# NAME Template::Plugin::RndString - Plugin to create random strings # SYNOPSIS [% USE RndString(chrset => [a..z]) %] Result: [% RndString.make(min_length,max_length) %] # OPTIONS - chrset Optional. It must be an array ref of characters to use. If not defined, default is an alphanumeric symbols from ascii table. # SEE ALSO Template Toolkit is a fast, flexible and highly extensible template processing system [http://template-toolkit.org/](http://template-toolkit.org/) Crypt::GeneratePassword - generate secure random pronounceable passwords [http://search.cpan.org/~neilb/Crypt-GeneratePassword/lib/Crypt/GeneratePassword.pm](http://search.cpan.org/~neilb/Crypt-GeneratePassword/lib/Crypt/GeneratePassword.pm) # LICENSE Copyright (C) mr.bbon. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR bbon <bbon@mail.ru>