%[[ Alaton:tc ]]
	author = {Alaton, Salem},
	title = {So, Did They Live Happily Ever After?},
	date = {1997-12-27},
	journal = {The Globe and Mail},
	location = {Toronto},
	pages = {pp. D1+},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Alpert:Abrams:2016wb ]]
	author = {Hannah Alpert-Abrams},
	title = {Machine Reading the \mkbibemph{Primeros Libros}},
	date = {2016},
	journal = {Digital Humanities Quarterly},
	number = {4},
	url = {www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/10/4/000268/000268.html},
	volume = {10},
	entrysubtype = {online}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ AppiahGates:1992uw ]]
	editor = {Appiah, Kwame Anthony and Gates, Jr., Henry Louis},
	date = {1992},
	issuetitle = {Identities},
	journal = {Critical Inquiry},
	number = {4},
	volume = {18},
	entrysubtype = {specissue}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Belton:2008uo ]]
	author = {Belton, John},
	title = {Painting by the Numbers},
	subtitle = {The Digital Intermediate},
	date = {2008},
	issue = {spring},
	journal = {Film Quarterly},
	number = {3},
	pages = {58--65},
	volume = {61}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Bockelman:uu ]]
	author = {Brian Bockelman},
	title = {Buenos Aires \mkbibemph{Boh{\`e}me}: Argentina and the Transatlantic Bohemian Renaissance, 1890--1910},
	date = {2016-01},
	doi = {10.1353/mod.2016.0011},
	eprinttype = {Project Muse},
	journal = {Modernism/Modernity},
	number = {1},
	pages = {37--63},
	volume = {23}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Boggs:2016tp ]]
	author = {Boggs, Colleen Glenney},
	title = {Public Reading and the Civil War Draft Lottery},
	date = {2016},
	journal = {American Periodicals},
	number = {2},
	pages = {149--166},
	volume = {26}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Chan:uj ]]
	author = {Chan, Evans},
	title = {Postmodernism and Hong Kong Cinema},
	date = {2000-05},
	doi = {10.1353/pmc.2000.0021},
	eprinttype = {Project Muse},
	journal = {Postmodern Culture},
	number = {3},
	volume = {10}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Charney:2011wk ]]
	author = {Charney, Michael W},
	title = {Literary Culture on the Burma-Manipur Frontier in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries},
	editor = {Sumit Guha},
	date = {2011},
	issuetitle = {Literary Cultures at the Frontiers: Literature and Identity in the Early Modern World},
	journal = {The Medieval History Journal},
	number = {2},
	pages = {159--181},
	volume = {14},
	entrysubtype = {specissue}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Chou:vq ]]
	author = {Chou, Elaine Hsieh},
	title = {Carrot Legs},
	date = {2019-09-12},
	journal = {Guernica},
	url = {www.guernicamag.com/carrot-legs/},
	entrysubtype = {magazine}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Deresiewicz:un ]]
	author = {William Deresiewicz},
	title = {The Death of the Artist---and the Birth of the Creative Entrepreneur},
	date = {2015-01/2015-02},
	journal = {The Atlantic},
	pages = {92--97},
	entrysubtype = {magazine}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Editorial:Board:vc ]]
	author = {{Editorial Board}},
	title = {How to Tell Truth from Fiction in the Age of Fake News},
	date = {2016-11-21},
	journal = {Chicago Tribune},
	url = {www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/editorials/ct-fake-news-facebook-edit-1120-md-20161118-story.html},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Erhardt:2020wl ]]
	author = {Julian Erhardt and Steffen Wamsler and Markus Freitag},
	title = {National Identity between Democracy and Autocracy},
	subtitle = {A Comparative Analysis of Twenty-Four Countries},
	date = {2020},
	doi = {10.1017/S1755773920000351},
	eprinttype = {Cambridge Core},
	journal = {European Political Science Review}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Evacuation:wj ]]
	title = {Evacuation Order Lifted at Nice Airport},
	date = {2016-07-15},
	journal = {The Boston Globe},
	url = {www.bostonglobe.com/news/world/2016/07/15/evacuation-progress-nice-airport/KO4BytWK4wFUOxjEkSpKTN/story.html},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Fisek:te ]]
	author = {Fi{\c s}ek, Emine},
	title = {Palimpsests of Violence},
	subtitle = {Urban Dispossession and Political Theatre in Istanbul},
	journal = {Comparative Drama},
	number = {3},
	url = {scholarworks.wmich.edu/compdr/vol52/iss3/7},
	volume = {52}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Fisher:vu ]]
	author = {Margaret Fisher},
	title = {The Music of Ezra Pound},
	date = {2006-04},
	journal = {Yale University Library Gazette},
	number = {3-4},
	pages = {139--160},
	eprint = {40859548},
	eprinttype = {jstor},
	volume = {80},
	addendum = {PDF download}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Gergen:un ]]
	author = {Gergen, David},
	title = {A Question of Values},
	date = {2002-02-11},
	journal = {US News and World Report},
	pages = {72},
	addendum = {Op-ed.}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Giant:ta ]]
	title = {Giant of France},
	subtitle = {The Frenchman Who Changed Literature},
	date = {2017-01-19},
	journal = {The Economist},
	url = {www.economist.com/news/books-and-arts/21714971-frenchman-who-changed-literature-giant-france},
	entrysubtype = {magazine}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Glatter:wx ]]
	author = {Hayley Glatter and Emily DeRuy and Alia Wong},
	title = {Reimagining the Modern Classroom},
	date = {2016-09-02},
	journal = {The Atlantic},
	url = {www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2016/09/reimagining-the-modern-classroom/498224/},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper},
	addendum = {Educational Eden: Imagining the Ideal School System}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Goldman:2010uv ]]
	author = {Anne Goldman},
	title = {Questions of Transport},
	subtitle = {Reading Primo Levi Reading Dante},
	date = {2010},
	issue = {spring},
	journal = {The Georgia Review},
	number = {1},
	pages = {69--88},
	url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/41403188},
	volume = {64}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Goldman:2010wd ]]
	author = {Anne Goldman},
	title = {Questions of Transport},
	subtitle = {Reading Primo Levi Reading Dante},
	date = {2010},
	issue = {spring},
	journal = {The Georgia Review},
	number = {1},
	pages = {69--88},
	url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/41403188},
	volume = {64}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Grooms:tx ]]
	author = {Grooms, Russell W.},
	title = {Comment on \mkbibquote{FW: Chicago Style Citation Question} thread},
	date = {2016-09-06T20:02:16},
	journal = {Infolit},
	url = {lists.ala.org/sympa/arc/infolit/2016-09/msg00005.html},
	entrysubtype = {comment}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Haughney:ty ]]
	author = {Christine Haughney},
	title = {Women Unafraid of Condo Commitment},
	date = {2006-12-10},
	chapter = {11},
	journal = {The New York Times},
	pages = {1+},
	version = {late ed.},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Hayes:vy ]]
	author = {Terrence Hayes},
	title = {The Wicked Candor of Wanda Coleman},
	date = {2020-06-12},
	journal = {The Paris Review},
	url = {www.theparisreview.org/blog/2020/06/12/the-wicked-candor-of-wanda-coleman/},
	entrysubtype = {blog},
	addendum = {The Daily}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Helmling:2006ug ]]
	author = {Steven Helmling},
	title = {A Martyr to Happiness},
	subtitle = {Why Adorno Matters},
	date = {2006},
	journal = {Kenyon Review},
	number = {4},
	pages = {156--172},
	series = {newseries},
	volume = {28}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Kafka:2007tm ]]
	author = {Ben Kafka},
	title = {The Demon of Writing},
	subtitle = {Paperwork, Public Safety, and the Reign of Terror},
	date = {2007},
	journal = {Representations},
	number = {98},
	pages = {1--24}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Karasik:vt ]]
	author = {Karasik, Paul},
	title = {Cartoon},
	date = {2008-04-14},
	journal = {The New Yorker},
	pages = {49},
	entrysubtype = {untitled}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Litvak:2006vi ]]
	author = {Lily Litvak},
	title = {La buena nueva},
	subtitle = {Cultura y prensa anarquista (1880--1913)},
	date = {2006},
	journal = {Revista de occidente},
	pages = {5--18},
	volume = {304}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Magra:ws ]]
	author = {Iliana Magra and Andrea Zaratemay},
	title = {Hikers' Love of a Rarity in the Andes Takes a Toll},
	date = {2018-05-03},
