -- baselineskip last_glue.width = last_glue.width - last_line.depth + save_last_depth if last_glue.width < tex.lineskiplimit then last_glue.subtype = 1 -- lineskip node.setglue(last_glue, node.getglue(tex.lineskip)) end debugmessage('initial', 'set last_glue to %spt plus %spt minus %spt', last_glue.width/2^16, last_glue.stretch/2^16, last_glue.shrink/2^16) end end -- in each function we check if we really are inside a score, -- which we can see with the dash_attr being set or not local function post_linebreak(h, groupcode, glyphes) -- TODO: to be changed according to the font local lastseennode = nil local centerstartnode = nil local line_id = nil local line_top = nil local line_bottom = nil local line_has_translation = false local line_has_abovelinestext = false local linenum = 0 local syl_id = nil -- we explore the lines for line in traverse(h) do if line.id == glue then if line.next ~= nil and line.next.id == hlist and has_attribute(line.next, dash_attr) and count(hlist, line.next.head) <= 2 then --log("eating glue") h, line = remove(h, line) end elseif line.id == hlist and has_attribute(line, dash_attr) then -- the next two lines are to remove the dumb lines if count(hlist, line.head) <= 2 then --log("eating line") h, line = remove(h, line) else linenum = linenum + 1 debugmessage('linesglues', 'line %d: %s factor %.0f%%', linenum, glue_sign_name[line.glue_sign], line.glue_set*100) centerstartnode = nil line_id = nil line_top = nil line_bottom = nil line_has_translation = false line_has_abovelinestext = false for n in traverse_id(hlist, line.head) do syl_id = has_attribute(n, syllable_id_attr) or syl_id if has_attribute(n, center_attr, startcenter) then centerstartnode = n elseif has_attribute(n, center_attr, endcenter) then if not centerstartnode then warn("End of a translation centering area encountered on a\nline without translation centering beginning,\nskipping translation...") else center_translation(centerstartnode, n, line.glue_set, line.glue_sign, line.glue_order) end end if new_score_heights then local glyph_id = has_attribute(n, glyph_id_attr) local glyph_top = has_attribute(n, glyph_top_attr) or 7 -- 'e' = \gre@pitch@dummy local glyph_bottom = has_attribute(n, glyph_bottom_attr) or 7 -- 'e' = \gre@pitch@dummy if glyph_id and glyph_id > prev_line_id then if not line_id or glyph_id > line_id then line_id = glyph_id end if not line_top or glyph_top > line_top then line_top = glyph_top end if not line_bottom or glyph_bottom < line_bottom then line_bottom = glyph_bottom end end end end -- look for marks if new_score_heights then for n in traverse_id(whatsit, line.head) do line_has_translation = line_has_translation or is_mark(n, translation_mark) line_has_abovelinestext = line_has_abovelinestext or is_mark(n, abovelinestext_mark) end end if line_id then new_score_heights[prev_line_id] = { linenum, line_top, line_bottom, line_has_translation and 1 or 0, line_has_abovelinestext and 1 or 0 } new_score_heights['last'] = prev_line_id prev_line_id = line_id end if new_score_last_syllables and syl_id then new_score_last_syllables[syl_id] = syl_id end end end end -- If there is a dropped initial, lower it to its correct position if tex.count['gre@count@initiallines'] > 1 or tex.count['gre@count@initialposition'] == 3 then drop_initial(h) end -- Change width of staff lines and commentary for line in traverse_id(hlist, h) do adjust_fullwidth(line) end -- Collect information about each alteration (flat, sharp, or natural): -- 1 if it is the first alteration on the line (on the same pitch) -- 2 if it has a different type from the previous alteration on the line (on the same pitch) -- 3 otherwise. for line in traverse_id(hlist, h) do local seen = {} for n in traverse_id(hlist, line.head) do -- This skips custos alterations because they're one level -- deeper. As a result, they are always printed. local t = has_attribute(n, alteration_type_attr) if t ~= nil and t > 0 then local i = has_attribute(n, alteration_id_attr) local h = has_attribute(n, alteration_pitch_attr) if seen[h] == nil then new_score_first_alterations[i] = 1 elseif seen[h] ~= t then new_score_first_alterations[i] = 2 else new_score_first_alterations[i] = 3 end new_score_first_alterations['last'] = i debugmessage("alteration", "id=%s type=%s height=%s seen=%s first=%s", i, t, h, seen[t], new_score_first_alterations[i]) seen[h] = t end end end -- Look for words that are broken across lines and insert a hyphen for line in traverse_id(hlist, h) do if has_attribute(line, dash_attr) then -- Look for the last node that has dash_attr > 0 local adddash=false for n in traverse_id(hlist, line.head) do -- If a syllable is not word-final, it may need a dash if it -- ends up being line-final. -- Note: This also loops over translations, but translations -- come before lyrics, so they should never become lastseennode if has_attribute(n, dash_attr, potentialdashvalue) then adddash=true