`smpbtx.bib' sample bibtex database:

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bil kleb <w.l.kleb(at)larc.nasa.gov> [13 dec 96]

 author = {J. P. Steinbrenner and J. R. Chawner and C. L. Fouts},
 title  = {The GRIDGEN 3D Multiple Block Grid Generation System},
 type   = {Wright Research and Development Center Report},
 number = {WRDC--TR--90--3022},
 month  = oct,
 year   = 1989

 author      = {Samareh-Abolhassani, J.},
 title       = {GridTool: A Surface Modeling and Grid
   Generation Tool},
 booktitle   = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Surface Modeling, Grid
   Generation, and Related Issues in CFD Solutions},
 publisher   = {NASA CP--3291},
 pages       = {821--831},
 month	     = may,
 year        = 1995

 author = {Robert E. Austin and Stephen A. Cook},
 title  = {SSTO Rockets: Streamlining Access to Space},
 journal= {Aerospace America},
 month  = nov,
 year   = 1994,
 pages  = {34--38}

 author = {John T. Batina},
 title  = {Implicit Upwind Solution Algorithms for Three-Dimensional
Unstructured Meshes},
 journal= {AIAA Journal},
 volume = 31,
 number = 5,
 pages  = {801--805},
 month  = may,
 year   = 1993,
 note   = {See also AIAA Paper 92--0447.}

 author = {Ivan Bekey and Richard Powell and Robert Austin},
 title  = {NASA Studies Access to Space},
 journal= {Aerospace America},
 month  = may,
 year   = 1994,
 pages  = {38--43}

 author = {Brent R. Cobleigh},
 title  = {High-Angle-of-Attack Yawing Moment Asymmetry of the X-31
		  Aircraft from Flight Test},
 type   = {AIAA Paper},
 number = {94--1803},
 month  = jun,
 year   = 1994,
 note   = {In 12th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference Proceedings}

 author = {Leonard David},
 title  = {DC-X Completes Pivot Test Over White Sands},
 journal= {Space News},
 month  = jul,
 volume = 6,
 number = 27,
 year   = 1995,
 pages  = {1,20},
 mynote = {pitchover maneuver}

 author = {Michael A. Dornheim},
 title  = {NASA Awards RLV Contracts},
 journal= {Aviation Week \& Space Technology},
 month  = jun,
 year   = 1994,
 pages  = {22--23}

 author = {Michael A. Dornheim},
 title  = {DC-X Demonstrates Key Maneuver},
 journal= {Aviation Week \& Space Technology},
 month  = jul,
 year   = 1995,
 pages  = {56--59},
 mynote = {pitchover maneuver}

 author = {Michael A. Dornheim},
 title  = {DC-X Holds Promise; Big Questions Remain},
 journal= {Aviation Week \& Space Technology},
 month  = aug,
 year   = 1995,
 pages  = {56--59},
 mynote = {pitchover maneuver}

 author = {Douglas W. Dusing and Paul D. Orkwis},
 title  = {On Computing Vortex Asymmetries About Cones at Angle of
		  Attack Using the Conical Navier-Stokes Equations},
 type   = {AIAA Paper},
 number = {93--3628},
 month  = aug,
 year   = 1993,
 note   = {In AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference Proceedings}

 author    = {John W. Edwards and John B. Malone},
 title     = {Current Status of Computational Methods for Transonic
                Unsteady Aerodynamics and Aeroelastic Applications},
 booktitle = {AGARD Conference Proceedings: Transonic Unsteady
		  Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity},
 number    = 507,
 pages     = {{1-1---1-24}},
 month     = mar,
 year      = 1992

 author = {David F. Fisher and Brent R. Cobleigh},
 title  = {Controlling Forebody Asymmetries in Flight---Experience with
		  Boundary Layer Transition Strips},
 type   = {AIAA Paper},
 number = {94--1826},
 month  = jun,
 year   = 1994,
 note   = {In 12th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference Proceedings},
 mynote = {asymmetry}

 author = {Steve R. Kennon and J. M. Meyering and C. W. Berry and J. T. Oden},
 title  = {Geometry-Based Delaunay Tetrahedralization and Mesh
            Movement Strategies for Multi-Body CFD},
 type   = {AIAA Paper},
 number = {92--4575},
 month  = aug,
 year   = 1992

 author = {William L. Kleb},
 title  = {Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Aerospace Vehicle
            During a Subsonic Pitch-Over Maneuver},
 type   = {AIAA Paper},
 number = {96--0825},
 month  = jan,
 year   = 1996

 author = {C. O. O'Leary and B. Weir and J. M. Walker},
 title  = {A New Rig for the Measurement of Rotary and Translational
 type   = {ICAS},
 number = {94--3.4.1},
 month  = sep,
 year   = 1994,
 note   = {In 19th Congress of the International Council of the
		  Aeronautical Sciences ICAS Proceedings}

 author    = {J. Peraire and Kenneth Morgan and J. Peiro},
 title     = {Unstructured Finite Element Mesh Generation and Adaptive
		  Procedures for CFD},
 booktitle = {AGARD Conference Proceedings: Application of Mesh
		  Generation to Complex 3-D Configurations},
 number    = 464,
 pages     = {18.1--18.12},
 year      = 1990

 author = {William C. Woods and Norman R. Merski},
 title  = {Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Vertical Takeoff / Vertical
		  Landing (VTVL) Single Stage to Orbit Vehicle from
		  M = 0.1 to 10},
 type   = {AIAA Paper},
 number = {95--1828},
 year   = 1995

 author = {Takashi Yoshinaga and Atsushi Tate and Hideo Sekine},
 title  = {Side Force of Blunted Circular Cylinders at High Angles of
		  Attack in Supersonic Flow},
 type   = {AIAA Paper},
 number = {94--3520},
 month  = aug,
 year   = 1994,
 note   = {In AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference Proceedings},
 mynote = {asymmetry}