	journal = {The New York Times},
	pages = {p. A7},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Malone:vp ]]
	author = {Ruth Malone},
	title = {Bonds That Bind},
	journal = {East Bay Express},
	origdate = {2013-04-24},
	url = {www.eastbayexpress.com/oakland/letters-for-the-week-of-april-24-30-2012/Content?oid=3530171}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Max:the:Pen:ve ]]
	author = {{Max the Pen}},
	title = {Comment on \mkbibquote{Why They're Wrong}},
	date = {2016-09-29T18:06:00},
	journal = {The Economist},
	url = {www.economist.com/node/21707926/comments},
	entrysubtype = {comment},
	options = {dateusetime=true}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ MLA:Ad:Hoc:2007tc ]]
	author = {{MLA Ad Hoc Committee on Foreign Languages}},
	title = {Foreign Languages and Higher Education},
	subtitle = {New Structures for a Changed World},
	date = {2007},
	journal = {Profession},
	pages = {234--245}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Nguyen:un ]]
	author = {Nguyen, Viet Thanh},
	title = {Viet Thanh Nguyen},
	subtitle = {By the Book},
	date = {2017-01-30},
	journal = {The New York Times},
	url = {www.nytimes.com/2017/01/30/books/review/viet-thanh-nguyen-by-the-book.html},
	addendum = {Interview}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Parker:Pope:aa ]]
	author = {Parker-Pope, Tara},
	title = {How to Age Well},
	date = {2017-11-02},
	journal = {The New York Times},
	url = {www.nytimes.com/guides/well/how-to-age-well},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Parker:Pope:wm ]]
	author = {Tara Parker-Pope},
	title = {How to Age Well},
	date = {2017-11-02},
	journal = {The New York Times},
	url = {www.nytimes.com/guides/well/how-to-age-well},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Perrier:vv ]]
	author = {Perrier, Jean-Louis},
	title = {La vie artistique de Budapest perturb{\'e}e par la loi du march{\'e}},
	date = {1997-02-26},
	journal = {Le monde},
	pages = {28},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Riis:2017vi ]]
	author = {Riis, Jacob},
	title = {Huddled Masses},
	date = {2017},
	issue = {winter},
	journal = {Lapham's Quarterly},
	number = {1},
	origdate = {1890},
	url = {www.laphamsquarterly.org/home/huddled-masses},
	volume = {10},
	entrysubtype = {magazine}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Scholes:2005uk ]]
	author = {Robert Scholes},
	title = {Presidential Address 2004},
	subtitle = {The Humanities in a Posthumanist World},
	date = {2005-05},
	journal = {PMLA},
	number = {3},
	pages = {724-733},
	volume = {120}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Sharpe:wa ]]
	author = {Rochelle Sharpe},
	title = {Those Hidden Fees},
	date = {2016-11-06},
	journal = {The New York Times Education Life},
	pages = {18--19},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Soloski:wi ]]
	author = {Soloski, Alexis},
	title = {The Time Has Come to Play Othello},
	date = {2016-11-20},
	chapter = {Arts and Leisure},
	journal = {The New York Times},
	pages = {5},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Tibullus:2002ub ]]
	author = {Tibullus},
	title = {How to Be Tibullus},
	date = {2002/2003},
	journal = {Chicago Review},
	number = {4},
	pages = {102--106},
	translator = {David Wray},
	volume = {48}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Tribble:tc ]]
	author = {Ivan Tribble},
	title = {Bloggers Need Not Apply},
	date = {2005-07-08},
	journal = {The Chronicle of Higher Education},
	url = {chronicle.com/article/Bloggers-Need-Not-Apply/45022},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Trudeau:tx ]]
	author = {Trudeau, Garry},
	title = {Doonesbury},
	date = {2002-05-04},
	journal = {The Star-Ledger},
	location = {Newark},
	pages = {26},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Bearden:aa ]]
	author = {Bearden, Romare},
	title = {The Train},
	date = {1975},
	eprinttype = {MOMA},
	url = {www.moma.org/collection/works/65232?locale=en}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Bearden:vp ]]
	author = {Bearden, Romare},
	title = {The Train},
	date = {1975},
	institution = {Museum of Modern Art},
	location = {New York City}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Cameron:wo ]]
	author = {Cameron, Julia Margaret},
	title = {Alfred, Lord Tennyson},
	date = {1866},
	institution = {Metropolitan Museum of Art},
	location = {New York City}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Cave:wf ]]
	author = {Nick Cave},
	title = {Until},
	date = {2016-10-15/2017-09-04},
	institution = {Mass MOCA},
	location = {North Adams}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ JarWithSerpent:xv ]]
	title = {Jar with feathered serpent design},
	institution = {National Museum of the American Indian},
	location = {New York City},
	entrysubtype = {untitled}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Mackintosh:wj ]]
	author = {Mackintosh, Charles Rennie},
	title = {Chair of stained oak},
	date = {1897/1900},
	institution = {{Victoria and Albert Museum}},
	location = {London},
	entrysubtype = {untitled}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Monet:ug ]]
	author = {Monet, Claude},
	title = {Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies},
	date = {1899},
	addendum = {Introduction to the History of Art, taught by Jane Ford, 4 Apr. 2016, Bates College. Slide 2.}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Rodin:uj ]]
	author = {Rodin, Auguste},
	title = {Christ and Mary Magdalene},
	date = {1908},
	institution = {J. Paul Getty Museum},
	location = {Los Angeles},
	addendum = {Marble sculpture}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Silver:tj ]]
	author = {Silver, Walter},
	title = {Factory},
	date = {1986},
	eprinttype = {New York Public Library Digital Collections},
	url = {digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/51fd9310-ea71-0131-8221-58d385a7bbd0}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ textJarSerpent:tm ]]
	title = {Wall text for jar with feathered serpent design},
	institution = {National Museum of the American Indian},
	location = {New York City},
	entrysubtype = {untitled}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ textWarrior:2016wb ]]
	title = {Wall text for \mkbibemph{A Warrior's Story, Honoring Grandpa Blue Bird}, by Lauren Good Day Giago},
	eventdate = {2016-03-12/2016-12-04},
	eventtitle = {Unbound: Narrative Art of the Plains},
	institution = {National Museum of the American Indian},
	location = {New York City},
	entrysubtype = {untitled}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Unbound:wy ]]
	title = {Unbound},
	subtitle = {Narrative Art of the Plains},
	date = {2016-03-12/2016-12-04},
	institution = {National Museum of the American Indian},
	location = {New York City}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Chaucer:uf ]]
	author = {Geoffrey Chaucer},
	title = {The Former Age},
	eprinttype = {Baragona's Literary Resources},
	namea = {Susan Yager},
	nameatype = {narrator},
	url = {alanbaragona.wordpress.com/the-criyng-and-the-soun/the-former-age/},
	urldate = {2017-03-08},
	addendum = {MP3 format}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Li:ty ]]
	author = {Li, Yiyun},
	title = {On the Street Where You Live},
	editor = {Deborah Treisman},
	date = {2017-01-03},
	booktitle = {The Writer's Voice},
	booksubtitle = {Fiction from the Magazine},
	editortype = {host},
	eprinttype = {The New Yorker},
	namea = {Li, Yiyun},
	nameatype = {narrator},
	url = {www.newyorker.com/podcast/the-authors-voice/yiyun-li-reads-on-the-street-where-you-live},
	options = {uniquenamea=true}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ PoeMusic:wi ]]
	title = {The Music of Edgar Allan Poe--Inspired Films on his 197th Birthday},
	publisher = {WFMU},
	date = {2016-01-19},
	booktitle = {Morricone Island},
	namea = {Devon E. Levins},
	nameatype = {host}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ YiyunLiReads:ub ]]
	title = {Yiyun Li Reads \mkbibquote{On the Street Where You Live}},
	publisher = {\mkbibemph{The New Yorker} and WNYC},
	date = {2017-01-03},
	booktitle = {The Writer's Voice: New Fiction from \mkbibemph{The New Yorker}},
	edition = {podcast edition},
	namea = {Deborah Treisman},
	nameatype = {host},
	addendum = {iTunes app}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Adirondacks:1990tb ]]
	title = {The Adirondack Park in the Twenty-First Century},
	publisher = {Commission on the Adirondacks in the Twenty-First Century},
	date = {1990},
	location = {New York State},