lastseennode=n -- if we encounter a text that doesn't need a dash, we acknowledge it elseif has_attribute(n, dash_attr, nopotentialdashvalue) then adddash=false end end -- If the last syllable needed a dash, add it if adddash then local lastglyph -- we traverse the list, to detect the font to use, -- and also not to add an hyphen if there is already one for g in node.traverse_id(glyph, lastseennode.head) do lastglyph = g end if not (lastglyph.char == hyphen or lastglyph.char == 45) then local dashnode, hyphnode = getdashnnode() hyphnode.font = lastglyph.font insert_after(lastseennode.head, lastglyph, dashnode) end end end end --dump_nodes(h) -- due to special cases, we don't return h here (see comments in bug #20974) return true end -- In gregoriotex, hyphenation is made by the process function, so TeX hyphenation -- is just a waste of time. This function will be registered in the hyphenate -- callback to skip this step and thus gain a little time. local function disable_hyphenation() return false end local get_font_by_id = font.getfont --- cached, indexes fonts.hashes.identifiers local font_id = font.id -- an "unsafe" version of get_font_by_id that can see all fonts -- LuaTeX can see, which is needed when we need the font size of -- the user-selected current font local function unsafe_get_font_by_id(id) return get_font_by_id(id) or font.fonts[id] end -- get_font_by_name(name) -- Look up a font identifier in the -- ``score_fonts`` table. Returns the id of the font if found, -1 -- otherwise. local function get_font_by_name(name) local id = font_id(name) return id >= 0 and get_font_by_id(id) end -- get_score_font_id(name) -- Look up a font identifier in the -- ``score_fonts`` table. Returns the id of the font if found, -1 -- otherwise. local function get_score_font_id(name) local sfnt = score_fonts[name] if sfnt then return font_id(sfnt) end return -1 end local resource_dummy = { unicodes = { } } -- get_font_resources(number) -- Retrieve the resource table -- associated with a font id. Always returns a Lua table value whose -- ``unicodes`` field is indexable. local function get_font_resources(id) local fnt = get_font_by_id(id) if fnt then return fnt.resources or resource_dummy end return resource_dummy end -- get_score_font_resources(string) -- Retrieve the resource table -- belonging to a font in the ``score_font`` table. Always returns -- a table whose ``unicodes`` field is indexable. local function get_score_font_resources(name) return get_font_resources(get_score_font_id(name)) end local function get_score_font_unicode_pairs(name) local unicodes = get_score_font_resources(name).unicodes if not font_indexed[name] then -- The unicodes table may be lazy-loaded, so iterating it may not -- return everything. Attempting to retrieve the code point of a -- glyph that has not already been loaded will trigger the __index -- method in the metatable (implemented by the fontloader) to load -- the table until the glyph is found. When iterating the -- unicodes, we want the whole table to be filled, so we try to -- access a non-existing glyph in order to force load the entire -- table. local ignored = unicodes['_this_is_hopefully_a_nonexistent_glyph_'] font_indexed[name] = true end return pairs(unicodes) end local inside_score = false --- Start a score -- Prepare all variables for processing a new score and add our callbacks -- @param score_id score identifier -- @param top_height height of highest score element -- @param bottom_height height of lowest score element -- @param has_translation does this score have a translation? -- @param has_above_lines_text does this score have above lines text? -- @param top_height_adj limit below which a top_height doesn't require adjustment -- @param bottom_height_adj limit above which a bottom_height doesn't require adjustment -- @param score_font_name which font does this score use for the neumes local function at_score_beginning(score_id, top_height, bottom_height, has_translation, has_above_lines_text, top_height_adj, bottom_height_adj, score_font_name) inside_score = true local inclusion = score_inclusion[score_id] or 1 score_inclusion[score_id] = inclusion + 1 score_id = score_id..'.'..inclusion cur_score_id = score_id if (top_height > top_height_adj or bottom_height < bottom_height_adj or has_translation ~= 0 or has_above_lines_text ~= 0) and tex.count['gre@variableheightexpansion'] == 1 then score_heights = line_heights[score_id] or {} if new_line_heights then new_score_heights = {} new_line_heights[score_id] = new_score_heights end prev_line_id = tex.getattribute(glyph_id_attr) else score_heights = nil new_score_heights = nil end local text_font = unsafe_get_font_by_id(font.current()) local score_font = unsafe_get_font_by_id(font.id('gre@font@music')) local state = md5.sumhexa(string.format('%s|%d|%s|%d|%s', text_font.name, text_font.size, score_font.name, score_font.size, space_hash)) score_last_syllables = last_syllables[score_id] if score_last_syllables and state_hashes[score_id] ~= state then score_last_syllables = nil end score_first_alterations = first_alterations[score_id] if score_first_alterations and state_hashes[score_id] ~= state then score_first_alterations = nil end if new_state_hashes then new_state_hashes[score_id] = state end if new_last_syllables then new_score_last_syllables = {} new_last_syllables[score_id] = new_score_last_syllables end if new_first_alterations then new_score_first_alterations = {} new_first_alterations[score_id] = new_score_first_alterations end luatexbase.add_to_callback('post_linebreak_filter', post_linebreak, 'gregoriotex.post_linebreak', 1) luatexbase.add_to_callback("hyphenate", disable_hyphenation, "gregoriotex.disable_hyphenation", 1) end --- Finish a score -- Reset variables to out of score state and remove our callbacks local function at_score_end() inside_score = false luatexbase.remove_from_callback('post_linebreak_filter', 'gregoriotex.post_linebreak') luatexbase.remove_from_callback("hyphenate", "gregoriotex.disable_hyphenation") per_line_dims = {} per_line_counts = {} saved_dims = {} saved_counts = {} end --- Toggle the state of GretorioTeX callbacks. -- Our callbacks can affect fancyhdr's ability to create multi-line headers/footers -- By adding this function to fancyhdr's before and after hooks, our callbacks are removed -- while processing headers/footers and then reinstated for the rest of the score. local function fancyhdr_toggle_callbacks() if inside_score then if luatexbase.is_active_callback('post_linebreak_filter','gregoriotex.post_linebreak') then luatexbase.remove_from_callback('post_linebreak_filter', 'gregoriotex.post_linebreak') luatexbase.remove_from_callback("hyphenate", "gregoriotex.disable_hyphenation") else luatexbase.add_to_callback('post_linebreak_filter', post_linebreak, 'gregoriotex.post_linebreak', 1) luatexbase.add_to_callback("hyphenate", disable_hyphenation, "gregoriotex.disable_hyphenation", 1) end end end -- Inserted copy of https://github.com/ToxicFrog/luautil/blob/master/lfs.lua local windows = package.config:sub(1,1) == "\\" -- We make the simplifying assumption in these functions that path separators -- are always forward slashes. This is true on *nix and *should* be true on -- windows, but you can never tell what a user will put into a config file -- somewhere. This function enforces this. function lfs.normalize(path) if windows then return (path:gsub("\\", "/")) else return path end end local _attributes = lfs.attributes function lfs.attributes(path, ...) path = lfs.normalize(path) if windows then -- Windows stat() is kind of awful. If the path has a trailing slash, it -- will always fail. Except on drive root directories, which *require* a -- trailing slash. Thankfully, appending a "." will always work if the -- target is a directory; and if it's not, failing on paths with trailing -- slashes is consistent with other OSes. path = path:gsub("/$", "/.") end return _attributes(path, ...) end function lfs.exists(path) return lfs.attributes(path, "mode") ~= nil end function lfs.dirname(oldpath) local path = lfs.normalize(oldpath):gsub("[^/]+/*$", "") if path == "" then return oldpath end return path end local function delete_versioned_files(dir, base, ext) -- Assume that dir is either empty (current directory) or ends with separator filename = "^"..base.."%-%d+_%d+_%d+[-%a%d]*%."..ext.."$" if dir ~= "" then if lfs.exists(dir) then for a in lfs.dir(dir) do a = lfs.normalize(a) if a:match(filename) then info("Deleting old file %s", dir..a) os.remove(dir..a) end end end else for a in lfs.dir(lfs.currentdir()) do a = lfs.normalize(a) if a:match(filename) then info("Deleting old file %s", a) os.remove(a) end end end end function table.extend(x, y) table.move(y, 1, #y, #x+1, x) end local function compile_gabc(gabc_file, gtex_file, glog_file, allow_deprecated) info("compiling the score %s...", gabc_file) local cmd = {gregorio_exe()} if tex.count['gre@generate@pointandclick'] == 1 then table.insert(cmd, '-p') end if not allow_deprecated then table.insert(cmd, '-D') end table.extend(cmd, {'-W', '-o', gtex_file, '-l', glog_file, gabc_file}) info("running: %s", table.concat(cmd, ' ')) res = os.spawn(cmd) if res == nil then err("\nSomething went wrong when executing\n '%s'.\n" .."shell-escape mode may not be activated. Try\n\n" .."%s --shell-escape %s.tex\n\n" .."See the documentation of Gregorio or your TeX\n" .."distribution to automatize it.", table.concat(cmd, ' '), tex.formatname, tex.jobname) elseif res ~= 0 then err("\nSomething went wrong when executing\n '%s'", table.concat(cmd, ' ')) else -- Open glog_file for writing so that the LuaTeX recorder knows that gregorio wrote to it. local glog = io.open(glog_file, 'a') if glog == nil then warn("\n Unable to open %s for writing. If another program depends on %s, latexmk may not recognize the dependency", glog_file, glog_file) else glog:close() end -- Copy the contents of glog_file into warnings. glog = io.open(glog_file, 'r') if glog == nil then err("\n Unable to open %s for reading", glog_file) else for line in glog:lines() do warn(line) end glog:close() end if res ~= 0 then err("\nAn error occured when compiling the score file\n" .."'