XFree86 (23 April 2005) 24. Xterm patch #201 (Thomas Dickey). 23. Fix an uninitialised pointer dereference in Xt/Initialize.c on WIN32 platforms that happens if $HOME is set in the environment (Bugzilla #1580, Dave Williss). 22. Fix a bug in XKB group adjustment (Ivan Pascal, reported Bugzilla #1566). 21. Replace the macintosh/fr map with the "fr_new" map, release 4 (Bugzilla #1574, �tienne Bersac). 20. Fix some cases in the Darwin build where a variable is declared static and later as extern (Bugzilla #1576, Jordan Frank). 19. Reduce the Mystique's SYSCLK from 197MHz to 166MHz, allowing the higher clock to be used when the "OverclockMem" option is activated. This fixes instability seen on some Mystique cards, and removes the need for the 4.4.0 workaround in MGAStormSync() (based on Bugzilla #1575, #1577, Khong Jye Liew).