	options = {showlocation=true}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Baron:etal:2007tj ]]
	title = {Agent of Change},
	subtitle = {Print Culture Studies after Elizabeth L. Eisenstein},
	editor = {Sabrina Baron and Eric Lindquist and Eleanor Shevlin and Sabrina Alcorn Baron and Eric N. Lindquist and Eleanor F. Shevlin},
	publisher = {University of Massachusetts Press and {Library of Congress, Center for the Book}},
	date = {2007}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Bauch:tb ]]
	author = {Nicholas Bauch},
	title = {Enchanting the Desert},
	subtitle = {A Pattern Language for the Production of Space},
	publisher = {Stanford University Press},
	date = {2016},
	url = {www.enchantingthedesert.com/home/}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Bauer:1971ui ]]
	author = {Bauer, Johann},
	title = {Kafka und Prag},
	publisher = {Belser},
	date = {1971?},
	options = {datebrackets=true}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Bauer:ui ]]
	author = {Johann Bauer},
	title = {Kafka und Prag},
	publisher = {Belser}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Beowulf:2004th ]]
	title = {Beowulf},
	editor = {Sarah Anderson},
	publisher = {Pearson},
	date = {2004},
	translator = {Alan Sullivan and Timothy Murphy},
	options = {useeditor=false}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Caro:2012wy ]]
	author = {Caro, Robert A.},
	title = {The Passage of Power},
	publisher = {Vintage Books},
	date = {2012},
	maintitle = {The Years of Lyndon Johnson},
	volume = {4}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Carroll:2006tm ]]
	author = {Lewis Carroll},
	title = {\mkbibemph{Alice's Adventures in Wonderland} and \mkbibemph{Through the Looking-Glass}},
	editor = {John Tenniel},
	publisher = {Bantam Books},
	date = {2006},
	editortype = {Illustrated by}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Charon:2017tw ]]
	author = {Rita Charon and Sayantani DasGupta and Nellie Hermann and Craig Irvine and Eric R. Marcus and Edgar Rivera Colsn and Danielle Spencer and Maura Spiegel},
	title = {The Principles and Practice of Narrative Medicine},
	publisher = {Oxford University Press},
	date = {2017}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Chreiteh:2009aa ]]
	author = {Alexandra Chreiteh},
	title = {\textarabic{الروسية} \textarabic{وأمه} \textarabic{علي}},
	publisher = {Al-D{\=a}r al-ʻArab{\=\i}yah lil-ʻUl{\=u}m N{\=a}shir{\=u}n},
	date = {2009},
	nameaddon = {Shuraytih., Aliksandr{\=a}},
	titleaddon = {\mkbibbrackets{\mkbibemph{ʻAl{\=\i} wa-ummuhu al-R{\=u}s{\=\i}yah; Ali and His Russian Mother}}}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Clyne:2012td ]]
	author = {Clyne, Anna},
	title = {Night Ferry},
	publisher = {{Boosey and Hawkes}},
	date = {2012}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Davis:1998we ]]
	author = {Davis, Angela Y},
	title = {Blues Legacies and Black Feminism},
	subtitle = {Gertrude ``Ma'' Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holiday},
	publisher = {Pantheon},
	afterword = {John Smith},
	date = {1998}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Dorris:1999wo ]]
	author = {Michael Dorris and Louise Erdrich},
	title = {The Crown of Columbus},
	publisher = {HarperCollins Publishers},
	date = {1999}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Dostoevsky:1993wh ]]
	author = {Fyodor Dostoevsky},
	title = {Crime and Punishment},
	publisher = {Vintage Books},
	date = {1993},
	edition = {\autocap{e}-book edition},
	translator = {Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky},
	options = {usetranslator=true,useauthor=false}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ DRABible:1899wf ]]
	title = {The Bible},
	date = {1899},
	edition = {Douay-Rheims American edition},
	eprinttype = {Bible Gateway},
	url = {www.biblegateway.com},
	urldate = {2017-01-13}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Dunbar:2004tv ]]
	author = {William Dunbar},
	title = {The Complete Works},
	editor = {John Conlee},
	publisher = {Medieval Institute Publications},
	date = {2004},
	eprinttype = {TEAMS Middle English Texts\mkbibemph{, U of Rochester}},
	url = {d.lib.rochester.edu/teams/publication/conlee-dunbar-complete-works}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Fallani:1971vv ]]
	author = {Giovanni Fallani},
	title = {Dante e la cultura figurativa medievale},
	publisher = {Minerva Italica},
	date = {1971}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Freud:2005wb ]]
	author = {Sigmund Freud},
	title = {Civilization and Its Discontents},
	editor = {James Strachey},
	publisher = {W. W. Norton},
	date = {2005},
	translator = {James Strachey}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ frye91aa ]]
	author = {Northrop Frye},
	title = {The Double Vision},
	subtitle = {Language and Meaning in Religion},
	publisher = {U of Toronto P},
	date = {1991},
	booktitle = {The Double Vision},
	location = {Toronto},
	shorttitle = {Double Vision},
	sorttitle = {Double Vision}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Gikandi:2000vz ]]
	author = {Simon Gikandi},
	title = {Ngugi wa Thiong'o},
	publisher = {Cambridge UP},
	date = {2000},
	eprinttype = {ACLS Humanities E-Book},
	url = {hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.07588.0001.001}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Goethe:1875vw ]]
	author = {Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von},
	title = {Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret},
	date = {1875},
	edition = {new edition},
	location = {London},
	translator = {John Oxenford},
	options = {showlocation=true}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Handbook:2021aa ]]
	title = {MLA Handbook},
	publisher = {Modern Language Association of America},
	date = {2021},
	edition = {9th edition, e-book edition}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Hocking:2010tz ]]
	author = {Hocking, Amanda},
	title = {Fate},
	date = {2010}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Howells:1968wo ]]
	author = {Howells, W. D.},
	title = {Their Wedding Journey},
	editor = {John K. Reeves},
	publisher = {Indiana University Press},
	date = {1968},
	editora = {Edwin H. Cady},
	editoratype = {generaleditor},
	eventdate = {1968/1983},
	maintitle = {A Selected Edition of W. D. Howells},
	volume = {5},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper},
	options = {containerized=true}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ KJVBible:1998wf ]]
	title = {The Bible},
	publisher = {Oxford University Press},
	date = {1998},
	edition = {Authorized King James Version}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ LazarillodeTormes:1554vl ]]
	title = {Lazarillo de Tormes},
	date = {1554},
	location = {Medina del Campo},
	options = {showlocation=true}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Lee:2014aa ]]
	author = {Harper Lee},
	title = {To Kill a Mockingbird},
	editor = {Sissy Spacek},
	publisher = {HarperAudio},
	date = {2014-07-08},
	edition = {audiobook edition, unabridged edition},
	editortype = {narrator}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Lee:2014vk ]]
	author = {Harper Lee},
	title = {To Kill a Mockingbird},
	editor = {Sissy Spacek},
	publisher = {HarperAudio},
	date = {2014},
	edition = {audiobook edition, unabridged edition},
	editortype = {narrator}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ London:1990tn ]]
	author = {Jack London},
	title = {Call of the Wild},
	publisher = {Dover},
	date = {1990},
	origdate = {1903}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Milkis:1994vv ]]
	author = {Sidney M. Milkis and Michael Nelson},
	title = {The American Presidency},
	subtitle = {Origins and Development, 1776--1993},
	publisher = {CQ P{}ress},
	date = {1994},
	edition = {2}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Miller:2016vg ]]
	author = {Daniel Miller and Elisabetta Costa and Nell Haynes and Tom McDonald and Razvan Nicolescu and Jolynna Sinanan and Juliano Spyer and Shriram Venkatraman and Xinyuan Wang},
	title = {How the World Changed Social Media},
	publisher = {UCL P{}ress},
	date = {2016},
	doi = {10.2307/j.ctt1g69z35}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Milton:1998ty ]]
	author = {John Milton},
	title = {The Riverside Milton},
	editor = {Roy Flannagan},
	publisher = {Houghton Mifflin},
	date = {1998}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ morrison02aa ]]
	author = {Toni Morrison},
	title = {Sula},
	publisher = {Plume-Penguin},
	date = {2002},
	booktitle = {Sula},
	location = {New York},
	origdate = {1973}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Neruda:1991wq ]]
