# This is Makefile for TDS-compliant TeX distributions
# Written by Boris Veytsman, boris@varphi.com
# This file is in public domain
PREFIX = /usr/local

LIBDIR = $(PREFIX)/scripts/bibtexperllibs

DOCDIR = $(PREFIX)/doc/bibtex/bibtexperllibs

DOCS = latex-tounicode.pdf ltx2unitxt.pdf ltx2unitxt.1


docs: $(DOCS)

latex-tounicode.pdf: latex-tounicode.tex ltx2unitxt.pdf
	texfot pdflatex $< || { rm -f $@; exit 1; }

ToUnicode = lib/LaTeX/ToUnicode

latex-tounicode.tex: $(ToUnicode).pm $(ToUnicode)/Tables.pm
	pod2latex -modify -full -prefile head.ltx -out $@ $^

latex-tounicode.tex: head.ltx 
# unfortunately pod2latex doesn't recognize =encoding, so there
# are two warnings of "Command encoding not recognised ...". Oh well.

ltx2unitxt.1: script/ltx2unitxt
# don't run --version since the --help message includes --version output.
	help2man --no-info --version-string=" " \
--name="convert LaTeX source fragment to plain (Unicode) text or simple html" \
	  $< >$@ \
	|| { rm -f $@; exit 1; }
ltx2unitxt.pdf: ltx2unitxt.1
	sed 's/^Releases:/\nReleases:/' $< | groff -man -t -rS11 - | ps2pdf - $@


install:  all docs
	mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)
	cp -r lib/* $(LIBDIR)
	mkdir -p $(DOCDIR)
	cp -r man/man3/* $(DOCDIR)
	cp -r latex-tounicode.pdf ltx2unitxt.pdf ltx2unitxt.1 $(DOCDIR)

	$(RM) -r *.log *.aux *.out *.toc latex-tounicode.tex *.tar.gz

distclean: clean
	$(RM) -r $(DOCS)