= gdmodule =

== Description ==

From http://newcenturycomputers.net/projects/gdmodule.html: The GDmodule is an interface to the GD library written by Thomas Boutell. 'gd is a graphics library. It allows your code to quickly draw images complete with lines, arcs, text, multiple colors, cut and paste from other images, and flood fills, and write out the result as a PNG or JPEG file. This is particularly useful in World Wide Web applications, where PNG and JPEG are two of the formats accepted for inline images by most browsers.'

== License ==

Permission granted for unlimited use, provided that the Quest Center at Cold Spring Harbor Labs is given credit for the library in the user-visible documentation of your software. If you modify gd, we ask that you share the modifications with us so they can be added to the distribution. See gd.html for details.

== SPKG Maintainers ==

 * None

== Upstream Contact ==

 * See http://newcenturycomputers.net/projects/gdmodule.html for contact information.

== Dependencies ==

 * GNU patch
 * Python
 * libpng
 * gd
 * iconv

== Special Update/Build Instructions ==

 * Patch Setup.py: we link against libpng12 instead of libpng. There
   are also changes to the library handling on Cygwin, so this might
   need to be fixed.  Remove non-system include and library prefixes
   /sw and /usr/local.  If a different version of GD is installed
   in one of these directories, the gdmodule installer gets in trouble.

== Changelog ==

=== gdmodule-0.56.p8 (Robert Bradshaw, Jeroen Demeyer, 6 May 2012) ===
 * Trac #12909: Setup.py: don't use non-system prefixes
   /sw and /usr/local to look for include files or libraries.
 * Use standard template for spkg-install, use patch for patching.
 * Restore upstream sources.  The pre-existing changes to src/Setup.py
   have been moved to Setup.py.patch
 * _gdmodule.c: Undo change of #include <gd.h> to #include "gd.h"

=== gdmodule-0.56.p7 (Mike Hansen, October 27th, 2009) ===
 * Make gdmodule work on Cygwin.

=== gdmodule-0.56.p5 (Michael Abshoff) ===
 * add .hgignore, SPKG.txt
 * clean up patches directory
 * build gdmodule against libpng12 instead of libpng (#5289)