	author = {Pablo Neruda},
	title = {Canto general},
	publisher = {University of California Press},
	date = {1991},
	number = {7},
	series = {Latin American Literature and Culture},
	translator = {Jack Schmitt}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ NJBible:1985va ]]
	title = {The New Jerusalem Bible},
	editor = {Henry Wansbrough},
	publisher = {Doubleday},
	date = {1985},
	editortype = {generaleditor},
	options = {useeditor=false}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Oakes:2004wa ]]
	author = {Meredith Oakes},
	title = {The Tempest},
	subtitle = {An Opera in Three Acts},
	editor = {Thomas Ad{\`e}s},
	publisher = {Faber Music},
	date = {2004},
	authortype = {librettist},
	editortype = {composer}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ OConnor:2009un ]]
	author = {Patricia O'Connor},
	title = {Woe Is I},
	subtitle = {The Grammarphobe's Guide to Better English in Plain English},
	publisher = {Riverhead Books},
	date = {2009},
	edition = {\autocap{e}-book edition}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Prado:2018vb ]]
	title = {Mexican Literature in Theory},
	editor = {S{\'a}nchez Prado, Ignacio M.},
	publisher = {Bloomsbury Academic},
	date = {2018}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Quran:2015uz ]]
	title = {The Qu'ran},
	publisher = {Oxford University Press},
	date = {2015},
	translator = {M. A. S. Abdel Haleem}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Rampersad:2002va ]]
	author = {Arnold Rampersad},
	title = {The Life of Langston Hughes},
	publisher = {Oxford University Press},
	date = {2002},
	edition = {2},
	volumes = {2}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Shen:Fu:2011vw ]]
	author = {{Shen Fu}},
	title = {Six Records of a Life Adrift},
	publisher = {Hackett Publishing},
	date = {2011},
	translator = {Graham Sanders}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Stendhal:2002ty ]]
	author = {Stendhal},
	title = {The Red and the Black},
	publisher = {Penguin Books},
	date = {2002},
	translator = {Roger Gard}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Tomlinson:2002tc ]]
	title = {Goya},
	subtitle = {Images of Women},
	editor = {Tomlinson, Janis A.},
	publisher = {National Gallery of Art and Yale University Press},
	date = {2002}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ United:Nations:1991vc ]]
	author = {{United Nations}},
	title = {Consequences of Rapid Population Growth in Developing Countries},
	publisher = {{Taylor and Francis}},
	date = {1991}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Waid:2005up ]]
	author = {Marc Waid},
	title = {Superman},
	subtitle = {Birthright},
	publisher = {DC Comics},
	date = {2005},
	editora = {Leinil Francis Yu},
	editoratype = {illustrated by},
	editorb = {Gerry Alanguilan},
	editorbtype = {inked by},
	editorc = {Dave McCaig},
	editorctype = {colored by},
	options = {useauthor=false,useeditor=false}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Wellek:1992ws ]]
	author = {Ren{\'e} Wellek},
	title = {A History of Modern Criticism, 1750--1950},
	publisher = {Yale University Press},
	date = {1992},
	volume = {8}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Wollstonecraft:2009uf ]]
	author = {Mary Wollstonecraft},
	title = {A Vindication of the Rights of Woman},
	editor = {Deidre Shauna Lynch},
	publisher = {W. W. Norton},
	date = {2009},
	edition = {Norton Critical Edition, 3rd edition}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ JapaneseFundamentals:wy ]]
	title = {Japanese Fundamentals},
	publisher = {Barron},
	date = {1992},
	addendum = {Chart}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Language:vu ]]
	title = {Language Study in the Age of Globalization},
	subtitle = {The College-Level Experience},
	publisher = {Modern Language Association of America},
	addendum = {Pamphlet}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Michigan:wk ]]
	title = {Michigan},
	publisher = {Rand},
	date = {2000},
	addendum = {Map}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ WashingtonDC:2000ti ]]
	title = {Washington, DC},
	publisher = {Trip Builder},
	date = {2000},
	addendum = {Brochure}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Bacon:2016aa ]]
	author = {Bacon, Francis},
	editor = {David Sylvester},
	publisher = {{Thames and Hudson}},
	date = {2016},
	booktitle = {Interviews with Francis Bacon},
	editortype = {conductor}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ frye57ab ]]
	title = {Sound and Poetry},
	editor = {Northrop Frye},
	publisher = {Columbia UP},
	date = {1957},
	booktitle = {Sound and Poetry},
	location = {New York}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Moskowitz:2021uw ]]
	author = {Daniel J. Moskowitz},
	title = {Local News, Information, and the Nationalization of U.S. Elections},
	date = {2021-02},
	doi = {10.1017/S0003055420000829},
	eprinttype = {Cambridge Core},
	journal = {American Political Science Review},
	number = {1},
	pages = {114--129},
	volume = {115},
	addendum = {Moskowitz supplementary material}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ ReplicationNonDemocratic:ws ]]
	title = {Replication Data for: \mkbibquote{The Non-Democratic Roots of Mass Education: Evidence from 200 Years.}},
	doi = {10.7910/DVN/X2VJJX},
	eprinttype = {Harvard Dataverse}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Sheldon:tr ]]
	author = {Natasha Sheldon},
	title = {Photograph of \mkbibemph{The Muleteer}},
	related = {sheldon2014}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Velazquez:2016ud ]]
	author = {Diego Vel{\'a}zquez},
	title = {An Old Woman Cooking Eggs},
	publisher = {Scribner},
	date = {2016},
	bookauthor = {Laura Cumming},
	booktitle = {The Vanishing Vel{\'a}zquez},
	booksubtitle = {A Nineteenth-Century Bookseller's Obsession with a Lost Masterpiece},
	institution = {Scottish National Gallery},
	origdate = {1618~},
	pages = {27},
	entrysubtype = {artwork}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ WesternBoundaries:vc ]]
	author = {Earl E. Fitz},
	title = {Western Boundaries of Brazil, 1600, 1780, and the Present},
	publisher = {Modern Language Association of America},
	date = {2005},
	booktitle = {Brazilian Narrative Traditions in a Comparative Context},
	pages = {43},
	options = {useauthor=false}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Beyonce:2013ta ]]
	author = {Beyonc{\'e}},
	title = {Pretty Hurts},
	publisher = {Parkwood Entertainment},
	date = {2013},
	maintitle = {Beyonc{\'e}},
	url = {www.beyonce.com/album/beyonce/?media_view=songs},
	addendum = {Transcript of lyrics}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Clapton:1990va ]]
	author = {Eric Clapton},
	title = {Discovering Robert Johnson},
	publisher = {Columbia},
	date = {1990},
	booktitle = {Robert Johnson},
	booksubtitle = {The Complete Recordings},
	pages = {22--23},
	addendum = {Booklet accompanying CD}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Dewar:2007wn ]]
	author = {James A. Dewar and Peng Hwa Ang},
	title = {The Cultural Consequences of Printing and the Internet},
	editor = {Sabrina Alcorn Baron and Eric N. Lindquist and Eleanor F. Shevlin},
	publisher = {University of Massachusetts Press and {Library of Congress, Center for the Book}},
	date = {2007},
	booktitle = {Agent of Change},
	booksubtitle = {Print Culture Studies after Elizabeth L. Eisenstein},
	pages = {365--377}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Dickinson:1999uv ]]
	author = {Dickinson, Emily},
	title = {I heard a Fly buzz---when I died---},
	editor = {R. W. Franklin},
	publisher = {Harvard University Press},
	date = {1999},
	booktitle = {The Poems of Emily Dickinson},
	pages = {265-266}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Euripides:1998tx ]]
	author = {Euripides},
	title = {The Trojan Women},
	publisher = {New American Library},
	date = {1998},
	booktitle = {Ten Plays},
	pages = {457--512},
	translator = {Paul Roche},
	entrysubtype = {play}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Fagih:2003uj ]]
	author = {Fagih, Ahmed Ibrahim al-},
	title = {The Singing of the Stars},
	editor = {Salma Khadra Jayyusi},
	publisher = {Interlink Books},
	date = {2003},
	booktitle = {Short Arabic Plays},
	booksubtitle = {An Anthology},
	pages = {140--157},
	translator = {Leila El Khalidi and Christopher Tingley},
	entrysubtype = {play},
	options = {uniquetranslator=true}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Franklin:1992vl ]]
	author = {Benjamin Franklin},
	title = {Emigration to America},
