title = "The |hep-paper| package",
subtitle = "Publications in high energy physics",
author = "Jan Hajer",
year = "2019",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "hep-paper",
related = "hep-paper-1",

doi = "10.5281/zenodo.3606436",
eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "janhajer",
eprint = "hep-paper",

title = "The |hep-acronym| package",
subtitle = "An acronym extension for glossaries",
author = "Jan Hajer",
year = "2021",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "hep-acronym",
related = "hep-paper-1",

title = "The |hep-bibliography| package",
subtitle = "Bibliographies for high energy physics",
author = "Jan Hajer",
year = "2021",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "hep-bibliography",
related = "hep-paper-1",

title = "The |hep-float| package",
subtitle = "Convenience package for float placement",
author = "Jan Hajer",
year = "2021",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "hep-float",
related = "hep-paper-1",

title = "The |hep-font| package",
subtitle = "Latin modern extended by computer modern",
author = "Jan Hajer",
year = "2021",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "hep-font",
related = "hep-paper-1",

title = "The |hep-math-font| package",
subtitle = "Extended Greek and sans serif math",
author = "Jan Hajer",
year = "2021",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "hep-math-font",
related = "hep-paper-1",

title = "The |hep-math| package",
subtitle = "Extended math macros",
author = "Jan Hajer",
year = "2021",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "hep-math",
related = "hep-paper-1",

title = "The |hep-text| package",
subtitle = "List and text extensions",
author = "Jan Hajer",
year = "2021",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "hep-text",
related = "hep-paper-1",

title = "The |hep-title| package",
subtitle = "Extensions for the title page",
author = "Jan Hajer",
year = "2021",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "hep-title",
related = "hep-paper-1",

title = "The |hep-reference| package",
subtitle = "Selection of reference improvements",
author = "Jan Hajer",
year = "2021",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "hep-reference",
related = "hep-paper-1",

title = "The |hep-cv| package",
subtitle = "Appealing curricula vitarum",
author = "Jan Hajer",
year = "2020",
related = "hep-paper-1",

title = "The |kvoptions| package",
subtitle = "Key value format for package options",
author = "Heiko Oberdiek",
year = "2004",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "kvoptions",
related = "kvoptions-1",

eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "ho-tex",
eprint = "kvoptions",

title = "The |cleveref| package",
subtitle = "Intelligent cross-referencing",
author = "Toby Cubitt",
date = "2006",
url = "http://dr-qubit.org/cleveref",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "cleveref",

title = "The |foreign| package for \hologo{LaTeX2e}",
subtitle = "Systematic treatment of \enquote{foreign} words in documents",
author = "Philip G. Ratcliffe",
date = "2012",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "foreign",

title = "The |geometry| package",
subtitle = "Flexible and complete interface to document dimensions",
author = "David Carlisle and Hideo Umeki",
date = "1996",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "geometry",
related = "geometry-1",

eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "davidcarlisle",
eprint = "geometry",

title = "The |a4wide| package",
subtitle = "\enquote{Wide} a4 layout",
author = "Alexander Holt and Jean-François Lamy",
date = "1986",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "a4wide",
note = "depreciated and not used",

title = "The |microtype| package",
subtitle = "Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection",
author = "Robert Schlicht",
date = "2004",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "microtype",

title = "A \hologo{LaTeX} Package to Prepare Author and Affiliation Blocks",
subtitle = "Support for footnote style author/affiliation",
author = "Patrick W. Daly",
date = "2001",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "authblk",

title = "The |bm| package",
subtitle = "Access bold symbols in maths mode",
author = "David Carlisle and Frank Mittelbach",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX} Team",
date = "1993",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "bm",

title = "The |empheq| package",
author = "Lars Madsen and Morten Høgholm and Will Robertson and Joseph Wright",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "empheq",

title = "The |mathtools| package",
subtitle = "Mathematical tools to use with |amsmath|",
author = "Lars Madsen and Morten Høgholm and Will Robertson and Joseph Wright",
date = "2004",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "mathtools",

