# Copyright (C) 1998-09 Stephane Galland <galland@arakhne.org> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =pod =head1 NAME Bib2HTML::Translator::BibTeXName - An parser for BibTeX names =head1 SYNOPSYS use Bib2HTML::Translator::BibTeXName ; my $gen = Bib2HTML::Translator::BibTeXName->new() ; =head1 DESCRIPTION Bib2HTML::Translator::BibTeXName is a Perl module, which parses the names according to the BibTeX format =head1 GETTING STARTED =head2 Initialization To create a parser, say something like this: use Bib2HTML::Translator::BibTeXName; my $parser = Bib2HTML::Translator::BibTeXName->new() ; ...or something similar. =cut package Bib2HTML::Translator::BibTeXName; @ISA = ('Exporter'); @EXPORT = qw(); @EXPORT_OK = qw(); use strict; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $VERSION); use Exporter; use Carp ; use Bib2HTML::General::Misc ; use Bib2HTML::General::HTML ; use Bib2HTML::General::Error ; #------------------------------------------------------ # # Global vars # #------------------------------------------------------ # Version number of the parser my $VERSION = "2.2" ; # The string for the junior part of a name my @JUNIOR_PARTS = ( 'junior', 'jr.', 'jr', 'senior', 'sen.', 'sen', 'esq.', 'esq', 'phd.', 'phd' ) ; # This is the label generated for the "et al." my $ETAL_STRING = "<i>et al.</i>" ; #------------------------------------------------------ # # Constructor # #------------------------------------------------------ sub new($) : method { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $parent = ref($proto) && $proto ; my $self ; if ( $parent ) { %{$self} = %{$parent} ; } else { $self = { } ; } bless( $self, $class ); return $self; } #------------------------------------------------------ # # Getters # #------------------------------------------------------ =pod =item * countnames() Replies the quantity of names inside the specified string Takes 1 arg: =over =item * text (string) is the text to parse. =back =cut sub countnames($) : method { my $self = shift ; my @names = $self->splitnames($_[0]||'') ; return int(@names) ; } =pod =item * samenames() Replies if the two names are the same. Takes 2 args: =over =item * name1 (hash) =item * name2 (hash) =back =cut sub samenames($$) : method { my $self = shift ; if ( $_[0]->{'et al'} || $_[0]->{'et al'} ) { return 0 ; } my $n1 = $self->formatname($_[0],'l,i.') ; my $n2 = $self->formatname($_[1],'l,i.') ; $n1 =~ s/[ \t\n\r]+//g ; $n2 =~ s/[ \t\n\r]+//g ; return ( lc($n1) eq lc($n2) ) ; } =pod =item * isauthorin() Replies if the first parameter is a author which appears inside the second parameter. Takes 2 args: =over =item * author (hash) =item * authors (string) =back =cut sub isauthorin($$) : method { my $self = shift ; if ( $_[0]->{'et al'} || (!$_[1]) ) { return 0 ; } my @names = $self->splitnames($_[1]) ; foreach my $author (@names) { if ( $self->samenames($_[0],$author) ) { return 1 ; } } return 0 ; } #------------------------------------------------------ # # Formating API # #------------------------------------------------------ =pod =item * formatname() Replies a well-formated name Takes 2 args: =over =item * name (hash) is the components of the name to format =item * format (string) is the format of the name (composed by v l L f f. i i. j) =back =cut sub formatname($$) : method { my $self = shift ; confess( 'you must supply a name' ) unless (($_[0])&&(ishash($_[0]))) ; confess( 'you must supply a valid format string' ) unless $_[1] ; if ( $_[0]->{'et al'} ) { return $ETAL_STRING ; } my @blocks = $self->_extract_blocks( $_[1] ) ; my $name = '' ; foreach my $part (@blocks) { my $txt; my $isa = isarray( $part ); if ( $isa ) { $txt = join('',@{$part}); } else { $txt = $part; } if ($txt) { $name .