	editor = {Christopher Ricks and William L. Vance},
	publisher = {{Faber and Faber}},
	date = {1992},
	booktitle = {The Faber Book of America},
	origdate = {1782},
	pages = {24--26}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Hopi:1986wu ]]
	title = {A Witchcraft Story},
	editor = {Mando Sevillano},
	publisher = {Northland},
	date = {1986},
	booktitle = {The Hopi Way},
	booksubtitle = {Tales from a Vanishing Culture},
	editortype = {compiler},
	pages = {33--42},
	sorttitle = {Witchcraft Story},
	options = {useeditor=false}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Jackson:uh ]]
	author = {Shirley Jackson},
	title = {The Lottery},
	note = {Course pack for English 285: American Short Story Writers, compiled by Anne Smith, spring 2015, Iowa State U}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Jespersen:wd ]]
	author = {T. Christine Jespersen and David J. Plante},
	title = {Critical Globalization and Political Economy in \mkbibemph{Tropic of Orange}},
	editor = {Ruth Y. Hsu and Pamela Thoma},
	publisher = {Modern Language Association of America},
	booktitle = {Approaches to Teaching the Works of Karen Tei Yamashita},
	pages = {forthcoming}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Johnson:2014ty ]]
	author = {Johnson, Barbara},
	title = {My Monster / My Self},
	editor = {Melissa Feuerstein and Bill Johnson Gonz{\'a}lez and Lili Porten and Keja L. Valens},
	publisher = {Duke UP},
	date = {2014},
	booktitle = {The Barbara Johnson Reader},
	booksubtitle = {The Surprise of Otherness},
	pages = {179--190},
	addendum = {Originally published in \mkbibemph{Diacritics}, 1982}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Marvell:1979tp ]]
	author = {Marvell, Andrew},
	title = {The Mower's Song},
	editor = {M. H. Abrams},
	publisher = {W. W. Norton},
	date = {1979},
	booktitle = {The Norton Anthology of English Literature},
	edition = {4},
	editortype = {generaleditor},
	pages = {1368},
	volume = {1}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Poe:1902aa ]]
	author = {Poe, Edgar Allan},
	title = {The Masque of the Red Death},
	editor = {James A. Harrison},
	publisher = {Thomas Y. Crowell},
	date = {1902},
	booktitle = {The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe},
	eprinttype = {HathiTrust Digital Library},
	pages = {250--258},
	url = {hdl.handle.net/2027/coo.31924079574368},
	volume = {4}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Poe:1902wd ]]
	author = {Poe, Edgar Allan},
	title = {The Masque of the Red Death},
	editor = {James A. Harrison},
	publisher = {Thomas Y. Crowell},
	date = {1902},
	booktitle = {The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe},
	pages = {250--258},
	volume = {4}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ SaroWiwa:2001wt ]]
	author = {Ken Saro-Wiwa},
	title = {English Is the Hero},
	editor = {Holger Ehling and Claus-Peter Holste-von Mutius},
	publisher = {Rodopi},
	date = {2001},
	booktitle = {No Condition Is Permanent},
	booksubtitle = {Nigerian Writing and the Struggle for Democracy},
	namea = {Diri I. Teilanyo},
	nameatype = {interviewer},
	pages = {13--19},
	options = {uniquenamea=true}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Toorn:2017ti ]]
	author = {Toorn, Penny van and Justice, Daniel},
	title = {Aboriginal Writing},
	editor = {Eva-Marie Kr{\"o}ller},
	publisher = {Cambridge UP},
	date = {2017},
	booktitle = {The Cambridge Companion to Canadian Literature},
	doi = {10.1017/9781316671764.004},
	eprinttype = {Cambridge Core},
	location = {Cambridge},
	pages = {26--58}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Woolf:1976wl ]]
	author = {Virginia Woolf},
	title = {To T. S. Eliot},
	editor = {Nigel Nicolson and Joanne Trautmann},
	publisher = {Harvest Books and Harcourt Brace Jovanovich},
	date = {1976},
	booktitle = {The Letters of Virginia Woolf},
	origdate = {1920-07-28},
	pages = {437-438},
	volume = {2}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Werner:vh ]]
	author = {Sarah Werner},
	title = {When Is a Source Not a Source?},
	doi = {10.17613/M6PG6F},
	eprinttype = {CORE},
	eventdate = {2015-11-14},
	eventtitle = {Stanford Primary Source Symposium: The Phenomenology of the Source},
	institution = {Stanford University}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Botterill:2004tx ]]
	author = {Botterill, Steven N.},
	title = {Angela Da Foligno, Saint},
	editor = {Christopher Kleinhenz and John W. Barker and Gail Geiger and Richard Lansing},
	publisher = {Routledge},
	date = {2004},
	booktitle = {Medieval Italy},
	booksubtitle = {An Encyclopedia},
	eprint = {E2CTAgAAQBAJ},
	eprinttype = {Google Books},
	pages = {35--36},
	volume = {1}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Content:2003ug ]]
	title = {Content, \mkbibemph{N}. (4)},
	publisher = {Merriam-Webster},
	date = {2003},
	booktitle = {Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary},
	edition = {11},
	pages = {269}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Content:2020tl ]]
	title = {Content, \mkbibemph{N}. (1)},
	date = {2020},
	booktitle = {Merriam-Webster},
	url = {www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/content}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Emoticon:2003ur ]]
	title = {Emoticon, \mkbibemph{N}.},
	publisher = {Merriam-Webster},
	date = {2003},
	booktitle = {Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary},
	edition = {11},
	pages = {408}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Emoticon:2018ws ]]
	title = {Emoticon, \mkbibemph{N}.},
	publisher = {Oxford University Press},
	date = {2018},
	booktitle = {Oxford English Dictionary},
	url = {www.oed.com/view/Entry/249618}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Heavy:2018ty ]]
	title = {Heavy, \mkbibemph{Adj.} (1) and \mkbibemph{N.}},
	publisher = {Oxford UP},
	date = {2018},
	booktitle = {Oxford English Dictionary},
	url = {www.oed.com/view/Entry/85246}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Patanjali:1996wu ]]
	title = {Patanjali},
	editor = {Bruce Murphy},
	publisher = {HarperCollins Publishers},
	date = {1996},
	booktitle = {Ben{\'e}t's Reader's Encyclopedia},
	edition = {4},
	pages = {782}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Apfelbaum:un ]]
	author = {Apfelbaum, D. S},
	title = {Letter to Vincent Marist},
	date = {1946-03-11},
	addendum = {Manuscript}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Benton:ve ]]
	author = {Benton, Thomas Hart},
	title = {Letter to Charles Fremont},
	library = {John Charles Fremont Papers, Southwest Museum Library},
	location = {Los Angeles},
	origdate = {1847-06-22},
	addendum = {Manuscript}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Murrow:vv ]]
	author = {Murrow, Irena},
	title = {Letter to the author},
	date = {2016-04-05},
	addendum = {Typescript}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Schlesinger:wm ]]
	author = {Schlesinger, Jr, Arthur},
	title = {Letter},
	date = {2004-04-08},
	journal = {The New York Review of Books},
	pages = {84}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ AdSchool:tv ]]
	title = {Advertisement for \mkbibemph{School of Rock: The Musical}},
	date = {2017-01-29},
	note = {Times Square, New York City},
	addendum = {Billboard}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ AdUpton:vl ]]
	title = {Advertisement for Upton Tea Imports},
	date = {2018-10},
	journal = {Smithsonian},
	pages = {84}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Elahi:vi ]]
	author = {Elahi, Nareen},
	title = {E-mail to Standards Committee},
	date = {2019-01-15}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Lemuelson:uu ]]
	author = {Erik Lemuelson},
	title = {Text message to the author},
	date = {2018-05-03}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Pierson:vf ]]
	author = {Collette Pierson},
	title = {E-mail to the author},
	date = {2019-06-01}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Salter:uc ]]
	author = {Margaret Salter},
	title = {Interview},
	editor = {Susan Lang},
	date = {2002-10-22},
	editortype = {conductor}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Santiago:to ]]
	author = {Robert Santiago},
	title = {Personal communication with author},
	date = {2017-02-11}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Sternberg:ta ]]
	author = {Rachel Sternberg},
	title = {E-mail interview with the author},
	date = {2021-01-07}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ UnitedNationsGeneralAssembly:1948uv ]]
	author = {{United Nations, General Assembly}},
	title = {Universal Declaration of Human Rights},