title = "The |amsmath| package",
subtitle = "AMS mathematical facilities for \hologo{LaTeX}",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX} Team",
date = "1994",
url = "https://ams.org/tex/amslatex",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "amsmath",

title = "The |amstext| package",
subtitle = "Typeset text fragments in mathematics",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX} Team",
date = "1995",
url = "https://ams.org/tex/amslatex",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "amstext",

title = "The |amsopn| package",
subtitle = "Typeset mathematical operator names",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX3} Project",
date = "1995",
url = "https://ams.org/tex/amslatex",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "amsopn",

title = "The |amsfonts| package",
subtitle = "\hologo{TeX} fonts from the American Mathematical Society",
author = "Michael Downes and David M. Jones and Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Schöpf",
collaboration = "American Mathematical Society",
date = "1995",
url = "https://ams.org/tex/amsfonts",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "amsfonts",

title = "The |amssymb| package",
author = "Michael Downes and David M. Jones and Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Schöpf",
collaboration = "American Mathematical Society",
date = "1995",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "amsfonts",

title = "The |slashed| package",
subtitle = "Put a slash through characters",
author = "David Carlisle",
date = "1987",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "slashed",

title = "The |physics| package",
subtitle = "Macros supporting the Mathematics of Physics",
author = "Sergio C. de la Barrera",
date = "2012",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "physics",

title = "The |units| and |nicefrac| packages",
subtitle = "Typeset units",
author = "Axel Reichert",
date = "1998",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "units",

title = "The |subcaption| package",
subtitle = "Support for sub-captions",
author = "Axel Sommerfeldt",
date = "2007",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "subcaption",
related = "caption-1",

title = "The |caption| package",
subtitle = "Customising captions in floating environments",
author = "Axel Sommerfeldt",
date = "1994",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "caption",
related = "caption-1",

eprinttype = "gitlab",
eprintclass = "axelsommerfeldt",
eprint = "caption",

title = "The |biblatex| Package",
subtitle = "Sophisticated Bibliographies in \hologo{LaTeX}",
author = "Philipp Lehman and Joseph Wright and Audrey Boruvka and Philip Kime",
date = "2006",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "biblatex",
related = "biblatex-1",

eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "plk",
eprint = "biblatex",

title = "Hypertext marks in \hologo{LaTeX}: a manual for |hyperref|",
subtitle = "Extensive support for hypertext in \hologo{LaTeX}",
author = "Sebastian Rahtz and Heiko Oberdiek",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX3} Project",
date = "1995",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "hyperref",
related = "hyperref-1",

eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "latex3",
eprint = "hyperref",

title = "Packages in the \enquote{graphics} bundle",
subtitle = "Enhanced support for graphics",
author = "David Carlisle and Sebastian Rahtz",
date = "1994",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "graphicx",

title = "The |booktabs| package",
subtitle = "Publication quality tables in \hologo{LaTeX}",
author = "Danie Els and Simon Fear",
date = "1995",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "booktabs",

title = "The |multirow|, |bigstrut| and |bigdelim| packages",
subtitle = "Create tabular cells spanning multiple rows",
author = "Piet van Oostrum and Jerry Leichter",
date = "1994",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "multirow",

title = "The |fixmath| package for \hologo{LaTeX2e}",
subtitle = "Make maths comply with ISO 31-0:1992 to ISO 31-13:1992",
author = "Walter Schmidt",
date = "2000",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "fixmath",

title = "The |alphabeta| package",
subtitle = "LICR macros and encoding definition files for Greek",
author = "Günter Milde",
date = "2013",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "greek-fontenc",

title = "The |textalpha| package",
subtitle = "LICR macros and encoding definition files for Greek",
author = "Günter Milde",
date = "2010",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "greek-fontenc",

title = "|arxiv-collector|",
subtitle = "A little Python script to collect \hologo{LaTeX} sources for upload to the arXiv",
author = "Dougal Sutherland",
date = "2018",
eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "dougalsutherland",
eprint = "arxiv-collector",

title = "\hologo{biber}",
subtitle = "Backend processor for Bib\hologo{LaTeX}",
author = "François Charette and Philip Kime",
date = "2009",
eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "plk",
eprint = "biber",
related = "biber-1",

