--GregorioTeX Nabc Lua file. -- --Copyright (C) 2014-2024 The Gregorio Project (see CONTRIBUTORS.md) -- --This file is part of Gregorio. -- --Gregorio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --(at your option) any later version. -- --Gregorio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --GNU General Public License for more details. -- --You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --along with Gregorio. If not, see . -- this file contains lua functions used by GregorioTeX St. Gall ancient -- neume support when called with LuaTeX. -- GREGORIO_VERSION 6.1.0 local catcode_at_letter = luatexbase.catcodetables['gre@atletter'] local gregallaliases = { ["ci~"] = "cl>", ["pe~"] = "ta>", ["vs~"] = "ta>", ["pf~"] = "po>", ["sc~"] = "pe>2", ["sa~"] = "pe>2", ["suu1"] = "ta-", ["ppu1"] = "ta-", ["pfG"] = "sfM", ["cl~"] = "vi>", ["pr~"] = "vs>", ["visu2"] = "ci", ["vi-su2"] = "ci-", ["visu3"] = "ci1", ["visu1sux1"] = "ci>", ["clSsut1"] = "ciG", ["clSsu2"] = "ciG1", ["visu1suw1"] = "ciM", ["vi-su1suw1"] = "ciM-", ["visu1sut1"] = "ciS", ["visut2"] = "ciS1", ["visu2lsc3"] = "cilsc3", ["vipp2"] = "sc", ["vi-ppt2"] = "sc-", ["vipp3"] = "sc1", ["vi>pp2"] = "sc>", ["peppt1"] = "scG", ["vippt2"] = "scS", ["ta>ppt1"] = "sc~", ["clpp2"] = "sf", ["cl-ppt2"] = "sf-", ["cl>pp2"] = "sf>", ["toppt1"] = "sfG", ["clMpp2"] = "sfM1", ["clppt2"] = "sfS", ["clpp2lsc2"] = "sflsc2", ["ciSppt1"] = "vippt1su1sut1", ["cippt1"] = "vippt1su2", ["cippt1lsc3"] = "vippt1su2lsc3", ["cippu1"] = "vippu1su2", ["cippu1lsc3"] = "vippu1su2lsc3", ["clppt1"] = "toG", ["pf!cl~"] = "cl!po>", ["pf!cl~ppt1"] = "cl!po>ppt1" } local function gregallreadfont(fontname, font_id) local tab = {} local metrics = {} local fontdata = font.getfont(font_id) -- The unicodes table may be lazy-loaded, so iterating it may not -- return everything. Attempting to retrieve the code point of a -- glyph that has not already been loaded will trigger the __index -- method in the metatable (implemented by the fontloader) to load -- the table until the glyph is found. When iterating the -- unicodes, we want the whole table to be filled, so we try to -- access a non-existing glyph in order to force load the entire -- table. local ignored = fontdata.resources.unicodes['_this_is_hopefully_a_nonexistent_glyph_'] for key, value in pairs(fontdata.resources.unicodes) do local g = fontdata.characters[value] local name = key:gsub("B", ">"):gsub("N", "-"):gsub("E", "!"):gsub("T", "~") if g and (value >= 0xe400) and (value < 0xf000) then tab[name] = "\\char" .. value metrics[name] = { width = g.width, height = g.height, depth = (g.depth and g.depth or 0) } end end if fontname ~= "grelaon" then for key, value in pairs(gregallaliases) do if tab[value] and not tab[key] then tab[key] = tab[value] metrics[key] = metrics[value] end end end return tab, metrics end local gregalltab = {} local gregallmetrics = {} local gregallneumekinds = { vi = 1, pu = 1, ta = 1, gr = 1, cl = 1, un = 1, pv = 1, pe = 1, po = 1, to = 1, ci = 1, sc = 1, pf = 1, sf = 1, tr = 1, st = 1, ds = 1, ts = 1, tg = 1, bv = 1, tv = 1, pr = 1, pi = 1, vs = 1, ["or"] = 1, sa = 1, pq = 1, qi = 1, ql = 1, pt = 1, un = 1, oc = 1, ni = 1 } local gregalllskinds = { c = 1, t = 1, s = 1, l = 1, x = 1, ["+"] = 1, a = 1, al = 1, am = 1, b = 1, cm = 1, co = 1, cw = 1, d = 1, e = 1, eq = 1, ew = 1, f = 1, fid = 1, fr = 1, g = 1, h = 1, hp = 1, hn = 1, i = 1, im = 1, iv = 1, k = 1, lb = 1, lc = 1, len = 1, lm = 1, lp = 1, lt = 1, m = 1, md = 1, moll = 1, n = 1, nl = 1, nt = 1, p = 1, par = 1, pfec = 1, pm = 1, q = 1, sb = 1, sc = 1, sc = 1, simil = 1, simul = 1, sj = 1, sjc = 1, sjcm = 1, sm = 1, st = 1, sta = 1, su = 1, tb = 1, th = 1, tm = 1, tw = 1, v = 1, ve = 1, vol = 1, ["eq-"] = 1, equ = 1, simp = 1, simpl = 1, sp = 1 } local grelaonltkinds = { i = 1, ["do"] = 1, dr = 1, dx = 1, ps = 1, qm = 1, sb = 1, se = 1, sj = 1, sl = 1, sn = 1, sp = 1, sr = 1, st = 1, us = 1 } -- Parse a single base neume local gregallparse_base = function (str, idx, len) local ret = str:sub(idx, idx + 1) local alt = {} local height = 5 local alts = "MSG-><~" if idx >= len or not gregallneumekinds[ret] then return 1 end idx = idx + 2 -- The alternation modifiers can be written in arbitrary order, -- canonicalize it and remove duplicates. while idx <= len and alts:find(str:sub(idx, idx)) do alt[str:sub(idx, idx)] = 1 idx = idx + 1 end for i = 1, 7 do local c = alts:sub(i, i) if alt[c] then ret = ret .. c end end -- This is followed by a single optional variant digit. if idx <= len and string.find("123456789", str:sub(idx, idx)) then ret = ret .. str:sub(idx, idx) idx = idx + 1 end -- Ambitus not handled yet, neither during parsing, nor when -- typesetting. -- Optional height, h[a-np]. if idx < len and str:sub(idx, idx) == "h" then local p = string.find("abcdefghijklmnp", str:sub(idx + 1, idx + 1)) if not p then return 1 end height = p - 1 idx = idx + 2 end return 0, idx, ret, height end -- Parse one neume, which is one base neume or several base neumes -- separated with ! characters, and all this followed by arbitrary -- ls, pp and su modifiers. local gregallparse_neume = function (str, idx, len) local err local bases = {} local heights = {} local pp = '' local su = '' local ls = {} local lsidx = 0 local i = 1 err, idx, bases[0], heights[0] = gregallparse_base(str, idx, len) if err == 1 then return 1 end while idx <= len and str:sub(idx, idx) == "!" do err, idx, bases[i], heights[i] = gregallparse_base(str, idx + 1, len) if err == 1 then return 1 end i = i + 1 end while idx < len do local v = str:sub(idx, idx + 1) if v == "ls" then local idx2 = idx + 2 while idx2 <= len and not string.find("123456789", str:sub(idx2, idx2)) do idx2 = idx2 + 1 end if idx2 > len or not gregalllskinds[str:sub(idx + 2, idx2 - 1)] then return 1 end ls[lsidx] = str:sub(idx, idx2) lsidx = lsidx + 1 idx = idx2 + 1 elseif v == "lt" then local idx2 = idx + 2 while idx2 <= len and not string.find("123456789", str:sub(idx2, idx2)) do idx2 = idx2 + 1 end if idx2 > len or not grelaonltkinds[str:sub(idx + 2, idx2 - 1)] then return 1 end ls[lsidx] = str:sub(idx, idx2) lsidx = lsidx + 1 idx = idx2 + 1 elseif v == "su" or v == "pp" then local mod = '' idx = idx + 2 local c = str:sub(idx, idx) if idx <= len and string.find("tuvwxyqnz", c) then mod = mod .. c idx = idx + 1 c = str:sub(idx, idx) end -- Pre/subpuncta with height not supported yet -- the heights would need to be adjusted relatively