	date = {1948-12-10},
	eprinttype = {United Nations},
	titleaddon = {Resolution 217 A},
	url = {www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/},
	addendum = {PDF download}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Wexler:wj ]]
	author = {Jojo Wexler},
	title = {Telephone interview with the author},
	date = {2019-11-03}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Zamora:ui ]]
	author = {Estelle Zamora},
	title = {E-mail to Penny Kinkaid},
	date = {2018-05-03}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Benton:wd ]]
	author = {Benton, Thomas Hart},
	title = {Instruments of Power \mkbibemph{from} America Today},
	date = {1930/1931},
	datea = {2012},
	locationa = {Metropolitan Museum of Art},
	supplemental = {1930--31},
	supplementala = {www.metmuseum.org/blogs/now-at-the-met/from-the-director/2012/benton/slideshow},
	supplementalb = {Slide 1},
	titlea = {The Met},
	titletype = {complete}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Bible:app:2016ab ]]
	title = {The Bible},
	datea = {2016},
	publishera = {Bible Gateway / Zondervan},
	supplemental = {King James Version},
	titlea = {Bible Gateway},
	titletype = {complete},
	versiona = {version 42},
	versionb = {App}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Cahill:wq ]]
	author = {Cahill, Daniel J},
	title = {Memo to English department faculty},
	datea = {1 June 2000},
	publishera = {Brooklyn Technical High School, New York City},
	titletype = {unstyled},
	versionb = {PDF}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ DigitalMediaTheory:uo ]]
	title = {Slides 040720},
	datea = {7 Apr. 2020},
	locationa = {d2l.msu.edu/d2l/le/content/909183/viewContent/8746820/View},
	publishera = {Michigan State U},
	supplemental = {Introduction to Digital Media Theory, taught by Kathleen Fitzpatrick},
	titlea = {D2L},
	titletype = {part}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ SlideLinus:wh ]]
	title = {Slide of Linus, Lucy, and Snoopy},
	supplemental = {English 204: Animals in Graphic Art, 4 Apr. 2016, Evergreen State College. Slide 2.},
	titletype = {unstyled}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ SocialNetworking:vj ]]
	title = {Syllabus for Social Networking in the Scriptorium},
	institution = {University of Massachusetts},
	location = {Boston},
	supplemental = {Taught by Alex Mueller, spring 2014, U of Massachusetts, Boston},
	titletype = {unstyled}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ TecartaBible:wf ]]
	title = {The Bible},
	datea = {6 Sept. 2016},
	publishera = {Tecarta},
	supplemental = {King James Version},
	titlea = {Tecarta Bible},
	titletype = {book},
	versiona = {app version 7.10}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ BladeRunner::1992tx ]]
	title = {Blade Runner},
	publisher = {Warner Bros.},
	date = {1992},
	namea = {Ridley Scott},
	nameatype = {director},
	origdate = {1982},
	version = {director's cut}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ ET:1982:vj ]]
	title = {E.T. the Extra-Terrestial},
	publisher = {Universal Studios},
	date = {1982},
	addendum = {Netflix app}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ LikeWater:1993:og ]]
	title = {Like Water for Chocolate},
	publisher = {Miramax},
	date = {1993},
	namea = {Alfonso Arau},
	nameatype = {director},
	nameb = {Laura Esquivel},
	namebtype = {screenplay},
	titleaddon = {Como agua para chocolate}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ OpeningNight:tf ]]
	title = {Opening Night},
	editor = {John Cassavetes},
	publisher = {Faces Distribution},
	date = {1977},
	editortype = {director},
	options = {useeditor=false}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Sairat:vz ]]
	title = {Sairat},
	editor = {Nagraj Manjule},
	publisher = {Zee Studios and Aatpat Production},
	date = {2016},
	editortype = {director},
	options = {useeditor=false}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Beatles:aa ]]
	author = {Beatles},
	publisher = {EMI Records},
	date = {1968},
	booktitle = {The Beatles}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Beethoven:ui ]]
	author = {Beethoven, Ludwig van},
	title = {Symphony No. 9 in D Minor \mkbibquote{Choral}},
	editor = {Wilhelm Furtw{\"a}ngler},
	publisher = {EMI},
	date = {1998},
	editortype = {conductor},
	origdate = {1951-07-29},
	entrysubtype = {album}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Beyonce:ta ]]
	author = {Beyonc{\'e}},
	title = {Pretty Hurts},
	publisher = {Parkwood Entertainment},
	date = {2013},
	booktitle = {Beyonc{\'e}},
	url = {www.beyonce.com/album/beyonce/?media_view=songs}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Lopez:tu ]]
	author = {Jennifer Lopez},
	title = {Vivir mi vida},
	publisher = {Sony Music Latin},
	date = {2017},
	addendum = {Spotify app}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Schubert:wm ]]
	author = {Schubert, Franz},
	title = {Piano Trio in E-flat Major D 929},
	editor = {{Wiener Mozart-Trio}},
	publisher = {Preiser Records},
	date = {2011},
	edition = {unabridged version},
	editortype = {Performance by},
	entrysubtype = {album},
	addendum = {Vinyl LP}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ SigurRos:vq ]]
	author = {{Sigur R{\'o}s}},
	title = {Takk{\ldots}},
	publisher = {Geffen Records},
	date = {2005},
	entrysubtype = {album}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ AdNewYorker:ty ]]
	title = {Get the Best of \mkbibemph{The New Yorker}},
	date = {2017-01-10},
	journal = {The New Yorker},
	url = {www.newyorker.com},
	addendum = {Pop-up advertisement}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Beaton:vx ]]
	author = {Beaton, Kate},
	title = {The Secret Garden},
	maintitle = {Hark! A Vagrant},
	url = {www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=350},
	urldate = {2017-01-17}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ BlakeArchive:uh ]]
	title = {The William Blake Archive},
	editor = {Morris Eaves and Robert Essick and Joseph Viscomi},
	date = {1996/2014},
	url = {www.blakearchive.org},
	entrysubtype = {website}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Chaucer:Doth:Tweet:tx ]]
	author = {{Chaucer Doth Tweet}},
	title = {A daye wythout anachronism ys lyke Emily Dickinson wythout her lightsaber},
	date = {2018-04-07},
	maintitle = {Twitter},
	nameaddon = {{@LeVostreGC}},
	url = {twitter.com/LeVostreGC/status/982829987286827009}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Folgerpedia:aa ]]
	title = {Folgerpedia},
	publisher = {Folger Shakespeare Library},
	date = {2018-07-17},
	sorttitle = {Folgerpedia},
	url = {folgerpedia.folger.edu/Main_Page},
	entrysubtype = {website}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Glass:2018wx ]]
	author = {Erin Rose Glass and Micah Vandegrift},
	title = {Public Scholarship in Practice and Philosophy},
	date = {2018},
	doi = {10.17613/g64d-gd16},
	eprinttype = {CORE},
	addendum = {PDF download, draft of working paper}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Lawson:tw ]]
	author = {Stuart Lawson},
	title = {Public Libraries and Knowledge Politics},
	date = {2018-02-08},
	eprinttype = {E-LIS},
	url = {eprints.rclis.org/32361/}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Lilly:ui ]]
	author = {Lilly},
	title = {[I]f u like dark academia there's a good chance you've seen my tumblr \#darkacademia.},
	date = {2020},
	maintitle = {TikTok},
	nameaddon = {{@uvisaa}},
	url = {www.tiktok.com/@uvisaa/video/6815708894900391173}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ MacLeod:wm ]]
	author = {Michael MacLeod},
	title = {Cover of \mkbibemph{Space Cat and the Kittens}, by Ruthven Todd},
	date = {2020},
	maintitle = {Pinterest},
	url = {www.pinterest.com/pin/565412928193207246/},
	entrysubtype = {untitled}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Manifold:aa ]]
	title = {Manifold Greatness},
	subtitle = {The Creation and Afterlife of the King James Bible},
	publisher = {{University of Texas, Austin, Harry Ransom Center} and {University of Oxford, Bodleian Libraries} and {Folger Shakespeare Library}},
	date = {2016},
	sorttitle = {Manifold Greatness},
	url = {manifoldgreatness.org},
	entrysubtype = {website}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ MemberSuccess:ws ]]
	title = {Member Success Stories},
	publisher = {Modern Language Association of America},
	date = {2016-09-07},
	journal = {The MLA Commons Newsletter},
	addendum = {E-mail}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Modern:Language:Association:ub ]]
	author = {{Modern Language Association}},