eprinttype = "sourceforge",
eprint = "biblatex-biber",

title = "Latin Modern Family of Fonts",
subtitle = "Latin modern fonts in outline formats",
date = "2003",
author = "B. Jackowski and J.M. Nowacki",
url = "http://gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/latin-modern",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "lm",

title = "The |ifluatex| package",
subtitle = "Provides the |\textbackslash ifluatex| switch",
author = "Heiko Oberdiek",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX} Team",
date = "2007",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "ifluatex",

title = "The |iftex| package",
subtitle = "Am I running under \hologo{XeTeX}?",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX} Team",
author = "Will Robertson",
date = "2006",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "ifxetex",
related = "ifxetex-1",

eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "latex3",
eprint = "iftex",

title = "The |fontspec| package",
subtitle = "Advanced font selection in \hologo{XeLaTeX} and \hologo{LuaLaTeX}",
author = "Will Robertson and Khaled Hosny",
date = "2004",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "fontspec",

title = "The |fontenc| package",
subtitle = "Standard package for selecting font encodings",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX} Team",
author = "Frank Mittelbach and Robin Fairbairns and Werner Lemberg",
date = "1995",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "fontenc",

title = "The |inputenc| package",
subtitle = "Accept different input encodings",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX} Team",
author = "Frank Mittelbach and Alan Jeffrey",
date = "1989",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "inputenc",

title = "The |textcomp| package",
subtitle = "\hologo{LaTeX} support for the Text Companion fonts",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX} Team",
author = "Sebastian Rahtz",
date = "1995",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "textcomp",

title = "Customizing lists with the |enumitem| package",
subtitle = "Control layout of itemize, enumerate, description",
author = "Javier Bezos",
date = "2003",
url = "https://texnia.com/enumitem.html",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "enumitem",
related = "enumitem-1",

eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "jbezos",
eprint = "enumitem",

title = "The |atbegshi| package",
subtitle = "Execute stuff at |shipout| time",
author = "Heiko Oberdiek",
date = "2007",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "atbegshi",
related = "atbegshi-1",

eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "ho-tex",
eprint = "atbegshi",

title = "The |picture| package",
subtitle = "Dimens for picture macros",
author = "Heiko Oberdiek",
date = "2006",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "picture",
related = "picture-1",

eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "ho-tex",
eprint = "picture",

title = "The |varwidth| package",
subtitle = "A variable-width minipage",
author = "Donald Arseneau",
date = "2003",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "varwidth",

title = "The |csquotes| Package",
subtitle = "Context sensitive quotation facilities",
author = "Philipp Lehman and Joseph Wright",
date = "2003",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "csquotes",

title = "|Babel| Localization and internationalization",
subtitle = "Multilingual support for Plain \hologo{TeX} or \hologo{LaTeX}",
author = "Johannes Braams and Javier Bezos and at al.",
date = "1989",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "babel",
related = "babel-1",

eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "latex3",
eprint = "babel",

title = "The |polyglossia| package",
author = "Arthur Reutenauer and François Charette and Elie Roux and Bastien Roucariès and Jürgen Spitzmüller",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "polyglossia",

title = "The |parskip| package",
subtitle = "Layout with zero |\textbackslash parindent|, non-zero |\textbackslash parskip|",
author = "Robin Fairbairns and Frank Mittelbach and H. Partl",
date = "1989",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "parskip",
related = "parskip-1",

eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "FrankMittelbach",
eprint = "fmitex",

title = "\hologo{LaTeX2e}\ font selection",
subtitle = "Docmentation of \hologo{LaTeX} font commands",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX} Team",
date = "1995",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "fntguide",

title = "The Experimental Unicode `EUx’ Encodings",
author = "Will Robertson and Elie Roux and Khaled Hosny",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "euenc",

title = "The |soul| package",
subtitle = "Hyphenation for letterspacing, underlining, and more",
author = "Melchior Franz",
date = "1998",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "soul",

title = "The |ulem| package",
subtitle = "Package for underlining",
author = "Donald Arseneau",
date = "1989",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "ulem",