%s' with %s.\nPlease check your score file.", gabc_file, gregorio_exe()) else -- The next few lines would open the gtex file for writing so that LuaTeX records the fact that gregorio has written to it -- when the -recorder option is used. -- However, in restricted \write18 mode, the gtex file might not be writable. Since we're the sole consumer of the gtex file, it should be okay not to record the write. local gtex = io.open(gtex_file, 'a') if gtex == nil then warn("\n Unable to open %s for writing. If another program depends on %s, latexmk may not recognize the dependency.", gtex_file, gtex_file) else gtex:close() end end end end local function locate_file(filename) local result if not gre_input_path then gre_input_path = {""} end for i,k in pairs(gre_input_path) do k = lfs.normalize(k) log("Looking in %s", k) if lfs.isfile(k .. filename) then result = k..filename if result == filename then log("Found %s directly", filename) else log("Found %s in %s", filename, k) end break end end if not result then result = kpse.find_file(filename) if result then log("Found %s at\n%s using kpsewhich", filename, result) if string.match(result," ") then warn("%s contains a space in the path\nTeX will likely complain about this", filename) end else log("Cannot find %s", filename) end end return result end local function include_score(gabc_file, force_gabccompile, allow_deprecated) gabc_file = lfs.normalize(gabc_file) if string.match(gabc_file, "[#%%]") then err("GABC filename contains invalid character(s): # %%\n" .."Rename the file and retry: %s", gabc_file) end local gabc_dir, base local extensions = {['gabc']=true, ['gtex']=true, ['tex']=true} if extensions[string.match(gabc_file, "([^%./]*)$")] then gabc_dir, base = string.match(gabc_file, "(.-)([^/]-)%.?[^%./]*$") else gabc_dir, base = string.match(gabc_file, "(.-)([^/]*)$") end local base_cleaned = base:gsub("[%s%+%&%*%?$@:;!\"\'`]", "-") -- Find gabc file gabc_file = string.format("%s%s.gabc", gabc_dir, base) local gabc_found = locate_file(gabc_file) if gabc_found then gabc_found = lfs.normalize(gabc_found) end -- Set up output directory local output_dir = base_output_dir..'/'..gabc_dir output_dir = string.explode(output_dir, '/') for i, _ in ipairs(output_dir) do if output_dir[i] == '..' then output_dir[i] = 'dotdot' end end output_dir = table.concat(output_dir, '/') info('Output directory: %s', output_dir) if not lfs.exists(output_dir) then local ok, message = lfs.mkdirp(output_dir) if not ok then info('Could not create directory %s: %s', output_dir, message) end end -- Choose output filenames gtex_file = string.format("%s%s-%s.gtex", output_dir, base_cleaned, internalversion:gsub("%.", "_")) glog_file = string.format("%s%s-%s.glog", output_dir, base_cleaned, internalversion:gsub("%.", "_")) -- Decide if we need to recompile local needs_compile = false if gabc_found then if lfs.exists(gtex_file) then local gtex_timestamp = lfs.attributes(gtex_file).modification local gabc_timestamp = lfs.attributes(gabc_found).modification if gtex_timestamp < gabc_timestamp then log("%s has been modified and %s needs to be updated. Recompiling the gabc file", gabc_found, gtex_file) needs_compile = true end else log("The file %s does not exist. Compiling gabc file", gtex_file) needs_compile = true end else if lfs.exists(gtex_file) then log("The file %s does not exist. Using gtex file", gabc_file) else err("The file %s does not exist", gabc_file) return end end if needs_compile then -- Delete old gtex files. -- Before version 6.1, gtex files were stored in gabc_dir delete_versioned_files(gabc_dir, base_cleaned, 'gtex') delete_versioned_files(gabc_dir, base_cleaned, 'glog') -- Since version 6.1, gtex files are stored in output_dir delete_versioned_files(output_dir, base_cleaned, 'gtex') delete_versioned_files(output_dir, base_cleaned, 'glog') local gabc = io.open(gabc_found, 'r') if gabc == nil then err("\n Unable to open %s", gabc_found) return else gabc:close() end compile_gabc(gabc_found, gtex_file, glog_file, allow_deprecated) end -- Input the gtex file tex.print(string.format([[\input %s\relax]], gtex_file)) end local function direct_gabc(gabc, header, allow_deprecated) info('Processing gabc snippet...') local f = io.open(snippet_filename, 'w') -- trims spaces on both ends (trim6 from http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringTrim) gabc = gabc:match('^()%s*$') and '' or gabc:match('^%s*(.*%S)') f:write('name:direct-gabc;\n'..(header or '')..'