/* $NetBSD: msg_022.c,v 1.8 2025/01/03 03:14:47 rillig Exp $ */ # 3 "msg_022.c" // Test for message: incomplete or misplaced function definition [22] /* lint1-extra-flags: -X 351 */ /* * Before decl.c 1.264 and func.c 1.130 from 2022-04-02, lint ran into * assertion failures after trying to recover from the below syntax error. */ /* expect+1: error: syntax error 'f' [249] */ unsigned long asdf = sizeof(int f() {}); /* Give the parser a chance to recover. */ /* expect+1: warning: empty declaration [0] */ ; /* * Before decl.c 1.264 and func.c 1.130 from 2022-04-02, lint ran into * assertion failures after trying to recover from the below syntax error. */ /* expect+1: error: syntax error 'param1' [249] */ unsigned long sz = sizeof(int(param1, param2)); /* Give the parser a chance to recover. */ /* expect+1: warning: empty declaration [0] */ ; /* expect+3: warning: function definition for 'old_style' with identifier list is obsolete in C23 [384] */ /* expect+2: error: incomplete or misplaced function definition [22] */ /* expect+1: warning: old-style declaration; add 'int' [1] */ old_style(arg);