% $Id: pst-doc.cls 1044 2019-04-11 09:32:09Z herbert $
%% The PSTricks Project
%% ``pst-doc'' class for use with the PSTricks documentation.
%% Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Herbert Voss
%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details.
\ProvidesClass{pst-doc-new}[2022/11/24 PSTricks documentation class (hv,ag)]
\RequirePackage{amsmath, amssymb} 
  \setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase,FakeStretch=0.92]{DejaVu Sans Mono}
%  \setmathfont{XITS Math}
% Define commands that don't eat spaces.
\providecommand{\IfDefined}[2]{\ifcsname #1\endcsname #2 \fi}
\providecommand{\IfElseDefined}[3]{\ifcsname #1\endcsname #2 \else #3 \fi}
\providecommand{\IfElseUnDefined}[3]{\ifcsname #1\endcsname #3 \else #2\fi}
% Definde frontmatter, mainmatter and backmatter if not defined
      %In Roemischen Buchstaben nummerieren (i, ii, iii)
   % scrpage benoetigt den folgenden switch
   % wenn \mainmatter definiert ist.
      % -- Seitennummerierung auf Arabische Zahlen zuruecksetzen (1,2,3)
      %In Roemischen Buchstaben nummerieren (i, ii, iii)

% Pakete speichern die spaeter geladen werden sollen

    basicstyle=\ttfamily\small, %
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    showstringspaces=false, %
%    numbers=left, 
%    numbersep=0.8em,
%    numberstyle=\tiny, %
    breaklines=true, %
    \ifnum #1=-1  \vspace{-22pt}\else\ERROR\fi
\definecolor{sectioncolor}{RGB}{0, 0, 255}    % Schwarz
\definecolor{textcolor}{RGB}{0, 0, 0}        % Schwarz

%% Fussnoten =============================================================
% Keine hochgestellten Ziffern in der Fussnote (KOMA-Script-spezifisch):
\addtolength{\skip\footins}{\baselineskip} % Abstand Text <-> Fussnote
%% Schriften (Sections )==================================================
\setkomafont{sectioning}{\bfseries\SectionFontStyle} %  % Titelzeilen % \bfseries
\setkomafont{pagenumber}{\bfseries\SectionFontStyle}             % Seitenzahl
\setkomafont{pagehead}{\small\sffamily}        % Kopfzeile
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\setkomafont{descriptionlabel}{\itshape}        % Kopfzeile
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\renewcommand*{\raggedsection}{\raggedright} % Titelzeile linksbuendig, haengend
   margin = 10pt,
   font = {small,rm},
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   format = plain, % oder 'hang'
   indention = 0em,  % Einruecken der Beschriftung
   labelsep = colon, %period, space, quad, newline
   justification = RaggedRight, % justified, centering
   singlelinecheck = true, % false (true=bei einer Zeile immer zentrieren)
   position = bottom %top
%%% Bugfix Workaround

% Aussehen der Captions fuer subfigures (subfig-Paket)
   margin = 10pt,
   font = {small,rm},
   labelfont = {small,bf},
   format = plain, % oder 'hang'
   indention = 0em,  % Einruecken der Beschriftung
   labelsep = space, %period, space, quad, newline
   justification = RaggedRight, % justified, centering
   singlelinecheck = true, % false (true=bei einer Zeile immer zentrieren)
   position = bottom, %top
   labelformat = parens % simple, empty % Wie die Bezeichnung gesetzt wird
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2}    % Abbildungsnummerierung mit groesserer Tiefe
\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}		 % Inhaltsverzeichnis mit groesserer Tiefe
% Inhalte von List of Figures
\IfPackageLoaded{subfig}{\setcounter{lofdepth}{1}  %1 = nur figures, 2 = figures + subfigures
%  \RequirePackage{breakurl}


\let\nxLKeyword\nxLenv % same formatting

\def\xLoption#1{\index{#1@\texttt{#1}}\index{Package option!#1@\texttt{#1}}}
\def\LCtr#1{\texttt{#1}\index{#1@\texttt{#1}}\index{TeX Counter@\TeX\ Counter!#1@\texttt{#1}}}
\newcommand\Lnotation [1]{\nxLnotation{#1}\xLnotation{#1}}
\def\xLKeyset#1{\expandafter\xLKeyset@i#1\@nil}% without using the right value of =
\newcommand\Larg [1]{{\normalfont\itshape#1\/}}
\newcommand\Larga[1]{$\langle$\Larg{#1}$\rangle$}% angles
\newcommand\Largb[1]{\lcb\Larg{#1}\rcb}          % curly brace
\newcommand\Largs[1]{\lsb\Larg{#1}\rsb}          % square brackets
\newcommand\Largr[1]{\lrb\Larg{#1}\rrb}          % round brackets
\DeclareRobustCommand\bs{{\normalfont\ttfamily\textbackslash}}  % \let\bslash=\bs
\DeclareRobustCommand\false{{\ttfamily false}}
\DeclareRobustCommand\true{{\ttfamily true}}

% without brackets
\def\Coord#1{\Coordx{#1},\kern 1pt\Coordy{#1}}
\def\Coordn{\Coordx{n},\kern 1pt\Coordy{n}}
\def\CoordIII#1{\Coordx{#1},\kern 1pt\Coordy{#1},\kern 1pt\Coordz{#1}}% HjG
\def\CAny{\Coordx{},\kern 1pt\Coordy{}}
\def\CIIIAny{\Coordx{},\kern 1pt\Coordy{},\kern 1pt\Coordz{}}%  hv
% with brackets
\def\coord#1{(\Coordx{#1},\kern 1pt\Coordy{#1})}
\def\coordn{(\Coordx{n},\kern 1pt\Coordy{n})}
\def\coordiii#1{(\Coordx{#1},\kern 1pt\Coordy{#1},\kern 1pt\Coordz{#1})}% hv
\def\cAny{(\Coordx{},\kern 1pt\Coordy{})}
\def\ciiiAny{(\Coordx{},\kern 1pt\Coordy{},\kern 1pt\Coordz{})}% hv
\setlength\BDefaboveskip{0pt plus 2pt}% first-level list topsep
% braces around next block are needed to stop the list env checking for blank lines
% and the \aftergroups then for making sure no indentation happens ... as i said
% urg



\def\OptArg{\@ifnextchar*\OptArg@i{\OptArg@ii*}}% star version without braces



%  \newgeometry{lmargin=1cm,rmargin=1cm,bmargin=1cm,includeheadfoot}%
      \ifx\@docauthor\empty~\else Documentation by\fi\hfill\makebox[7cm][l]{Package author(s):}\\
           %\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}} \@author\end{tabular}%
%  \restoregeometry%

\advance\fullWidth by \marginparsep
\advance\fullWidth by \marginparwidth
%% End of file `pst-doc.cls'.