/* $NetBSD: msg_132_lp64.c,v 1.3 2025/01/03 01:27:35 rillig Exp $ */ # 3 "msg_132_lp64.c" // Test for message: conversion from '%s' to '%s' may lose accuracy [132] /* lint1-extra-flags: -a -X 351 */ /* lint1-only-if: lp64 */ typedef unsigned int u32_t; u32_t u32; const char *ptr; unsigned int convert_pointer_to_smaller_integer(void) { /* expect+1: warning: conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'unsigned int' may lose accuracy [132] */ return (unsigned long)(ptr) >> 12; } void test_ic_minus(void) { /* expect+1: warning: conversion from 'long' to 'unsigned int' may lose accuracy [132] */ u32 = ptr + 3 - ptr; }