\n%%\n'..gabc:gsub('\\par', '\n')) f:close() cmd = {gregorio_exe(), '-W'} if allow_deprecated then table.insert(cmd, '-D') end table.extend(cmd, {'-o', tmpname, '-l', snippet_logname, snippet_filename}) info('Running %s', table.concat(cmd, ' ')) local content = get_prog_output(cmd, tmpname, '*a') if content == nil then err("\nSomething went wrong when executing\n %s\n" .."shell-escape mode may not be activated. Try\n\n" .."%s --shell-escape %s.tex\n\n" .."See the documentation of Gregorio or your TeX\n" .."distribution to automatize it.", cmd, tex.formatname, tex.jobname) else tex.print(content:explode('\n')) end local glog = io.open(snippet_logname, 'a+') if glog == nil then err("\n Unable to open %s", snippet_logname) else local size = glog:seek('end') if size > 0 then glog:seek('set') local line for line in glog:lines() do warn(line) end warn("*** end of warnings/errors processing snippet ***") end glog:close() end if not (debug_types_activated['snippet'] or debug_types_activated['all']) then os.remove(snippet_filename) os.remove(snippet_logname) end end local function get_gregoriotexluaversion() return internalversion end local function check_one_font_version(name) local gregoriofont = get_font_by_name(name) if gregoriofont then local fontversion = gregoriofont.shared.rawdata.metadata.version if fontversion and string.match(fontversion, "%d+%.%d+%.%d+") ~= string.match(internalversion, "%d+%.%d+%.%d+") then local fontname = gregoriofont.shared.rawdata.metadata.fontname err("\nUncoherent file versions!\ngregoriotex.tex is version %s\nwhile %s.ttf is version %s\nplease reinstall one so that the\nversions match", string.match(internalversion, "%d+%.%d+%.%d+"), fontname, string.match(fontversion, "%d+%.%d+%.%d+")) end end end local function check_font_version() check_one_font_version('gre@font@music') check_one_font_version('gre@font@music@hollow') check_one_font_version('gre@font@music@hole') end local function map_font(name, prefix) log("Mapping font %s", name) local glyph, unicode for glyph, unicode in get_score_font_unicode_pairs(name) do if unicode >= 0 and not string.match(glyph, '%.') then debugmessage("mapfont", "Setting \\Gre%s%s to \\char%d", prefix, glyph, unicode) tex.sprint(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\xdef\Gre%s%s{\char%d}]], prefix, glyph, unicode)) end end end local function init_variant_font(font_name, for_score, gre_factor) if font_name ~= '*' then local font_table = for_score and score_fonts or symbol_fonts if font_table[font_name] == nil then local font_csname = variant_prefix..string.gsub(tostring(next_variant), '[0-9]', number_to_letter) font_table[font_name] = font_csname log("Registering variant font %s as %s.", font_name, font_csname) if for_score then local _, name, factor _, _, name, factor = string.find(font_name, '^([^@]*)@(%d*)$') name = name or font_name factor = factor or '100000' local size = gre_factor * tonumber(factor) tex.print(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\global\font\%s = {name:%s} at %s sp\relax ]], font_csname, name, size)) -- loaded_font_sizes will only be given a value if the font is for_score loaded_font_sizes[font_name] = {size = size, gre_factor = gre_factor} if font_factors[font_name] == nil then font_factors[font_name] = factor end else -- is there a nice way to make this string readable? tex.print(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\gdef\%sSymReload#1{{\edef\localsize{#1}\ifx\localsize\%sSymSize\relax\relax\else\global\font\%s = {name:%s} at \localsize pt\relax\xdef\%sSymSize{\localsize}\fi}}\xdef\%sSymSize{0}\%sSymReload{\gre@symbolfontsize}]], font_csname, font_csname, font_csname, font_name, font_csname, font_csname, font_csname)) end next_variant = next_variant + 1 end end end local function set_score_glyph(csname, font_csname, char) debugmessage('changeglyph', [[Setting \%s to \%s\char%d]], csname, font_csname, char) tex.print(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\edef\%s{{\noexpand\%s\char%d}}]], csname, font_csname, char)) end local function set_common_score_glyph(csname, font_csname, char) -- font_csname is ignored debugmessage('changeglyph', [[Setting \%s to \char%d]], csname, char) tex.print(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\edef\%s{{\char%d}}]], csname, char)) end local function set_symbol_glyph(csname, font_csname, char) tex.print(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\def\%s{\%sSymReload{\gre@symbolfontsize}{\%s\char%d}\relax}]], csname, font_csname, font_csname, char)) end local function set_sized_symbol_glyph(csname, font_csname, char) tex.print(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\gdef\%s#1{\%sSymReload{#1}{\%s\char%d}\relax}]], csname, font_csname, font_csname, char)) end local function def_glyph(csname, font_name, glyph, font_table, setter) local font_csname = font_table[font_name] local char if string.match(glyph, '^%d+$') then char = tonumber(glyph) else local fid = font_id(font_csname) if fid < 0 then err('\nFont %s is not defined.', font_name) end char = get_font_resources(fid).unicodes[glyph] if char == nil then err('\nGlyph %s in font %s was not found.', glyph, font_name) end end setter(csname, font_csname, char) end local function general_font_for(cavum) if cavum == 'Hollow' then return 'greciliae-hollow' elseif cavum == 'Hole' then return 'greciliae-hole' else return 'greciliae' end end local function change_single_score_glyph(glyph_name, cavum, font_name, replacement) if font_name == '*' then def_glyph('Gre'..cavum..'CP'..glyph_name, general_font_for(cavum), replacement, score_fonts, set_common_score_glyph) else def_glyph('Gre'..cavum..'CP'..glyph_name, font_name, replacement, score_fonts, set_score_glyph) end end local function change_score_glyph(glyph_name, font_name, replacement, cavum) cavum = cavum or '' if string.match(glyph_name, '%*') then glyph_name = '^'..glyph_name:gsub('%*', '.*')..'$' if replacement ~= '' and not string.match(replacement, '^%.') then err('If a wildcard is supplied for glyph name, replacement must be blank or start with a dot.') end local general_font = general_font_for(cavum) local other_font if font_name == '*' then other_font = get_score_font_resources(general_font).unicodes else other_font = get_score_font_resources(font_name).unicodes end local name, char for name, char in get_score_font_unicode_pairs(general_font) do if not string.match(name, '%.') and char >= 0 and string.match(name, glyph_name) then local matched_replacement = name..replacement if other_font[matched_replacement] ~= nil and other_font[matched_replacement] >= 0 then change_single_score_glyph(name, cavum, font_name, matched_replacement) end end end else if string.match(replacement, '^%.') then replacement = glyph_name..replacement end change_single_score_glyph(glyph_name, cavum, font_name, replacement) end end local function reset_score_glyph(glyph_name, cavum) cavum = cavum or '' local general_font = general_font_for(cavum) if string.match(glyph_name, '%*') then glyph_name = '^'..glyph_name:gsub('%*', '.*')..'$' local name, char for name, char in get_score_font_unicode_pairs(general_font) do if not string.match(name, '%.') and char >= 0 and string.match(name, glyph_name) then set_common_score_glyph('Gre'..cavum..'CP'..name, nil, char) end end else local char = get_score_font_resources(general_font).unicodes[glyph_name] if char == nil then err('\nGlyph %s was not found.', glyph_name) end set_common_score_glyph('Gre'..cavum..'CP'..glyph_name, nil, char) end end local function set_font_factor(font_name, font_factor) font_factors[font_name] = font_factor end local function scale_score_fonts(gre_factor) for font_name, font_csname in pairs(score_fonts) do if loaded_font_sizes[font_name] and font_factors[font_name] and loaded_font_sizes[font_name].size ~= gre_factor * font_factors[font_name] then local _, name _, _, name, _ = string.find(font_name, '^([^@]*)@(%d*)$') name = name or font_name local size = gre_factor * font_factors[font_name] log("%s : %s : rescaling %s to %s", font_name, font_csname, name, size) tex.print(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\global\font\%s = {name:%s} at %s sp\relax ]], font_csname, name, size)) loaded_font_sizes[font_name] = {size = size, gre_factor = gre_factor} end end end local function def_symbol(csname, font_name, glyph, sized) def_glyph(csname, font_name, glyph, symbol_fonts, sized and set_sized_symbol_glyph or set_symbol_glyph) end local function font_size() tex.print(string.format('%.2f', (unsafe_get_font_by_id(font.current()).size / 65536.0))) end local function adjust_line_height_internal(heights, inside_discretionary, for_next_line) local backup_dims = saved_dims local backup_counts = saved_counts -- restore saved dims local name, value for name, value in pairs(saved_dims) do tex.sprint(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\grechangedim{%s}{%s}{%s}]], name, value[1], value[2])) end for name, value in pairs(saved_counts) do tex.sprint(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\grechangecount{%s}{%s}]], name, value)) end -- clear saved dims saved_dims = {} saved_counts = {} -- apply per-line dims local line_dims = per_line_dims[heights[1]] if line_dims ~= nil then for name, value in pairs(line_dims) do tex.sprint(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\gre@changedimforline{%s}{%s}{%s}]], name, value[1], value[2])) end end local line_counts = per_line_counts[heights[1]] if line_counts ~= nil then for name, value in pairs(line_counts) do tex.sprint(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\gre@changecountforline{%s}{%s}]], name, value)) end end -- recalculate spaces tex.sprint(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\gre@calculate@additionalspaces{%d}{%d}{%d}{%d}]], heights[2], heights[3], heights[4], heights[5])) if inside_discretionary == 0 then tex.sprint(catcode_at_letter, [[\gre@updateleftbox ]]) end if for_next_line then -- IS THIS GOOD ENOUGH??? -- restore saved dims (from current