title = "The |glossaries| package",
subtitle = "Create glossaries and lists of acronyms",
author = "Nicola Talbot",
date = "2007",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "glossaries",

title = "The |glossaries-extra| package",
subtitle = "An extension to the |glossaries| package",
author = "Dickimaw Books, Nicola Talbot",
date = "2015",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "glossaries-extra",

title = "The |xparse| package",
subtitle = "A generic document command parser",
author = "Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley and David Carlisle",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX3} Project",
date = "1999",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "xparse",

title = "The |pdftexcmds| package",
subtitle = "\hologo{LuaTeX} support for \hologo{pdfTeX} utility functions",
author = "Heiko Oberdiek",
date = "2007",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "pdftexcmds",

title = "The |fix-cm| package",
subtitle = "Permit Computer Modern fonts at arbitrary sizes",
author = "Frank Mittelbach and David Carlisle and Chris Rowley and Walter Schmidt",
date = "1993",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "fix-cm",

title = "The REV\hologo{TeX} class",
subtitle = "Styles for various Physics Journals",
author = "Mark Doyle and Arthur Ogawa",
collaboration = "American Physical Society",
date = "1999",
url = "https://journals.aps.org/revtex",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "revtex",

title = "\hologo{LaTeX} font encodings",
subtitle = "Documentation of \hologo{LaTeX} font encodings",
author = "Frank Mittelbach and Robin Fairbairns and Werner Lemberg",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX3} Project Team",
date = "1995",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "encguide",

title = "The |sfmath| package",
subtitle = "Sans-serif mathematics",
author = "Olaf Dietrich",
date = "2005",
url = "https://dtrx.de/od/tex/sfmath",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "sfmath",

title = "The |relsize| package",
subtitle = "Set the font size relative to the current font size",
author = "Donald Arseneau and Matt Swift",
date = "2011",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "relsize",

title = "The |everyhook| package",
subtitle = "Hooks for standard \hologo{TeX} token lists",
author = "Stephen Checkoway",
date = "2010",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "everyhook",

title = "The |sansmathfonts| package",
subtitle = "Correct placement of accents in sans-serif maths",
author = "Ariel Barton",
date = "2013",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "sansmathfonts",

title = "The |xspace| package",
subtitle = "Define commands that appear not to eat spaces",
author = "David Carlisle and Morten Høgholm",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX} Team",
date = "1993",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "xspace",

title = "The |ragged2e|-package",
subtitle = "Alternative versions of \enquote{ragged}-type commands",
author = "Martin Schröder",
date = "1996",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "ragged2e",
related = "ragged2e-1",

eprinttype = "gitlab",
eprintclass = "hagenbuch",
eprint = "ragged2e",

title = "The |url| package",
subtitle = "Verbatim with URL-sensitive line breaks",
author = "Donald Arseneau",
date = "1996",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "url",

title = "The |JHEP| package",
collaboration = "SISSA Medialab",
date = "1997",
url = "https://jhep.sissa.it/jhep/help/JHEP_TeXclass.jsp",

title = "The |JCAP| package",
collaboration = "SISSA Medialab",
date = "2002",
url = "https://jcap.sissa.it/jcap/help/JCAP_TeXclass.jsp",

title = "A package for using the |bbm| fonts in math environment",
author = "Torsten Hilbrich",
date = "1994",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "bbm-macros",
related = "bbm"

title = "|bbm|",
subtitle = "\enquote{Blackboard-style} cm fonts",
author = "Gilles Robert",
date = "1993",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "bbm",

title = "arXiv",
subtitle = "free distribution service and an open archive for scholarly articles",
url = "https://arxiv.org",
author = "Paul Ginsparg",
collaboration = "arXiv Team",
year = "1991",
organization = "Cornell University",

title = "The |doublestroke| font",
subtitle = "Typeset mathematical double stroke symbols",
author = "Olaf Kummer",
date = "1995",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "doublestroke",

title = "The |mleftright| package",
subtitle = "Variants of delimiters that act as maths open/close",
author = "Heiko Oberdiek",
date = "2010",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "mleftright",

