%% This is the file ma_ihax.mtx, part of the MathInst package
%% (version 1.0, August, 1998) for math font 
%% generation.  (Author: Alan Hoenig, ajhjj@cunyvm.cuny.edu)




% \shiftglyph takes four parameters: 
% #1 the name of the glyph 
% #2 the amount of extra space at the left 
% #3 the amount of extra space at the right 
% #4 the amount to move in subscripts (should be -ve) 


% \unfakable produces a missing glyph warning. 

      \glyphwarning{missing glyph `#1'} 

% Zero the depth of a glyph. 


% Values produced by trial and error... 





% \resetglyph{vector} 
%    \movert{-100} 
%    \glyph{vector}{1000} 
%    \movert{100} 
% \endresetglyph 

% Accents have to have zero depth. 