= $self->_formatname_scan_pattern($txt,$_[0],$isa) ; } } return $name ; } # $_[0]: patterns # $_[1]: hash of the name's components # $_[2]: 1 if all the given patterns must be found sub _formatname_scan_pattern($$$) { my $self = shift ; confess( 'you must supply a name' ) unless (($_[1])&&(ishash($_[1]))) ; my $pattern = $_[0] || '' ; my $result = '' ; my $foundall = 1 ; while ( $pattern =~ /^([^a-zA-Z.]*)([a-zA-Z.]+)(.*)$/ ) { ($result, my $str, $pattern) = ($result.$1, $2, $3) ; if ( $str eq 'l' ) { $foundall = ( $foundall && $_[1]->{'last'} ) ; $result .= html_ucwords( $_[1]->{'last'} ) ; } elsif ( $str eq 'L' ) { $foundall = ( $foundall && $_[1]->{'last'} ) ; $result .= html_ucwords( $_[1]->{'last'} ) ; } elsif ( $str eq 'f' ) { $foundall = ( $foundall && $_[1]->{'first'} ) ; $result .= html_ucwords( $_[1]->{'first'} ) ; } elsif ( $str eq 'f.' ) { $foundall = ( $foundall && $_[1]->{'first'} ) ; $result .= html_ucwords( html_getinitiales( $_[1]->{'first'} ) ) ; } elsif ( $str eq 'i' ) { my $ff = html_ucwords( $_[1]->{'first'} ) ; if ($ff =~ /^[ \t\n\r]*([^ \t\n\r]+)/) { $ff = $1 ; } else { $ff = '' ; } $foundall = ( $foundall && $ff ) ; $result .= $ff ; } elsif ( $str eq 'i.' ) { my $ff = html_ucwords( html_getinitiales( $_[1]->{'first'} ) ) ; if ($ff =~ /^[ \t\n\r]*([^ \t\n\r]+)/) { $ff = $1 ; } else { $ff = '' ; } $foundall = ( $foundall && $ff ) ; $result .= $ff ; } elsif ( $str eq 'v' ) { $foundall = ( $foundall && $_[1]->{'von'} ) ; $result .= $_[1]->{'von'} ; } elsif ( $str eq 'j' ) { $foundall = ( $foundall && $_[1]->{'jr'} ) ; $result .= $_[1]->{'jr'} ; } else { $result .= $str ; } } if ( $pattern ) { $result .= $pattern ; } if ( ( ! $_[2] ) || ( $foundall ) ) { return $result ; } else { return '' ; } } =pod =item * formatnames() Replies well-formated names Takes 4 args: =over =item * names (hash) is the components of the name to format =item * formatname (string) is the format of one name (composed by the letters [vlfj.{}]+) =item * formatnames (string) is the format which permits to merge the names (composed by the letters [n{}]+) =item * count (optional integer) is the maximum number of names which must be put inside the result. =back =cut sub formatnames($$$) : method { my $self = shift ; return $self->formatnames_withurl($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], undef, $_[3], $_[4]) ; } =pod =item * formatnames_withurl() Replies well-formated names with a link to their list-of-papers page. Takes 4 args: =over =item * names (hash) is the components of the name to format =item * formatname (string) is the format of one name (composed by the letters [vlfj.