/*	$NetBSD: msg_341.c,v 1.5 2025/01/28 20:21:59 rillig Exp $	*/
# 3 "msg_341.c"

// Test for message: argument to '%s' must be 'unsigned char' or EOF, not '%s' [341]

 * Ensure that the functions from <ctype.h> are called with the correct
 * argument.

/* lint1-extra-flags: -X 351 */

/* NetBSD 9.99.81, <ctype.h> */
extern const unsigned short *_ctype_tab_;
extern const short *_tolower_tab_;
extern const short *_toupper_tab_;
int isspace(int);

void sink(int);

function_call_char(char c)

	/* expect+1: warning: argument to 'isspace' must be 'unsigned char' or EOF, not 'char' [341] */

	/* This is the only allowed form. */
	isspace((unsigned char)c);

	/* The cast to 'int' is redundant, it doesn't hurt though. */
	isspace((int)(unsigned char)c);

	/* expect+1: warning: argument to 'isspace' must be cast to 'unsigned char', not to 'int' [342] */

	/* expect+1: warning: argument to 'isspace' must be cast to 'unsigned char', not to 'unsigned int' [342] */
	isspace((unsigned int)c);

 * If the expression starts with type 'unsigned char', it can be cast to any
 * other type.  Chances are low enough that the cast is to 'char', which would
 * be the only bad type.
function_call_unsigned_char(unsigned char c)

	isspace((unsigned char)c);
	isspace((unsigned int)c);

/* When used in a loop of fgetc, the type is already 'int'.  That's fine. */
function_call_int(int c)


macro_invocation_NetBSD(char c, signed char sc)

	/* expect+1: warning: argument to 'function from <ctype.h>' must be 'unsigned char' or EOF, not 'char' [341] */
	sink(((int)((_ctype_tab_ + 1)[(c)] & 0x0040)));

	/* This is the only allowed form. */
	sink(((int)((_ctype_tab_ + 1)[((unsigned char)c)] & 0x0040)));

	/* expect+1: warning: argument to 'function from <ctype.h>' must be cast to 'unsigned char', not to 'int' [342] */
	sink(((int)((_ctype_tab_ + 1)[((int)c)] & 0x0040)));

	/* expect+1: warning: argument to 'function from <ctype.h>' must be cast to 'unsigned char', not to 'unsigned int' [342] */
	sink(((int)((_ctype_tab_ + 1)[((unsigned int)c)] & 0x0040)));

	// See platform_ilp32_int.c.
	// See platform_ilp32_long.c.
	// See platform_lp64.c.

	/* expect+1: warning: argument to 'function from <ctype.h>' must be 'unsigned char' or EOF, not 'signed char' [341] */
	sink(((int)((_ctype_tab_ + 1)[sc])));