/*- * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Mindaugas Rasiukevicius. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * NPF configuration printing. * * Each rule having BPF byte-code has a binary description. */ #include __RCSID("$NetBSD: npf_show.c,v 1.34 2025/01/27 07:54:30 mlelstv Exp $"); #include #define __FAVOR_BSD #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "npfctl.h" #define SEEN_PROTO 0x01 typedef struct { char ** values; unsigned count; } elem_list_t; enum { LIST_PROTO = 0, LIST_SADDR, LIST_DADDR, LIST_SPORT, LIST_DPORT, LIST_COUNT, }; typedef struct { nl_config_t * conf; bool validating; FILE * fp; long fpos; long fposln; int glevel; unsigned flags; uint32_t curmark; uint64_t seen_marks; elem_list_t list[LIST_COUNT]; } npf_conf_info_t; static void print_linesep(npf_conf_info_t *); static npf_conf_info_t * npfctl_show_init(void) { static npf_conf_info_t stdout_ctx; memset(&stdout_ctx, 0, sizeof(npf_conf_info_t)); stdout_ctx.glevel = -1; stdout_ctx.fp = stdout; return &stdout_ctx; } static void list_push(elem_list_t *list, char *val) { const unsigned n = list->count; char **values; if ((values = calloc(n + 1, sizeof(char *))) == NULL) { err(EXIT_FAILURE, "calloc"); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) { values[i] = list->values[i]; } values[n] = val; free(list->values); list->values = values; list->count++; } static char * list_join_free(elem_list_t *list, const bool use_br, const char *sep) { char *s, buf[2048]; if (!join(buf, sizeof(buf), list->count, list->values, sep)) { errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "out of memory while parsing the rule"); } easprintf(&s, (use_br && list->count > 1) ? "{ %s }" : "%s", buf); for (unsigned i = 0; i < list->count; i++) { free(list->values[i]); } free(list->values); list->values = NULL; list->count = 0; return s; } /* * Helper routines to print various pieces of information. */ static void print_indent(npf_conf_info_t *ctx, unsigned level) { if (ctx->glevel >= 0 && level <= (unsigned)ctx->glevel) { /* * Level decrease -- end of the group. * Print the group closing curly bracket. */ ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "}\n\n"); ctx->glevel = -1; } while (level--) { ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "\t"); } } static void print_linesep(npf_conf_info_t *ctx) { if (ctx->fpos != ctx->fposln) { ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "\n"); ctx->fposln = ctx->fpos; } } static size_t tcpflags2string(char *buf, unsigned tfl) { unsigned i = 0; if (tfl & TH_FIN) buf[i++] = 'F'; if (tfl & TH_SYN) buf[i++] = 'S'; if (tfl & TH_RST) buf[i++] = 'R'; if (tfl & TH_PUSH) buf[i++] = 'P'; if (tfl & TH_ACK) buf[i++] = 'A'; if (tfl & TH_URG) buf[i++] = 'U'; if (tfl & TH_ECE) buf[i++] = 'E'; if (tfl & TH_CWR) buf[i++] = 'W'; buf[i] = '\0'; return i; } static char * print_family(npf_conf_info_t *ctx __unused, const uint32_t *words) { const int af = words[0]; switch (af) { case AF_INET: return estrdup("inet4"); case AF_INET6: return estrdup("inet6"); default: errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "invalid byte-code mark (family)"); } return NULL; } static char * print_address(npf_conf_info_t *ctx __unused, const uint32_t *words) { const int af = *words++; const unsigned mask = *words++; const npf_addr_t *addr; int alen = 0; switch (af) { case AF_INET: alen = 4; break; case AF_INET6: alen = 16; break; default: errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "invalid