{}]+) =item * formatnames (string) is the format which permits to merge the names (composed by the letters [n{}]+) =item * backend_object (AbstractGenertor object) is the pointer to the object to call for creating the URL. The called methid is: formatnames_url_backend. =item * count (optional integer) is the maximum number of names which must be put inside the result. =item * rootdir (optional string) =back =cut sub formatnames_withurl($$$$;$$) : method { my $self = shift ; return '' unless $_[0] ; confess( 'you must supply a valid format string for a name' ) unless $_[1] ; confess( 'you must supply a valid format string for all names' ) unless $_[2] ; my $backend = $_[3] || undef ; my $max = (($_[4])&&($_[4]>=-1)) ? $_[4] : 1 ; my $rootdir = $_[5] || '' ; my @authors = $self->splitnames( $_[0] ) ; if ( $max <= 0 ) { $max = int(@authors) ; } my @blocks = $self->_extract_blocks( $_[2] ) ; my ($sep1,$sep2) = (join('',@{$blocks[1]}), join('',@{$blocks[3]})) ; my ($i,$names) = (0,'') ; while ( ( $i <= $#authors ) && ( $i < $max ) ) { my $name ; if ( $authors[$i]{'et al'} ) { $name = " ".$ETAL_STRING ; } else { $name = $self->formatname( $authors[$i], $_[1] ) ; # Add the url if ($backend) { $name = $backend->formatnames_url_backend($authors[$i], $name, $rootdir) ; } if ( $names ) { $names .= ( $i == $#authors ) ? $sep1 : $sep2 ; } } $names .= $name ; $i ++ ; } if ( int(@authors) > $max ) { $names .= " ".$ETAL_STRING ; } return $names ; } #------------------------------------------------------ # # Extracting API # #------------------------------------------------------ =pod =item * splitnames() Splits the specified string into names. Takes 1 arg: =over =item * text (string) is the text to split =back =cut sub splitnames($) : method { my $self = shift ; my $text = $_[0] || '' ; my @names = () ; # Support no-standard notation "et al" if ( $text =~ /\s*et[ \t\r\n~]+al\.?\s*/g ) { my $original = $text ; $text =~ s/\s*et[ \t\r\n~]+al\.?\s*/ and others /g ; $text =~ s/^\s+//m ; $text =~ s/\s+$//m ; Bib2HTML::General::Error::syswarm( "the string \"".$original."\" does not respect the BibTeX standard for author's names. ". "Assume \"".$text."\"." ) ; } # Scan the authors to extract the brace blocks my @blocks = $self->_extract_blocks($text) ; # Split the top level blocks for(my $i=0; $i<=$#blocks; $i++) { if ( ! isarray( $blocks[$i] ) ) { my @parts ; if ( $blocks[$i] =~ /^\s*and\s*$/i ) { @parts = ( '', '' ) ; } else { @parts = split /(?<=\s)and(?=\s)/i, " ".$blocks[$i]." " ; } if ( ! isemptyarray( \@names ) ) { $names[$#names] .= $parts[0] ; for(my $j=1; $j<=$#parts; $j++) { push @names, $parts[$j] ; } } else { for(my $j=0; $j<=$#parts; $j++) { my $p = $parts[$j] ; $p =~ s/^\s+//gm ; $p =~ s/\s+$//gm ; if ( $p ) { push @names, $p ; } } } } else { if ( ! isemptyarray( \@names ) ) { $names[$#names] .= join( '', @{$blocks[$i]} ) ; } else { push @names, join( '', @{$blocks[$i]} ) ; } } } # Parse the names to extract the components my @newnames = () ; for(my $i=0; $i<=$#names; $i++) { my $r = $self->scan_name($names[$i]) ; if ( isarray( $r ) ) { foreach my $n (@{$r}) { push @newnames, $n ; } } else { push @newnames, $r ; } } return @newnames ; } =pod =item * scan_name() Scans a single name to extract there components. The recognized formats are : First [von] Last [jr] [von] Last, First [jr] [von] Last, jr, First Takes 1 arg: =over =item * name (string) is the name to scan =back =cut sub scan_name($) : method { my $self = shift ; my $name = $_[0] || '' ; my ($first,$von,$last,$jr) = ('','','','') ; if ( $name =~ /^\s*others?\s*$/i ) { # # et al. # return { 'first' => $first, 'von' => $von, 'last' => $last, 'jr' => $jr, 'et al' => 1, } ; } elsif ( $name =~ /^([^,]*),([^,]*),(.