title = "A virtual font for URW Chancery Math",
subtitle = "Use URW's clone of Zapf Chancery as a maths alphabet",
author = "Michael Sharpe",
date = "2011",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "urwchancal",

title = "The |footnotebackref| package",
subtitle = "Back-references from footnotes",
author = "Holger Lange",
date = "2012",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "footnotebackref",

title = "The |cancel| package",
subtitle = "Place lines through maths formulae",
author = "Donald Arseneau",
date = "2013",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "cancel",

title = "The |beamer| class",
subtitle = "A \hologo{LaTeX} class for producing presentations and slides",
author = "Till Tantau and Joseph Wright and Vedran Miletić",
date = "2003",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "beamer",
related = "beamer-1",

eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "josephwright",
eprint = "beamer",

title = "The |exscale| package",
subtitle = "Implements scaling of the \enquote{cmex} fonts",
author = "Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Schöpf",
date = "1993",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "exscale",

title = "The |mathrsfs| package",
subtitle = "Support for using RSFS fonts in maths",
author = "Jörg Knappen",
date = "1995",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "mathrsfs",

title = "The |esint| package",
subtitle = "Extended set of integrals for Computer Modern",
author = "Eddie Saudrais",
date = "2005",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "esint",

title = "The |cmbright| package",
subtitle = "Using the CM Bright typeface with \hologo{LaTeX}",
author = "Walter A. Schmidt",
date = "1996",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "cmbright",

title = "The |titling| package",
subtitle = "Control over the typesetting of the |\textbackslash maketitle| command",
author = "Peter R. Wilson",
date = "2000",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "titling",

title = "The |MnSymbol| package",
subtitle = "Mathematical symbol font for Adobe MinionPro",
author = "Achim Blumensath",
date = "2005",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "MnSymbol",

title = "The |environ| package",
subtitle = "A new interface for environments in \hologo{LaTeX}",
author = "Will Robertson",
date = "2007",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "environ",

title = "The |abstract| package",
subtitle = "Control the typesetting of the abstract environment",
author = "Peter R. Wilson",
date = "2000",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "abstract",

title = "The |cfr-lm| package",
subtitle = "Enhanced support for the Latin Modern fonts",
author = "Clea F. Rees",
date = "2008",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "cfr-lm",

title = "The |etoolbox| package",
subtitle = "e-\hologo{TeX} tools for \hologo{LaTeX}",
author = "Philipp Lehman and Joseph Wright",
date = "2007",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "etoolbox",

title = "The |substitutefont| package",
subtitle = "Easy font substitution",
author = "Günter Milde",
date = "2010",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "substitutefont",

title = "The |svjour| package",
subtitle = "Macros for Springer journals",
collaboration = "Springer Verlag",
date = "1997",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "springer",

title = "Computer Modern fonts",
author = "Donald E. Knuth",
date = "1986",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "cm",

title = "The |subdepth| package",
subtitle = "Unify maths subscript height",
author = "Will Robertson",
date = "2007",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "subdepth",

title = "The |xpatch| package",
subtitle = "Extending etoolbox patching commands",
author = "Enrico Gregorio",
date = "2012",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "xpatch",

title = "The |hfoldsty| package",
subtitle = "Old style numerals with EC fonts",
author = "Harald Harders",
date = "2004",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "hfoldsty",

title = "The |slantsc| package",
subtitle = "Access different-shaped small-caps fonts",
author = "Harald Harders",
date = "2003",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "slantsc",

title = "The |nfssext-cfr| package",
subtitle = "Extensions to the \hologo{LaTeX} NFSS",
author = "Clea F. Rees and Philipp Lehman",
date = "2003",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "nfssext-cfr",

title = "The |xstring| package",
subtitle = "String manipulation for \hologo{LaTeX}",
author = "Christian Tellechea",
date = "2008",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "xstring",

title = "\hologo{TeX}, \hologo{LaTeX} and math",
author = "Enrico Gregorio",
date = "2020",
url = "https://latex-project.org/publications/2020-egreg-TUB-tb127gregorio-math.pdf",