byte-code mark (address)"); } addr = (const npf_addr_t *)words; return npfctl_print_addrmask(alen, "%a", addr, mask); } static char * print_number(npf_conf_info_t *ctx __unused, const uint32_t *words) { char *p; easprintf(&p, "%u", words[0]); return p; } static char * print_table(npf_conf_info_t *ctx, const uint32_t *words) { const unsigned tid = words[0]; const char *tname; char *s = NULL; bool ifaddr; tname = npfctl_table_getname(ctx->conf, tid, &ifaddr); easprintf(&s, ifaddr ? "ifaddrs(%s)" : "<%s>", tname); return s; } static char * print_proto(npf_conf_info_t *ctx, const uint32_t *words) { ctx->flags |= SEEN_PROTO; switch (words[0]) { case IPPROTO_TCP: return estrdup("tcp"); case IPPROTO_UDP: return estrdup("udp"); case IPPROTO_ICMP: return estrdup("icmp"); case IPPROTO_ICMPV6: return estrdup("ipv6-icmp"); } return print_number(ctx, words); } static char * print_tcpflags(npf_conf_info_t *ctx __unused, const uint32_t *words) { const unsigned tf = words[0], tf_mask = words[1]; char buf[32]; size_t n; if ((ctx->flags & SEEN_PROTO) == 0) { /* * Note: the TCP flag matching might be without 'proto tcp' * when using a plain 'stateful' rule. In such case, just * skip showing of the flags as they are implicit. */ return NULL; } n = tcpflags2string(buf, tf); if (tf != tf_mask) { buf[n++] = '/'; tcpflags2string(buf + n, tf_mask); } return estrdup(buf); } static char * print_portrange(npf_conf_info_t *ctx __unused, const uint32_t *words) { unsigned fport = words[0], tport = words[1]; char *p; if (fport != tport) { easprintf(&p, "%u-%u", fport, tport); } else { easprintf(&p, "%u", fport); } return p; } /* * The main keyword mapping tables defining the syntax: * - Mapping of rule attributes (flags) to the keywords. * - Mapping of the byte-code marks to the keywords. */ #define F(name) __CONCAT(NPF_RULE_, name) #define STATEFUL_ALL (NPF_RULE_STATEFUL | NPF_RULE_GSTATEFUL) #define NAME_AT 2 static const struct attr_keyword_mapent { uint32_t mask; uint32_t flags; const char * val; } attr_keyword_map[] = { { F(GROUP)|F(DYNAMIC), F(GROUP), "group" }, { F(GROUP)|F(DYNAMIC), F(GROUP)|F(DYNAMIC), "ruleset" }, { F(GROUP)|F(PASS), 0, "block" }, { F(GROUP)|F(PASS), F(PASS), "pass" }, { F(RETRST)|F(RETICMP), F(RETRST)|F(RETICMP), "return" }, { F(RETRST)|F(RETICMP), F(RETRST), "return-rst" }, { F(RETRST)|F(RETICMP), F(RETICMP), "return-icmp" }, { STATEFUL_ALL, F(STATEFUL), "stateful" }, { STATEFUL_ALL, STATEFUL_ALL, "stateful-all" }, { F(DIMASK), F(IN), "in" }, { F(DIMASK), F(OUT), "out" }, { F(FINAL), F(FINAL), "final" }, }; static const struct mark_keyword_mapent { unsigned mark; const char * format; int list_id; char * (*printfn)(npf_conf_info_t *, const uint32_t *); unsigned fwords; } mark_keyword_map[] = { { BM_IPVER, "family %s", LIST_PROTO, print_family, 1 }, { BM_PROTO, "proto %s", LIST_PROTO, print_proto, 1 }, { BM_TCPFL, "flags %s", LIST_PROTO, print_tcpflags, 2 }, { BM_ICMP_TYPE, "icmp-type %s", LIST_PROTO, print_number, 1 }, { BM_ICMP_CODE, "code %s", LIST_PROTO, print_number, 1 }, { BM_SRC_NEG, NULL, -1, NULL, 0 }, { BM_SRC_CIDR, NULL, LIST_SADDR, print_address, 6 }, { BM_SRC_TABLE, NULL, LIST_SADDR, print_table, 1 }, { BM_SRC_PORTS, NULL, LIST_SPORT, print_portrange,2 }, { BM_DST_NEG, NULL, -1, NULL, 0 }, { BM_DST_CIDR, NULL, LIST_DADDR, print_address, 6 }, { BM_DST_TABLE, NULL, LIST_DADDR, print_table, 1 }, { BM_DST_PORTS, NULL, LIST_DPORT, print_portrange,2 }, }; static const char * __attribute__((format_arg(2))) verified_fmt(const char *fmt, const char *t __unused) { return fmt; } static void scan_marks(npf_conf_info_t *ctx, const struct mark_keyword_mapent *mk, const uint32_t *marks, size_t mlen) { elem_list_t sublist, *target_list; /* * If format is used for this mark, then collect multiple elements * in into the list, merge and re-push the set into the target list. * * Currently, this is applicable only for 'proto { tcp, udp }'. */ memset(&sublist, 0, sizeof(elem_list_t)); target_list = mk->format ? &sublist : &ctx->list[mk->list_id]; /* Scan for the marks and extract the values. */ mlen /= sizeof(uint32_t); while (mlen > 2) { const uint32_t m = *marks++; const unsigned nwords = *marks++; if ((mlen -= 2) < nwords) { errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "byte-code marking inconsistency"); } if (m == mk->mark) { /* * Set the current mark and note it as seen. * Value is processed by the print function, * otherwise we just need to note the mark. */ ctx->curmark = m; assert(BM_COUNT < (sizeof(uint64_t) * CHAR_BIT)); ctx->seen_marks |= UINT64_C(1) << m; assert(mk->fwords == nwords); if (mk->printfn) { char *val; if ((val = mk->printfn(ctx, marks)) != NULL) { list_push(target_list, val); } } } marks += nwords; mlen -= nwords; } if (sublist.count) { char *val, *elements; elements = list_join_free(&sublist, true, ", "); easprintf(&val, verified_fmt(mk->format, "%s"), elements ); list_push(&ctx->list[mk->list_id], val); free(elements); } } static void npfctl_print_id(npf_conf_info_t *ctx, nl_rule_t *rl) { const uint64_t id = npf_rule_getid(rl); if (id) { ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "# id=\"%" PRIx64 "\" ", id); } } static void npfctl_print_filter_generic(npf_conf_info_t *ctx) { elem_list_t *list = &ctx->list[LIST_PROTO]; if (list->count) { char *elements = list_join_free(list, false, " "); ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "%s ", elements); free(elements); } } static bool npfctl_print_filter_seg(npf_conf_info_t *ctx, unsigned which) { static const struct { const char * keyword; unsigned alist; unsigned plist; unsigned negbm; } refs[] = { [NPF_SRC] = { .keyword = "from", .alist = LIST_SADDR, .plist = LIST_SPORT, .negbm = UINT64_C(1) << BM_SRC_NEG, }, [NPF_DST] = { .keyword = "to", .alist = LIST_DADDR, .plist = LIST_DPORT, .negbm = UINT64_C(1) << BM_DST_NEG, } }; const char *neg = !!(ctx->seen_marks & refs[which].negbm) ? "! " : ""; const char *kwd = refs[which].keyword; bool seen_filter = false; elem_list_t *list; char *elements; list = &ctx->list[refs[which].alist]; if (list->count != 0) { seen_filter = true; elements = list_join_free(list, true, ", "); ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "%s %s%s ", kwd, neg, elements); free(elements); } list = &ctx->list[refs[which].plist]; if (list->count != 0) { if (!seen_filter) { ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "%s any ", kwd); seen_filter = true; } elements = list_join_free(list, true, ", "); ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "port %s ", elements); free(elements); } return seen_filter; } static bool npfctl_print_filter(npf_conf_info_t *ctx, nl_rule_t *rl) { const void *marks; size_t mlen, len; const void *code; bool seenf = false; int type; marks = npf_rule_getinfo(rl, &mlen); if (!marks && (code = npf_rule_getcode(rl, &type, &len)) != NULL) { /* * No marks, but the byte-code is present. This must * have been filled by libpcap(3) or possibly an unknown * to us byte-code. */ ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "%s ", type == NPF_CODE_BPF ? "pcap-filter \"...