	title = {Business leaders say college graduates are not effectively prepared with either soft or technical skills for today's workforce. . . .},
	date = {2020},
	maintitle = {LinkedIn},
	url = {www.linkedin.com/posts/modern-language-association_are-colleges-finally-going-to-start-training-activity-6683424396222193664-y29x}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Ng:wg ]]
	author = {Celeste Ng},
	title = {Photo of a letter from Shirley Jackson},
	date = {2018-01-22},
	maintitle = {Twitter},
	nameaddon = {{@pronounced\_ing}},
	url = {twitter.com/pronounced_ing/status/955528799357231104},
	entrysubtype = {untitled}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ PiersPEA:aa ]]
	title = {\mkbibemph{Piers Plowman} Electronic Archive},
	editor = {Robert Adams and Patricia R. Bart and John A. Burrow and Michael A. Calabrese and Eric Eliason and Hanna, Ralph, III and Katherine Heinrichs Rehyansky and Judith Jefferson and Eugene Lyman and Stephen Shepherd and M{\'\i}{\.c}e{\'a}l Vaughan},
	publisher = {{Society for Early English and Norse Electronic Texts}},
	date = {2018-06-07},
	sorttitle = {Piers Plowman Electronic Archive},
	url = {piers.chass.ncsu.edu/},
	entrysubtype = {website},
	options = {useeditor=false}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ sheldon2014 ]]
	author = {Natasha Sheldon},
	title = {Human Remains in Pompeii},
	subtitle = {The Body Casts},
	date = {2014-03-23},
	eprinttype = {Decoded Past},
	url = {decodedpast.com/human-remains-pompeii-body-casts/7532/}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ splcJoins:ws ]]
	title = {SPLC Joins National Day of Mourning},
	date = {2020-06-04},
	journal = {SPLC: Southern Poverty Law Center},
	url = {www.splcenter.org/presscenter/splc-joins-national-day-mourning},
	addendum = {Press release}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ TableCCCXI:vi ]]
	title = {Table 311.80},
	subtitle = {Number and Percentage Distribution of Course Enrollments in Languages Other Than English at Degree-Granting Postsecondary Institutions, by Language and Enrollment Level: Selected Years, 2002 through 2013},
	publisher = {National Center for Education Statistics},
	date = {2015},
	maintitle = {Digest of Education Statistics},
	url = {nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d15/tables/dt15_311.80.asp}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Thomas:vq ]]
	author = {Thomas, Angie},
	title = {Photo of \mkbibemph{The Hate U Give} cover},
	date = {2018-12-04},
	maintitle = {Instagram},
	url = {www.instagram.com/p/Bq_PaXKgqPw/},
	entrysubtype = {untitled}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ VisualizingEmancipation:uf ]]
	title = {Visualizing Emancipation},
	editor = {Scott Nesbit and Edward L. Ayers},
	editortype = {director},
	sorttitle = {Visualizing},
	url = {dsl.richmond.edu/emancipation/},
	entrysubtype = {website},
	options = {useeditor=false}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Wang:wj ]]
	author = {Lijing Wang and Xue Ben and Aniruddha Adiga and Adam Sadilek and Ashish Tendulkar and Srinivasan Venkatramanan and Anil Vullikanti and Gaurav Aggarwal and Alok Talekar and Jiangzhuo Chen and Bryan Lewis and Samarth Swarup and Amol Kapoor and Milind Tambe and Madhav Marathe},
	title = {Using Mobility Data to Understand and Forecast COVID19 Dynamics},
	date = {2020-12-15},
	doi = {10.1101/2020.12.13.20248129},
	eprinttype = {MedRxiv: The Preprint Server for Health Sciences},
	addendum = {Preprint}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ World:Wildlife:Fund:vz ]]
	author = {{World Wildlife Fund}},
	title = {Five Things to Know on Shark Awareness Day},
	date = {2020-07-14},
	maintitle = {Facebook},
	url = {www.facebook.com/worldwildlifefund/videos/745925785979440/}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ almendro:1998fg ]]
	author = {Almendro, Jos{\'e} L. and Mart{\'\i}n, Jacinto and S{\'a}nchez, Alberto and Nozal, Fernando},
	title = {Elektromagnetisches Signalhorn},
	date = 1998,
	langid = {german},
	location = {countryfr and countryuk and countryde},
	number = {EU-29702195U}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ kowalik:1995qw ]]
	author = {Kowalik, F. and Isard, M.},
	title = {Estimateur d'un d{\'e}faut de fonctionnement d'un modulateur en quadrature et {\'e}tage de modulation l'utilisant},
	date = {1995-01-11},
	indextitle = {Estimateur d'un d{\'e}faut de fonctionnement},
	langid = {french},
	number = 9500261,
	type = {patreqfr}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ laufenberg:2006py ]]
	author = {Laufenberg, Xaver and Eynius, Dominique and Suelzle, Helmut and Usbeck, Stephan and Spaeth, Matthias and Neuser-Hoffmann, Miriam and Myrzik, Christian and Schmid, Manfred and Nietfeld, Franz and Thiel, Alexander and Braun, Harald and Ebner, Norbert},
	title = {Elektrische Einrichtung und Betriebsverfahren},
	date = {2006-09-13},
	file = {http://v3.espacenet.com/textdoc?IDX=EP1700367},
	holder = {{Robert Bosch GmbH} and {Daimler Chrysler AG} and {Bayerische Motoren Werke AG}},
	langid = {german},
	number = 1700367,
	type = {patenteu}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ sorace:1997gh ]]
	author = {Sorace, Ronald E. and Reinhardt, Victor S. and Vaughn, Steven A.},
	title = {High-Speed Digital-to-{RF} Converter},
	date = {1997-09-16},
	holder = {{Hughes Aircraft Company}},
	langid = {english},
	langidopts = {variant=american},
	number = 5668842,
	type = {patentus}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Alys:2002un ]]
	author = {Al{\"y}s, Francis},
	title = {Cuando la fe mueve monta{\~n}as},
	eventdate = {2002-04-11},
	location = {Lima, Peru}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Beyonce:2016vj ]]
	author = {Beyonc{\'e}},
	title = {The Formation World Tour},
	eventdate = {2016-05-14},
	location = {Los Angeles},
	venue = {Rose Bowl}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Brown:2019uj ]]
	author = {Brown, Trisha},
	title = {Foray For{\^e}t},
	organization = {Performance by Trisha Brown Dance Company},
	eventdate = {2019-09-28},
	location = {Philadelphia},
	venue = {Fairmount Park}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Lynn:2016wu ]]
	author = {Lynn, Loretta},
	title = {Concert},
	organization = {South by Southwest},
	eventdate = {2016-03-17},
	location = {Austin},
	venue = {Stubb's},
	entrysubtype = {untitled}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Shaw:2006vz ]]
	author = {Shaw, George Bernard},
	title = {Heartbreak House},
	editor = {Robin Lefevre},
	organization = {Roundabout Theatre Company},
	editortype = {director},
	eventdate = {2006-10-11},
	location = {New York City},
	venue = {American Airlines Theatre}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ SingMe:2019vl ]]
	title = {Sing Me the Universal},
	subtitle = {A Walt Whitman Bicentennial},
	eventdate = {2019-03-02},
	location = {New York City},
	namea = {Mark Shapiro},
	nameatype = {conductor},
	nameb = {{Cecilia Chorus of New York}},
	namebtype = {performer},
	venue = {Church of Saint Francis Xavier}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Clowes:1998wp ]]
	author = {Daniel Clowes},
	title = {Eightball},
	publisher = {Fantagraphics},
	date = {1998},
	issuetitle = {David Boring},
	number = {19}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Chang:2000uv ]]
	editor = {Steve S. Chang and Lily Liaw and Joseph Ruppenhofer},
	publisher = {Berkeley Linguistics Society},
	date = {2000},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 12--15, 1999},
	booksubtitle = {General Session and Parasession on Loan Word Phenomena}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ ExecutiveSummary:we ]]
	author = {{Executive summary}},
	title = {Report of the Task Force on Doctoral Study in Modern Language and Literature},
	date = {2014},
	institution = {Modern Language Association of America},
	url = {www.mla.org/content/download/25438/1164362/execsumtaskforcedocstudy.pdf}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Powell:wl ]]
	author = {Catherine Powell and Ann Mei Chang},
	title = {Women in Tech as a Driver for Growth in Emerging Economies},
	date = {2016-07},
	institution = {Council on Foreign Relations Press},
	url = {cdn.cfr.org/sites/default/files/pdf/2016/06/Discussion_Paper_Powell_Chang_Women_ICT_OR.pdf}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ ReadingRisk:vu ]]
	title = {Reading at Risk},
	subtitle = {A Survey of Literary Reading in America},
	date = {2004-06},
	institution = {National Endowment for the Arts}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Racial:vh ]]