line) local name, value for name, value in pairs(saved_dims) do tex.sprint(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\grechangedim{%s}{%s}{%s}]], name, value[1], value[2])) end for name, value in pairs(saved_counts) do tex.sprint(catcode_at_letter, string.format( [[\grechangecount{%s}{%s}]], name, value)) end -- put previous saved dims back saved_dims = backup_dims saved_counts = backup_counts end end local function adjust_line_height(inside_discretionary, for_next_line) if score_heights then local heights = nil if for_next_line then local last = score_heights['last'] if last then -- Let target_id be the glyph_id of the last glyph on this line. -- Then heights[target_id] is the information for the next line. local target_id = tex.getattribute(glyph_id_attr) while target_id <= last do heights = score_heights[target_id] if heights then break end target_id = target_id + 1 end end else heights = score_heights[tex.getattribute(glyph_id_attr)] end if heights then adjust_line_height_internal(heights, inside_discretionary, for_next_line) end end end local function save_dim(name, value, modifier) saved_dims[name] = { value, modifier } end local function save_count(name, value) saved_counts[name] = value end local function change_next_score_line_dim(line_expr, name, value, modifier) local linenum_str for linenum_str in string.gmatch(line_expr, "%s*([^,]+)%s*") do local linenum = tonumber(linenum_str) local line_dims = per_line_dims[linenum] if line_dims == nil then line_dims = {} per_line_dims[linenum] = line_dims end line_dims[name] = { value, modifier } end end local function change_next_score_line_count(line_expr, name, value) local linenum_str for linenum_str in string.gmatch(line_expr, "([^,]+)") do local linenum = tonumber(linenum_str) local line_counts = per_line_counts[linenum] if line_counts == nil then line_counts = {} per_line_counts[linenum] = line_counts end line_counts[name] = value end end local function prep_save_position(index, fn) if saved_positions[cur_score_id] == nil then saved_positions[cur_score_id] = {} end saved_positions[cur_score_id][index] = { fn = fn } end local function save_position(index, which) tex.print(catcode_at_letter, string.format([[\luatexlatelua{gregoriotex.late_save_position('%s', %d, %d, \number\gre@lastxpos, \number\gre@lastypos)}]], cur_score_id, index, which)) end local function late_save_position(score_id, index, which, xpos, ypos) info('saving %s, %d [%d] (%d,%d)', score_id, index, which, xpos, ypos) local pos = saved_positions[score_id][index] if pos == nil then err('Attempting to use unprepared position save slot %d', index) return end --[[ if pos.fn == nil then err('Attempting to reuse position save slot %d', index) return end --]] pos['x'..which] = xpos pos['y'..which] = ypos if pos.x1 ~= nil and pos.y1 ~= nil and pos.x2 ~= nil and pos.y2 ~= nil then pos.fn(score_id, index, pos) --pos.fn = nil end end local function compute_saved_length(score_id, index, pos) if new_saved_lengths[score_id] == nil then new_saved_lengths[score_id] = {} end new_saved_lengths[score_id][index] = pos.x2 - pos.x1 info('computed length for %s, %d: %d', score_id, index, new_saved_lengths[score_id][index]) end local function save_length(index, which) if which == 1 then prep_save_position(index, compute_saved_length) end save_position(index, which) end local function compute_saved_newline_before_euouae(score_id, index, pos) if new_saved_newline_before_euouae[score_id] == nil then new_saved_newline_before_euouae[score_id] = {} end new_saved_newline_before_euouae[score_id][index] = pos.y2 ~= pos.y1 info('computed euouae for %s, %d: %s', score_id, index, new_saved_newline_before_euouae[score_id][index]) end local function save_euouae(index, which) if which == 1 then prep_save_position(index, compute_saved_newline_before_euouae) end tex.sprint(catcode_at_letter, [[\gre@savepos]]) save_position(index, which) end local function var_brace_len(brace) if saved_lengths[cur_score_id] ~= nil then local length = saved_lengths[cur_score_id][brace] if saved_lengths[cur_score_id][brace] ~= nil then if length > 0 then tex.print(string.format('%dsp', length)) return else warn('Dynamically sized signs spanning multiple lines unsupported, using length 2mm.') end end end tex.print('2mm') end -- this function is meant to be used from \ifcase; prints 0 for true and 1 for false local function is_ypos_different(index) if saved_newline_before_euouae[cur_score_id] ~= nil then local newline_before_euouae = saved_newline_before_euouae[cur_score_id][index] if newline_before_euouae then tex.sprint([[\number0\relax ]]) return end end tex.sprint([[\number1\relax ]]) end local function width_to_bp(width, value_if_star) if width == '*' then tex.print(value_if_star or '0') else tex.print(tex.sp(width) * 1.00375 / 65536) end end -- computes the hypotenuse given the width and height of the right triangle local function hypotenuse(width, height) log("width %s height %s", width, height) local a = tex.sp(width) local b = tex.sp(height) tex.sprint(math.sqrt((a * a) + (b * b)) .. 