title = "The |soulutf8| package",
subtitle = "Permit use of UTF-8 characters in |soul|",
author = "Heiko Oberdiek",
date = "2007",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "soulutf8",

title = "The |moderncv| package",
subtitle = "A modern curriculum vitae class",
author = "Xavier Danaux",
year = "2006",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "moderncv",
related = "moderncv-1",

title = "The |anyfontsize| package",
subtitle = "Select any font size in \hologo{LaTeX}",
author = "Péter Szabó",
date = "2007",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "anyfontsize",

title = "A new implementation of \hologo{LaTeX}’s |tabular| and |array| environment",
subtitle = "Extending the |array| and |tabular| environments",
author = "Frank Mittelbach, David Carlisle",
collaboration= "\hologo{LaTeX} Team",
year = "1993",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "array",

title = "The |dashrule| package",
subtitle = "Draw dashed rules",
author = "Scott Pakin",
date = "2008",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "dashrule",

title = "The |fancyhdr| and |extramarks| packages",
subtitle = "Extensive control of page headers and footers in \hologo{LaTeX2e}",
author = "Piet van Oostrum",
date = "1994",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "fancyhdr",

title = "The |lastpage| package",
subtitle = "Reference last page for Page $N$ of $M$ type footers",
author = "Hans-Martin Münch and Jeffrey Goldberg",
date = "1994",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "lastpage",

title = "|Textpos|: absolute positioning of text on the page",
subtitle = "Place boxes at arbitrary positions on the \hologo{LaTeX} page",
author = "Norman Gray",
date = "1999",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "textpos",
related = "textpos-1",

eprinttype = "bitbucket",
eprintclass = "nxg",
eprint = "textpos",

title = "The |subfiles| package: A Document Class and a Package for Handling Multi-File Projects",
subtitle = "Individual typesetting of subfiles of a \enquote{main} document",
author = "Federico Garcia and Gernot Salzer",
date = "2002",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "subfiles",
related = "subfiles-1",

eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "gsalzer",
eprint = "subfiles",

title = "The |titlesec|, |titleps| and |titletoc| packages",
subtitle = "Select alternative section titles",
author = "Javier Bezos",
year = "1998",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "titlesec",
related = "titlesec-1",

eprinttype = "github",
eprintclass = "jbezos",
eprint = "titlesec",

title = "The |calc| package",
subtitle = "Simple arithmetic in \hologo{LaTeX} commands",
author = "Kresten Krab Thorup and Frank Jensen",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX3} Project",
year = "1992",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "calc",

title = "The |tabulary| package",
subtitle = "Tabular with variable width columns balanced",
author = "David Carlisle",
year = "1995",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "tabulary",

title = "The |xcolor| package",
subtitle = "Driver-independent color extensions for \hologo{LaTeX} and \hologo{pdfLaTeX}",
author = "Uwe Kern",
collaboration = "\hologo{LaTeX} Project",
year = "2003",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "xcolor",

title = "The |overlays| package",
subtitle = "Incremental slides",
author = "Andreas Nolda",
year = "2016",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "overlays",

title = "The |pgfplots| package",
subtitle = "Create normal/logarithmic plots in two and three dimensions",
author = "Christian Feuersänger",
year = "2007",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "pgfplots",

title = "The |pgf| package",
subtitle = "Create PostScript and PDF graphics in \hologo{TeX}",
author = "Tantau, Till and Menke, Henri",
year = "2005",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "pgf",

title = "The |pgf| package",
subtitle = "Feynman diagrams with TikZ",
author = "Joshua Ellis",
year = "2016",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "tikz-feynman",

title = "The |standalone| package",
subtitle = "Compile \hologo{TeX} pictures stand-alone or as part of a document",
author = "Martin Scharrer",
year = "2010",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "standalone",

title = "The |fullpage| package",
subtitle = "Set all page margins to $1.5$ cm",
author = "Patrick W. Daly",
year = "1994",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "fullpage",

title = "The |phonenumbers| package",
subtitle = "Typesetting telephone numbers with \hologo{LaTeX}",
author = "Keno Wehr",
year = "2016",
eprinttype = "ctan",
eprint = "phonenumbers",