\"" : "unrecognized-bytecode"); return true; } ctx->flags = 0; /* * BPF filter criteria described by the byte-code marks. */ ctx->seen_marks = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < __arraycount(mark_keyword_map); i++) { const struct mark_keyword_mapent *mk = &mark_keyword_map[i]; scan_marks(ctx, mk, marks, mlen); } npfctl_print_filter_generic(ctx); seenf |= npfctl_print_filter_seg(ctx, NPF_SRC); seenf |= npfctl_print_filter_seg(ctx, NPF_DST); return seenf; } static void npfctl_print_rule(npf_conf_info_t *ctx, nl_rule_t *rl, unsigned level) { const uint32_t attr = npf_rule_getattr(rl); const char *rproc, *ifname, *name; bool dyn_ruleset; /* Rule attributes/flags. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < __arraycount(attr_keyword_map); i++) { const struct attr_keyword_mapent *ak = &attr_keyword_map[i]; if (i == NAME_AT && (name = npf_rule_getname(rl)) != NULL) { ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "\"%s\" ", name); } if ((attr & ak->mask) == ak->flags) { ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "%s ", ak->val); } } if ((ifname = npf_rule_getinterface(rl)) != NULL) { ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "on %s ", ifname); } if (attr == (NPF_RULE_GROUP | NPF_RULE_IN | NPF_RULE_OUT) && !ifname) { /* The default group is a special case. */ ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "default "); } if ((attr & NPF_DYNAMIC_GROUP) == NPF_RULE_GROUP) { /* Group; done. */ ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "{ "); ctx->glevel = level; goto out; } /* Print filter criteria. */ dyn_ruleset = (attr & NPF_DYNAMIC_GROUP) == NPF_DYNAMIC_GROUP; if (!npfctl_print_filter(ctx, rl) && !dyn_ruleset) { ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "all "); } /* Rule procedure. */ if ((rproc = npf_rule_getproc(rl)) != NULL) { ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "apply \"%s\" ", rproc); } out: npfctl_print_id(ctx, rl); ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "\n"); } static void npfctl_print_nat(npf_conf_info_t *ctx, nl_nat_t *nt) { const unsigned dynamic_natset = NPF_RULE_GROUP | NPF_RULE_DYNAMIC; nl_rule_t *rl = (nl_nat_t *)nt; const char *ifname, *algo, *seg1, *seg2, *arrow; const npf_addr_t *addr; npf_netmask_t mask; in_port_t port; size_t alen; unsigned flags; char *seg; /* Get flags and the interface. */ flags = npf_nat_getflags(nt); ifname = npf_rule_getinterface(rl); assert(ifname != NULL); if ((npf_rule_getattr(rl) & dynamic_natset) == dynamic_natset) { const char *name = npf_rule_getname(rl); ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "map ruleset \"%s\" on %s\n", name, ifname); return; } /* Get the translation address or table (and port, if used). */ addr = npf_nat_getaddr(nt, &alen, &mask); if (addr) { seg = npfctl_print_addrmask(alen, "%a", addr, mask); } else { const unsigned tid = npf_nat_gettable(nt); const char *tname; bool ifaddr; tname = npfctl_table_getname(ctx->conf, tid, &ifaddr); easprintf(&seg, ifaddr ? "ifaddrs(%s)" : "<%s>", tname); } if ((port = npf_nat_getport(nt)) != 0) { char *p; easprintf(&p, "%s port %u", seg, ntohs(port)); free(seg), seg = p; } seg1 = seg2 = "any"; /* Get the NAT type and determine the translation segment. */ switch (npf_nat_gettype(nt)) { case NPF_NATIN: arrow = "<-"; seg1 = seg; break; case