*)$/ ) { my ($p1,$p2,$p3) = ($1,$2,$3) ; if ( $self->_is_junior( $p2 ) ) { # # [von] Last, jr, First # ($von,$last,$jr,$first) = $self->_scanname_vl_j_f( $p1,$p2,$p3 ) ; } else { # # name, name, ... # Bib2HTML::General::Error::syswarm( "BibTeX author's names are expressed with a quiet ambigous syntax: ".$name.". Assume ',' as names' separator." ) ; my $subnames = [] ; foreach my $subname ( split(/\s*,\s*/, $name ) ) { ($von,$last,$jr,$first) = $self->_scanname_fvlj( $subname ) ; $first =~ s/^\s+// ; $first =~ s/\s+$// ; $last =~ s/^\s+// ; $last =~ s/\s+$// ; $von =~ s/^\s+// ; $von =~ s/\s+$// ; $jr =~ s/^\s+// ; $jr =~ s/\s+$// ; push @{$subnames}, { 'first' => html_ucfirst($first), 'von' => lc($von), 'last' => html_ucfirst($last), 'jr' => $jr, 'et al' => 0, } ; } return $subnames ; } } elsif ( $name =~ /^([^,]*),(.*)$/ ) { my ($p1,$p2) = ($1,$2) ; if ( $self->_is_junior( $p2 ) ) { # # First [von] Last, jr # ($von,$last,$jr,$first) = $self->_scanname_fvl_j( $p1,$p2 ); } else { # # [von] Last, First [jr] # ($von,$last,$jr,$first) = $self->_scanname_vl_fj( $p1,$p2 ) ; } } elsif ( $name !~ /,/ ) { # # First [von] Last [jr] # ($von,$last,$jr,$first) = $self->_scanname_fvlj( $name ) ; } else { Bib2HTML::General::syserr( "unable to recognize a pattern for the bibTeX name: $name" ) ; } $first =~ s/^\s+// ; $first =~ s/\s+$// ; $last =~ s/^\s+// ; $last =~ s/\s+$// ; $von =~ s/^\s+// ; $von =~ s/\s+$// ; $jr =~ s/^\s+// ; $jr =~ s/\s+$// ; return { 'first' => html_ucfirst($first), 'von' => lc($von), 'last' => html_ucfirst($last), 'jr' => $jr, 'et al' => 0, } ; } =pod =item * _scanname_fvlj() Name pattern: [von] Last, First [jr] =cut sub _scanname_vl_fj($$) { my $self = shift ; my ($p1,$p2)=($_[0],$_[1]) ; $p1 =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $p1 =~ s/\s+$//mg ; $p2 =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $p2 =~ s/\s+$//mg ; my ($von,$last,$jr,$first)=('','','','') ; $first = $p2 ; if ( $p2 =~ /^(.*)\s+([a-zA-Z.]+)$/ ) { my ($p3,$p4)=($1,$2) ; $p3 =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $p3 =~ s/\s+$//mg ; $p4 =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $p4 =~ s/\s+$//mg ; if ( $self->_is_junior($p4) ) { $first = $p3 ; $jr = $p4 ; } } ($von,$last) = $self->_get_first_majword( $p1 ) ; return ($von,$last,$jr,$first) ; } =pod =item * _scanname_fvl_j() Name pattern: First [von] Last, jr =cut sub _scanname_fvl_j($$) { my $self = shift ; my ($name,$jr) = ($_[0],$_[1]) ; $name =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $name =~ s/\s+$//mg ; $jr =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $jr =~ s/\s+$//mg ; my ($von,$last,undef,$first)=$self->_scanname_fvlj($name) ; return ($von,$last,$jr,$first) ; } =pod =item * _scanname_fvlj() Name pattern: First [von] Last [jr] =cut sub _scanname_fvlj($) { my $self = shift ; my $name = $_[0] ; $name =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $name =~ s/\s+$//mg ; my ($von,$last,$jr,$first)=('','','','') ; ($first,my $reste) = $self->_get_majwords($name) ; # If the reste variable is empty (ie no von found) # It means that the last upercase word must # be the lastname if ( ! $reste ) { if ( $name =~ /^(.*?)\s+([^\s]+)\s*$/ ) { ($first,$reste) = ($1,$2) ; } else { ($first,$reste) = ('',$name) ; } } $first =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $first =~ s/\s+$//mg ; $reste =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $reste =~ s/\s+$//mg ; ($von,$reste) = $self->_get_first_majword($reste) ; $von =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $von =~ s/\s+$//mg ; $reste =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $reste =~ s/\s+$//mg ; if ( ( $reste =~ /^(.