'sp') end -- computes the rotation angle opposite the height of a right triangle local function rotation(width, height) local a = tex.sp(width) local b = tex.sp(height) tex.sprint(math.deg(math.atan2(b, a))) end local function scale_space(factor) local skip = tex.getskip('gre@skip@temp@four') skip.width = skip.width * factor tex.setskip('gre@skip@temp@four',skip) -- should skip.stretch and skip.shink also be scaled? end local function set_header_capture(header, macro_name, flags) if macro_name == '' then capture_header_macro[header] = nil log("no longer capturing header %s", header) else local macro = {} macro.name = macro_name flags:gsub("([^,]+)", function(flag) if flag == "string" then macro.takes_string = true elseif flag == "name" then macro.takes_header_name = true else err("unknown header capture flag: %s", flag) end end) capture_header_macro[header] = macro log("capturing header %s using %s, string=%s, name=%s", header, macro.name, macro.takes_string, macro.takes_header_name) end end local function capture_header(header, value) local macro = capture_header_macro[header] if macro ~= nil then tex.sprint(string.format([[\%s{]], macro.name)) if macro.takes_header_name then tex.sprint(-2, header) tex.sprint('}{') end if macro.takes_string then tex.sprint(-2, value) else tex.sprint(value) end tex.print('}') end end local function mode_part(part) if part ~= '' then if not unicode.utf8.match(part, '^%p') then tex.sprint([[\thinspace]]) end tex.print(part) end end -- this function is meant to be used from \ifcase; prints 0 for true and 1 for false local function is_last_syllable_on_line() if score_last_syllables then if score_last_syllables[tex.getattribute(syllable_id_attr)] then tex.print(0) else tex.print(1) end else -- if the last syllable is not computed, treat all syllables as the -- last on a line tex.print(0) end end local function hash_spaces(name, value) hashed_spaces[name] = value local k, _ local keys = {} for k,_ in pairs(hashed_spaces) do table.insert(keys, k) end table.sort(keys) local mash = '' for _,k in ipairs(keys) do mash = string.format('%s%s:%s|', mash, k, hashed_spaces[k]) end space_hash = md5.sumhexa(mash) end local function is_first_alteration(next) -- Arguments -- next: 0 for current alteration, 1 for next alteration -- Returns: -- 0 = don't know, 1 = first in line, 2 = different from previous alteration, 3 = not first if score_first_alterations then local i = tex.getattribute(alteration_id_attr) if next == 1 then i = i + 1 while score_first_alterations[i] == nil and i < score_first_alterations['last'] do i = i + 1 end end local v = score_first_alterations[i] if v ~= nil then debugmessage("alteration", "%s", v) tex.print(v) else tex.print(0) end else tex.print(0) end end gregoriotex.number_to_letter = number_to_letter gregoriotex.init = init gregoriotex.include_score = include_score gregoriotex.at_score_end = at_score_end gregoriotex.at_score_beginning = at_score_beginning gregoriotex.check_font_version = check_font_version gregoriotex.get_gregoriotexluaversion = get_gregoriotexluaversion gregoriotex.map_font = map_font gregoriotex.init_variant_font = init_variant_font gregoriotex.change_score_glyph = change_score_glyph gregoriotex.reset_score_glyph = reset_score_glyph gregoriotex.scale_score_fonts = scale_score_fonts gregoriotex.set_font_factor = set_font_factor gregoriotex.def_symbol = def_symbol gregoriotex.font_size = font_size gregoriotex.direct_gabc = direct_gabc gregoriotex.adjust_line_height = adjust_line_height gregoriotex.var_brace_len = var_brace_len gregoriotex.save_length = save_length gregoriotex.mark_translation = mark_translation gregoriotex.mark_abovelinestext = mark_abovelinestext gregoriotex.width_to_bp = width_to_bp gregoriotex.hypotenuse = hypotenuse gregoriotex.rotation = rotation gregoriotex.scale_space = scale_space gregoriotex.set_header_capture = set_header_capture gregoriotex.capture_header = capture_header gregoriotex.is_ypos_different = is_ypos_different gregoriotex.save_euouae = save_euouae gregoriotex.mode_part = mode_part gregoriotex.set_debug_string = set_debug_string gregoriotex.late_save_position = late_save_position gregoriotex.is_last_syllable_on_line = is_last_syllable_on_line gregoriotex.hash_spaces = hash_spaces gregoriotex.save_dim = save_dim gregoriotex.save_count = save_count gregoriotex.change_next_score_line_dim = change_next_score_line_dim gregoriotex.change_next_score_line_count = change_next_score_line_count gregoriotex.set_base_output_dir = set_base_output_dir gregoriotex.is_first_alteration = is_first_alteration gregoriotex.fancyhdr_toggle_callbacks = fancyhdr_toggle_callbacks dofile(kpse.find_file('gregoriotex-nabc.lua', 'lua')) dofile(kpse.find_file('gregoriotex-signs.lua', 'lua')) dofile(kpse.find_file('gregoriotex-symbols.lua', 'lua'))