to heights[0] if idx > len or not string.find("123456789", c) then return 1 end mod = mod .. c if v == "su" then su = su .. "su" .. mod else pp = pp .. "pp" .. mod end idx = idx + 1 else break end end return 0, idx, bases, heights, ls, pp, su end local add_ls = function(base, pre, post, ls, position, glyphbox, lsbox, baseraise, lwidths, curlwidths, scale) local raise = 0 if position == 3 or position == 6 or position == 9 then if position == 3 then raise = glyphbox.height - (lsbox.height-lsbox.depth)/2 + baseraise elseif position == 6 then raise = (glyphbox.height-glyphbox.depth)/2 - (lsbox.height+lsbox.depth)/2 + baseraise else raise = -glyphbox.depth - (lsbox.height+lsbox.depth)/2 + baseraise end local kern1 = curlwidths[position] - lwidths[12] curlwidths[position] = curlwidths[position] + lsbox.width local kern2 = lwidths[12] - curlwidths[position] if curlwidths[12] == 0 then curlwidths[12] = 1 kern1 = 0 end kern1 = kern1 * scale kern2 = kern2 * scale raise = raise * scale return base, pre, post..'\\kern '..string.format("%.3f",kern1)..'sp\\raise '..string.format("%.3f",raise)..'sp\\hbox{'..ls..'}\\kern '..string.format("%.3f",kern2)..'sp' elseif position == 2 or position == 8 then if position == 2 then raise = glyphbox.height + lsbox.depth + baseraise else raise = -glyphbox.depth - lsbox.height + baseraise end local kern1 = -math.max(glyphbox.width, lwidths[11])/2 - lwidths[position]/2 + curlwidths[position] curlwidths[position] = curlwidths[position] + lsbox.width local kern2 = - kern1 - lsbox.width if curlwidths[11] == 0 and glyphbox.width < lwidths[11] then curlwidths[11] = 1 base = '\\kern '..string.format("%.3f",(lwidths[11] - glyphbox.width)/2 * scale)..'sp'..base kern1 = kern1 + (lwidths[11] - glyphbox.width)/2 end kern1 = kern1 * scale kern2 = kern2 * scale raise = raise * scale return base..'\\kern '..string.format("%.3f",kern1)..'sp\\raise '..string.format("%.3f",raise)..'sp\\hbox{'..ls..'}\\kern '..string.format("%.3f",kern2)..'sp', pre, post else if position == 1 then raise = glyphbox.height - (lsbox.height-lsbox.depth)/2 + baseraise elseif position == 4 then raise = (glyphbox.height-glyphbox.depth)/2 - (lsbox.height+lsbox.depth)/2 + baseraise else raise = -glyphbox.depth - (lsbox.height+lsbox.depth)/2 + baseraise end local kern1 = curlwidths[position] - lwidths[position] curlwidths[position] = curlwidths[position] + lsbox.width local kern2 = lwidths[position] - curlwidths[position] if curlwidths[10] == 0 then curlwidths[10] = 1 kern1 = lwidths[10] - lwidths[position] end kern1 = kern1 * scale kern2 = kern2 * scale raise = raise * scale return base, pre..'\\kern '..string.format("%.3f",kern1)..'sp\\raise '..string.format("%.3f",raise)..'sp\\hbox{'..ls..'}\\kern '..string.format("%.3f",kern2)..'sp', post end end local add_spacing = function(str, len, idx, ret) while idx <= len and (str:sub(idx, idx) == "/" or str:sub(idx, idx) == "`") do if idx < len and str:sub(idx, idx + 1) == "//" then ret = ret .. "\\gre@hskip \\gre@space@skip@nabclargerspace" idx = idx + 2 elseif idx < len and str:sub(idx, idx + 1) == "``" then ret = ret .. "\\gre@hskip -\\gre@space@skip@nabclargerspace" idx = idx + 2 elseif str:sub(idx, idx) == "/" then ret = ret .. "\\gre@hskip \\gre@space@skip@nabcinterelementspace" idx = idx + 1 else ret = ret .. "\\gre@hskip -\\gre@space@skip@nabcinterelementspace" idx = idx + 1 end end return idx, ret end local gregallparse_neumes = function(str, kind, scale) local len = str:len() local idx = 1 local ret = '' idx, ret = add_spacing(str, len, idx, ret) while idx <= len do local err, bases, heights, ls, pp, su, lscount err, idx, bases, heights, ls, pp, su = gregallparse_neume (str, idx, len) if err == 1 then return ret .. "ERR" end local base = bases[0] local i = 1 while bases[i] do base = base .. "!" .. bases[i] local h = heights[i] - heights[0] if h ~= 0 then h = h + 5 if h < 0 or h > 14 then base = "ERR" break end base = base .. string.sub("abcdefghijklmnp", h + 1, h + 1) end i = i + 1 end local ls5 = '' lscount = 0 while ls[lscount] do if not gregalltab[kind][ls[lscount]:sub(1, -2)] then base = "ERR" end if tonumber(ls[lscount]:sub(-1, -1)) == 5 then ls5 = ls5 .. ls[lscount] ls[lscount] = '' end lscount = lscount + 1 end if base ~= "ERR" then local l = {} function l.try (kind, base, parts, pp, su, ls5, ls) if parts == 2 and pp ~= '' and su ~= '' and gregalltab[kind][base .. pp .. su .. ls5 .. ls] then return base .. pp .. su .. ls5 .. ls, '', '' end -- Prefer subpunctis over prepunctis. if parts == 1 and su ~= '' and gregalltab[kind][base .. su .. ls5 .. ls] then return base .. su .. ls5 .. ls, pp, '' end if parts == 1 and pp ~= '' and gregalltab[kind][base .. pp .. ls5 .. ls] then return base .. pp .. ls5 .. ls, '', su end -- Prefer subpunctis over significative letters. if parts == 0 and su ~= '' and ls ~= '' and gregalltab[kind][base .. su .. ls5] then return nil, pp, su end if parts == 0 and gregalltab[kind][base .. ls5 .. ls] then return base .. ls5 .. ls, pp, su end return nil, pp, su end local r = nil local ppsuparts = 0 if pp ~= '' then ppsuparts = 1 end if su ~= '' then ppsuparts = ppsuparts + 1 end -- We assume here no character in the font has more than three -- significative letters. Significative letters with position 5 -- are always required to be in font and have preference over -- pre/subpunctis and other significative letters. local allparts = ppsuparts + lscount if lscount >= 3 then allparts = ppsuparts + 3 end -- Try to match as many parts (ls sequences, pp string, su string) as possible -- except that for ls accept any of ls sequences only if we have all of them. for parts = allparts, 0, -1 do if lscount == 3 and parts >= 3 and parts <= 3 + ppsuparts then r, pp, su = l.try(kind, base, parts - 3, pp, su, ls5, ls[0] .. ls[1] .. ls[2]) if (not r) and ls[0] ~= '' and ls[1] ~= '' and ls[2] ~= '' then local p0 = tonumber(ls[0]:sub(-1, -1)) local p1 = tonumber(ls[1]:sub(-1, -1)) local p2 = tonumber(ls[2]:sub(-1, -1)) if (p0 ~= p1) and (p0 ~= p2) and (p1 ~= p2) then r, pp, su = l.try(kind, base, parts - 3, pp, su, ls5, ls[1] .. ls[0] .. ls[2]) if not r then r, pp, su = l.try(kind, base, parts - 3, pp, su, ls5, ls[0] .. ls[2] .. ls[1]) end if not r then r, pp, su = l.try(kind, base, parts - 3, pp, su, ls5, ls[1] .. ls[2] .. ls[0]) end if not r then r, pp, su = l.try(kind, base, parts - 3, pp, su, ls5, ls[2] .. ls[0] .. ls[1]) end if not r then r, pp, su = l.try(kind, base, parts - 3, pp, su, ls5, ls[2] .. ls[1] .. ls[0]) end end end if r then ls[0] = '' ls[1] = '' ls[2] = '' break end if r then break end end if lscount == 2 and parts >= 2 and parts <= 2 + ppsuparts then r, pp, su = l.try(kind, base, parts - 2, pp, su, ls5, ls[0] .. ls[1]) if (not r) and ls[0] ~= '' and ls[1] ~= '' and (tonumber(ls[0]:sub(-1, -1)) ~= tonumber(ls[1]:sub(-1, -1))) then r, pp, su = l.try(kind, base, parts - 2, pp, su, ls5, ls[1] .. ls[0]) end if r then ls[0] = '' ls[1] = '' break end if r then break end end if lscount == 1 and parts >= 1 and parts <= 1 + ppsuparts then r, pp, su = l.try(kind, base, parts - 1, pp, su, ls5, ls[0]) if r then ls[0] = '' break end end r, pp, su = l.try(kind, base, parts, pp, su, ls5, '') if r then break end end if not r or (pp ~= '' and not gregalltab[kind][pp]) or (su ~= '' and not gregalltab[kind][su]) then base = "ERR" else base = gregalltab[kind][r] local above = '' local below = '' local rmetrics = { width = gregallmetrics[kind][r].width, height = gregallmetrics[kind][r].height, depth = gregallmetrics[kind][r].depth } -- Should the pre and subpuncta be somehow specially positioned -- against the base neume? if pp ~= '' then base = gregalltab[kind][pp] .. base rmetrics.width = rmetrics.width + gregallmetrics[kind][pp].width rmetrics.height = math.max (rmetrics.height, gregallmetrics[kind][pp].height) rmetrics.depth = math.max (rmetrics.height, gregallmetrics[kind][pp].depth) end if su ~= '' then base = base .. gregalltab[kind][su] rmetrics.width = rmetrics.width + gregallmetrics[kind][su].width rmetrics.height = math.max (rmetrics.height, gregallmetrics[kind][su].height) rmetrics.depth = math.max (rmetrics.height, gregallmetrics[kind][su].depth) end local baseraise = 0 if heights[0] ~= 5 then baseraise = (heights[0] - 5) * gregallmetrics[kind].cl.height / 4 base = '\\raise '..string.format("%.3f",baseraise * scale)..'sp\\hbox{'..base..'}' end local lwidths = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } local curlwidths = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } for i = 0, lscount - 1 do if ls[i] ~= '' then local p = tonumber(ls[i]:sub(-1, -1)) local l = ls[i]:sub(1, -2) lwidths[p] = lwidths[p] + gregallmetrics[kind][l].width end end lwidths[10] = math.max (lwidths[1], lwidths[4], lwidths[7]) lwidths[11] = math.max (lwidths[2], lwidths[8]) lwidths[12] = math.max (lwidths[3], lwidths[6], lwidths[9]) local pre = '' local post = '' for i = 0, lscount - 1 do if ls[i] ~= '' then local p = tonumber(ls[i]:sub(-1, -1)) local l = ls[i]:sub(1, -2) local lstr = gregalltab[kind][l] base, pre, post = add_ls(base, pre, post, lstr, p, rmetrics, gregallmetrics[kind][l], baseraise, lwidths, curlwidths, scale) end end base = pre..base..post end end ret = ret .. base idx, ret = add_spacing(str, len, idx, ret) end return ret end local function init_font(fontname) if not gregalltab[fontname] then gregalltab[fontname], gregallmetrics[fontname] = gregallreadfont(fontname, font.current()) end end local function print_nabc(nabc) tex.sprint(catcode_at_letter, nabc) end gregoriotex.parse_nabc = gregallparse_neumes gregoriotex.print_nabc = print_nabc gregoriotex.init_nabc_font = init_font gregoriotex.nabc_font_tables = gregalltab