*)\s+([a-zA-Z.]+)$/ ) && ( $self->_is_junior($2) ) ) { ($last,$jr) = ($1,$2) ; } else { $last = $reste ; } return ($von,$last,$jr,$first) ; } =pod =item * _scanname_vl_j_f() Name pattern: [von] Last, jr, First =cut sub _scanname_vl_j_f($$$) { my $self = shift ; my ($p1,$p2,$p3) = ($_[0],$_[1],$_[2]) ; $p1 =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $p1 =~ s/\s+$//mg ; $p2 =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $p2 =~ s/\s+$//mg ; $p3 =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $p3 =~ s/\s+$//mg ; my ($von,$last,$jr,$first)=('','',$p2,$p3) ; ($von,$last) = $self->_get_first_majword( $p1 ) ; return ($von,$last,$jr,$first) ; } =pod =item * _get_majwords() Replies all the maj words from the begining. =over =item * text (string) =back =cut sub _get_majwords($) { my $self = shift ; return ('','') unless $_[0] ; my @words = split(/\s+/, $_[0]) ; my ($maj,$after) = ('','') ; my $inmaj = 1 ; foreach my $word (@words) { if ( $word !~ /^&?[A-Z].*$/ ) { $inmaj = 0 ; } if ( $inmaj ) { $maj .= ($maj?' ':'').$word ; } else { $after .= ($after?' ':'').$word ; } } return ($maj,$after) ; } =pod =item * _get_first_majword() Replies the string that begins from the first word with first majuscule letter. =over =item * text (string) =back =cut sub _get_first_majword($) { my $self = shift ; return ('','') unless $_[0] ; my @words = split(/\s+/, $_[0] ) ; my ($before,$after) = ('','') ; my $found = 0 ; foreach my $word (@words) { if ( $word =~ /^&?[A-Z].*$/ ) { $found = 1 ; } if ( $found ) { $after .= ($after?' ':'').$word ; } else { $before .= ($before?' ':'').$word ; } } if ( ! $after ) { return ('',$before) ; } else { return ($before,$after) ; } } =pod =item * _is_junior() Replies if the parameter is a string that corresponds to the junior part of a BibTeX name. =over =item * text (string) =back =cut sub _is_junior($) { my $self = shift ; my $jr = $_[0] ; if ( $jr ) { $jr =~ s/^\s+//mg ; $jr =~ s/\s+$//mg ; return ( ( strinarray( lc($jr), \@JUNIOR_PARTS ) ) || ( isnumber($jr) ) ) ; } else { return $jr ; } } =pod =item * _extract_blocks() Extracts the blocks from the specified string Takes 1 arg: =over =item * text (string) is the text to parse. =back =cut sub _extract_blocks($) : method { my $self = shift ; my $text = $_[0] || '' ; my @blocks = () ; my $currentblock = "" ; my $count = 0 ; while ( $text =~ /^(.*?)((?:\\\{)|(?:\\\})|\{|\})(.*)$/ ) { (my $before, my $sep, $text) = ($1,$2,$3) ; $currentblock .= $before ; if ( ( $sep eq '\\{' ) || ( $sep eq '\\}' ) ) { $currentblock .= $sep ; } elsif ( $sep eq '{' ) { if ( $count > 0 ) { $currentblock .= $sep ; } else { push @blocks, $currentblock ; $currentblock = '' ; } $count ++ ; } elsif ( $sep eq '}' ) { $count -- unless ($count <= 0) ; if ( $count > 0 ) { $currentblock .= $sep ; } else { push @blocks, [ $currentblock ] ; $currentblock = '' ; } } else { confess( "Invalid block: $sep\n" ) ; } } if ( $text ) { $currentblock .= $text ; } if ( $currentblock ) { push @blocks, $currentblock ; } return @blocks ; } 1; __END__ =back =head1 COPYRIGHT (c) Copyright 1998-09 St�phane Galland E<lt>galland@arakhne.orgE<gt>, under GPL. =head1 AUTHORS =over =item * Conceived and initially developed by St�phane Galland E<lt>galland@arakhne.orgE<gt>. =back =head1 SEE ALSO bib2html.pl