NPF_NATOUT: arrow = "->"; seg2 = seg; break; default: abort(); } /* NAT algorithm. */ switch (npf_nat_getalgo(nt)) { case NPF_ALGO_NETMAP: algo = "algo netmap "; break; case NPF_ALGO_IPHASH: algo = "algo ip-hash "; break; case NPF_ALGO_RR: algo = "algo round-robin "; break; case NPF_ALGO_NPT66: algo = "algo npt66 "; break; default: algo = ""; break; } /* XXX also handle "any" */ /* Print out the NAT policy with the filter criteria. */ ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "map %s %s %s%s%s %s %s pass ", ifname, (flags & NPF_NAT_STATIC) ? "static" : "dynamic", algo, (flags & NPF_NAT_PORTS) ? "" : "no-ports ", seg1, arrow, seg2); npfctl_print_filter(ctx, rl); npfctl_print_id(ctx, rl); ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "\n"); free(seg); } static void npfctl_print_table(npf_conf_info_t *ctx, nl_table_t *tl) { const char *name = npf_table_getname(tl); const unsigned type = npf_table_gettype(tl); const char *table_types[] = { [NPF_TABLE_IPSET] = "ipset", [NPF_TABLE_LPM] = "lpm", [NPF_TABLE_CONST] = "const", }; if (name[0] == '.') { /* Internal tables use dot and are hidden. */ return; } assert(type < __arraycount(table_types)); ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "table <%s> type %s\n", name, table_types[type]); } static void npfctl_print_params(npf_conf_info_t *ctx, nl_config_t *ncf) { nl_iter_t i = NPF_ITER_BEGIN; int val, defval, *dval; const char *name; dval = ctx->validating ? NULL : &defval; while ((name = npf_param_iterate(ncf, &i, &val, dval)) != NULL) { if (dval && val == *dval) { continue; } ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "set %s %d\n", name, val); } print_linesep(ctx); } int npfctl_config_show(int fd) { npf_conf_info_t *ctx = npfctl_show_init(); nl_config_t *ncf; bool loaded; if (fd) { ncf = npf_config_retrieve(fd); if (ncf == NULL) { return errno; } loaded = npf_config_loaded_p(ncf); ctx->validating = false; ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "# filtering:\t%s\n# config:\t%s\n", npf_config_active_p(ncf) ? "active" : "inactive", loaded ? "loaded" : "empty"); print_linesep(ctx); } else { ncf = npfctl_config_ref(); npfctl_config_build(); ctx->validating = true; loaded = true; } ctx->conf = ncf; if (loaded) { nl_rule_t *rl; nl_rproc_t *rp; nl_nat_t *nt; nl_table_t *tl; nl_iter_t i; unsigned level; npfctl_print_params(ctx, ncf); i = NPF_ITER_BEGIN; while ((tl = npf_table_iterate(ncf, &i)) != NULL) { npfctl_print_table(ctx, tl); } print_linesep(ctx); i = NPF_ITER_BEGIN; while ((rp = npf_rproc_iterate(ncf, &i)) != NULL) { const char *rpname = npf_rproc_getname(rp); ctx->fpos += fprintf(ctx->fp, "procedure \"%s\"\n", rpname); } print_linesep(ctx); i = NPF_ITER_BEGIN; while ((nt = npf_nat_iterate(ncf, &i)) != NULL) { npfctl_print_nat(ctx, nt); } print_linesep(ctx); i = NPF_ITER_BEGIN; while ((rl = npf_rule_iterate(ncf, &i, &level)) != NULL) { print_indent(ctx, level); npfctl_print_rule(ctx, rl, level); } print_indent(ctx, 0); } npf_config_destroy(ncf); return 0; } int npfctl_ruleset_show(int fd, const char *ruleset_name) { npf_conf_info_t *ctx = npfctl_show_init(); nl_config_t *ncf; nl_rule_t *rl; unsigned level; nl_iter_t i; int error; ncf = npf_config_create(); ctx->conf = ncf; if ((error = _npf_ruleset_list(fd, ruleset_name, ncf)) != 0) { return error; } i = NPF_ITER_BEGIN; while ((rl = npf_rule_iterate(ncf, &i, &level)) != NULL) { npfctl_print_rule(ctx, rl, 0); } npf_config_destroy(ncf); return error; }