To install Xfinans

1) Unpack the files in some directory of your choice. 

2) In the "Xfinans/Src" directory, type 'xmkmf' to build a Makefile from 
   the Imakefile. If you don't have xmkmf and imake, then rename the 
   Makefile.generic to  Makefile instead, and edit (if required) the 
   "include path" and "library path" near the top of this Makefile.	

3) If you wish to take a look at some compile options, check out the file 
   "Xfinans/Src/programConfig.h". Some of the things you can specify here 
   are whether withdrawals should be shown to the left or to the right of 
   deposits, whether withdrawals should be displayed with a '-' in two-
   column mode, and what sorting order to use by default.

4) In "Xfinans/Src", run 'make depend; make' to build the program. 
   On some systems, "makedepend" complains about missing "stddef.h" and 
   "float.h" files. These warnings seem to be harmless.
   If you get other compiler warnings/errors, I would like to check them
   out. Please include them in an e-mail sent to lupus@iesd.auc.dk

5) Start the X Window System, if it isn't running already.

6) Install the Xfinans resources found in the file "XFinans.defaults",
   if you want to use my favorite fonts and colors -- or customize it for
   your own preferences. You can install the resources in one of 
   several ways:

	a) If you are "root", you can copy the application defaults
	   file "XFinans.defaults" to an appropriate directory,
	   something like /usr/X386/lib/X11/app-defaults/ on a Linux
	   system. Name the target file "XFinans" (Note: Uppercase X
	   and F).
	b) Or append the contents of XFinans.defaults to your ~/.Xresources
	   file, then restart X
	c) Or the simple way, type:
	       xrdb -merge XFinans.defaults
	   Note: this command must be issued each time you 
	   restart X.

7) You can now test the program by typing Src/xfinans in the "Xfinans" 
   directory. A couple of demo accounts is included in
   this directory for testing purposes. Once the Xfinans window pops
   up, you can click the 'help' button to browse a description of how
   to use the program.

   When you get this far, you may want to move the executable file to
   some bin/ directory, and create a directory, say, ~/Xfinans, for 
   your private account files. You should copy the following files to 
   this Xfinans working directory:


   The '.acc' files are the demo accounts. They can be deleted once
   you create your own accounts.

   You can set the environment variable XFINANSDIR to the directory 
   where you keep your Xfinans files. Then you can start Xfinans from 
   any directory. If XFINANSDIR isn't set, the program assumes that 
   the above files are found in its current working directory.