	title = {Racial Stereotype Busters},
	subtitle = {Black Scientists Who Made a Difference},
	date = {1999},
	journal = {Journal of Blacks in Higher Education},
	pages = {133--34},
	volume = {25}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Rohrbaugh:aa ]]
	author = {Lisa Rohrbaugh},
	date = {2020-07-01},
	bookauthor = {Scott O'Connor},
	booktitle = {Zero Zone},
	journal = {Library Journal},
	url = {www.libraryjournal.com/?reviewDetail=zero-zone}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Tommasini:tm ]]
	author = {Tommasini, Anthony},
	title = {A Feminist Look at Sophocles},
	date = {1998-06-11},
	journal = {The New York Times},
	pages = {p. E5},
	version = {late ed.},
	entrysubtype = {newspaper}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ YouWill:aa ]]
	date = {2016-05-05},
	bookauthor = {Megan Abbott},
	booktitle = {You Will Know Me},
	journal = {Kirkus Reviews},
	url = {www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/megan-abbott/you-will-know-me/}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ AngryBirds:2016vs ]]
	title = {Angry Birds},
	publisher = {Rovio Entertainment},
	date = {2016-12-10},
	version = {7.0.0}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ VidaSystems:2020ua ]]
	author = {VidaSystems},
	title = {Aurora Borealis},
	eventdate = {2020-01-03},
	maintitle = {Google Expeditions app}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ anon:1994ti ]]
	title = {Appendix C},
	subtitle = {Resuscitation from Apparent Death by Electric Shock},
	publisher = {{Touch and Go Records}},
	date = {1994},
	bookauthor = {Shellac},
	booktitle = {At Action Park}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Boyd:1992aa ]]
	author = {Malcolm Boyd},
	publisher = {Deutsche Grammophon},
	date = {1992},
	booktitle = {The Bach Album},
	entrysubtype = {Booklet}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Felstiner:2001aa ]]
	author = {John Felstiner},
	publisher = {W. W. Norton},
	date = {2001},
	booktitle = {Selected Poems and Prose of Paul Celan},
	pages = {xix--xxxvi},
	translator = {Felstiner, John},
	entrysubtype = {Preface}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Gere:2021aa ]]
	author = {Gere, Anne Ruggles},
	editor = {Diane Kelly-Riley and Norbert Elliot},
	publisher = {Modern Language Association of America},
	date = {2021},
	booktitle = {Improving Outcomes},
	booksubtitle = {Disciplinary Writing, Local Assessment, and the Aim of Fairness},
	pages = {vii--viii},
	entrysubtype = {Foreword}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Lewiston:aa ]]
	author = {David Lewiston},
	publisher = {Nonesuch},
	booktitle = {The Balinese Gamelan},
	booksubtitle = {Music from the Morning of the World},
	entrysubtype = {Liner notes}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Race:1959aa ]]
	author = {Steve Race},
	publisher = {Columbia Records},
	date = {1959},
	bookauthor = {Dave Brubeck Quartet},
	booktitle = {Time Out},
	entrysubtype = {Liner notes}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Seyhan:2008wz ]]
	author = {Seyhan, Azade},
	title = {Novel Moves},
	publisher = {Modern Language Association of America},
	date = {2008},
	bookauthor = {Seyhan, Azade},
	booktitle = {Tales of Crossed Destinies},
	booksubtitle = {The Modern Turkish Novel in a Comparative Context},
	pages = {1--22}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Wallach:2000we ]]
	author = {Rick Wallach},
	title = {Cormac McCarthy's Canon as Accidental Artifact},
	editor = {Wallach, Rick},
	publisher = {Manchester University Press},
	date = {2000},
	booktitle = {Myth, Legend, Dust},
	booksubtitle = {Critical Responses to Cormac McCarthy},
	pages = {xiv--xvi},
	entrysubtype = {Introduction}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Njus:2010aa ]]
	author = {Jesse Njus},
	title = {Performing the Passion},
	subtitle = {A Study on the Nature of Medieval Acting},
	date = {2010},
	eprinttype = {ProQuest},
	school = {Northwestern University},
	type = {phd},
	url = {search.proquest.com/docview/305212264}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Njus:2010vc ]]
	author = {Jesse Njus},
	title = {Performing the Passion},
	subtitle = {A Study on the Nature of Medieval Acting},
	date = {2010},
	school = {Northwestern University},
	type = {phd}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Atwood:1993tp ]]
	author = {Margaret Atwood},
	title = {Silencing the Scream},
	organization = {MLA Annual Convention},
	eventdate = {1993-12-29},
	location = {Toronto},
	titleaddon = {Boundaries of the Imagination Forum},
	venue = {Royal York Hotel}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Auden:wg ]]
	author = {W. H. Auden and Klaus Mann},
	title = {Prospectus},
	library = {\mkbibemph{Decision} magazine papers, Yale U Library, Manuscripts and Archives},
	number = {MS 176, box 1, folder 20},
	entrysubtype = {untitled}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Dickinson:aa ]]
	author = {Dickinson, Emily},
	title = {Distance Is Not the Realm of Fox},
	library = {Pierpont Morgan Library},
	location = {New York City},
	origdate = {1870?},
	addendum = {Manuscript}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Ford:2016vm ]]
	author = {Jane Ford},
	title = {Lecture},
	eventdate = {2016-04-04},
	note = {Introduction to the History of Art},
	venue = {Bates College},
	entrysubtype = {untitled}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Jones:vh ]]
	author = {Celia Jones},
	title = {Shakespeare's Dark Lady Illuminated},
	date = {1988}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Moskowitz:wb ]]
	author = {Julie Moskowitz},
	title = {Service Learning and Online Courses},
	date = {2017-02-20}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ AirCanada:us ]]
	title = {Air Canada},
	subtitle = {We're in the Business of You},
	date = {2019-04-08},
	maintitle = {YouTube},
	maintitleaddon = {uploaded by Air Canada},
	url = {www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE9AFpsg7H8}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Allende:2007bw ]]
	author = {Isabel Allende},
	title = {Tales of Passion},
	date = {2007-03},
	maintitle = {TED},
	url = {www.ted.com/talks/isabel_allende_tells_tales_of_passion?language=en},
	addendum = {Transcript}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Allende:2007vc ]]
	author = {Isabel Allende},
	title = {Tales of Passion},
	date = {2007-03},
	maintitle = {TED},
	url = {www.ted.com/talks/isabel_allende_tells_tales_of_passion?language=en}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Fleabag:2019:tq ]]
	title = {Fleabag},
	publisher = {BBC},
	date = {2019-03-18},
	namea = {Phoebe Waller-Bridge},
	nameatype = {creator},
	number = {3},
	season = {2}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Hush:1999:vg ]]
	title = {Hush},
	publisher = {Mutant Enemy and Twentieth Century Fox},
	date = {2003},
	maintitle = {Buffy the Vampire Slayer},
	mainsubtitle = {The Complete Fourth Season},
	namea = {Joss Whedon},
	nameatype = {creator},
	note = {disc 3},
	number = {10},
	origdate = {1999},
	addendum = {DVD}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Hush:1999:vi ]]
	title = {Hush},
	publisher = {Mutant Enemy and WB Television Network},
	date = {1999-12-14},
	maintitle = {Buffy the Vampire Slayer},
	namea = {Joss Whedon},
	nameatype = {creator},
	number = {10},
	season = {4}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ IBorg:1992:wz ]]
	title = {I, Borg},
	publisher = {Paramount Pictures},
	date = {1992},
	eprinttype = {Netflix},
	maintitle = {Star Trek},
	mainsubtitle = {The Next Generation},
	number = {23},
	season = {5},
	url = {www.netflix.com}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ Jeopardy:2019:td ]]
	title = {Jeopardy!},
	publisher = {ABC},
	date = {2019-11-07}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ NewNormal:2016:vi ]]
	title = {New Normal},
	publisher = {Showtime},
	date = {2016-07-24},
	maintitle = {Homeland},
	namea = {Dan Attias},
	nameatype = {director},
	number = {10},
	season = {5},
	options = {uniquenamea=true},
	addendum = {Amazon Prime Video app}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ SaturdayNight:2019:vu ]]
	title = {Saturday Night Live},
	publisher = {NBC},
	date = {2019-03-30},
	namea = {Sandra Oh},
	nameatype = {host},
	number = {16},
	season = {44}}
%[[ end ]]
%[[ WhatIsMLA:2016:wq ]]
	title = {What Is the MLA International Bibliography?},
	date = {2016-10-14},
	maintitle = {Vimeo},
	namea = {{MLA International Bibliography}},
	nameatype = {uploaded by},
	url = {vimeo.com/187399565}}
%[[ end ]]