#! /usr/bin/lua -- $NetBSD: check-expect.lua,v 1.14 2025/02/27 06:48:29 rillig Exp $ --[[ usage: lua ./check-expect.lua [-u] *.c Check that the /* expect+-n: ... */ comments in the .c source files match the actual messages found in the corresponding .exp files. The .exp files are expected in the current working directory. The .exp files are generated on the fly during the ATF tests, see t_integration.sh. During development, they can be generated using lint1/accept.sh. ]] local function test(func) func() end local function assert_equals(got, expected) if got ~= expected then assert(false, string.format("got %q, expected %q", got, expected)) end end local had_errors = false ---@param fmt string function print_error(fmt, ...) print(fmt:format(...)) had_errors = true end local function load_lines(fname) local lines = {} local f, err, errno = io.open(fname, "r") if f == nil then return nil, err, errno end for line in f:lines() do table.insert(lines, line) end f:close() return lines end local function save_lines(fname, lines) local f = io.open(fname, "w") for _, line in ipairs(lines) do f:write(line .. "\n") end f:close() end -- Load the 'expect:' comments from a C source file. -- -- example return values: -- { -- ["file.c(18)"] = {"syntax error 'a' [249]", "syntax error 'b' [249]"}, -- ["file.c(23)"] = {"not a constant expression [123]"}, -- }, -- { "file.c(18)", "file.c(23)" } local function load_c(fname) local basename = fname:match("([^/]+)$") local lines = load_lines(fname) if lines == nil then return nil, nil end local pp_fname = fname local pp_lineno = 0 local comment_locations = {} local comments_by_location = {} local function add_expectation(offset, message) local location = ("%s(%d)"):format(pp_fname, pp_lineno + offset) if comments_by_location[location] == nil then table.insert(comment_locations, location) comments_by_location[location] = {} end local trimmed_msg = message:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") table.insert(comments_by_location[location], trimmed_msg) end for phys_lineno, line in ipairs(lines) do for offset, comment in line:gmatch("/%* expect([+%-]%d+): (.-) %*/") do add_expectation(tonumber(offset), comment) end pp_lineno = pp_lineno + 1 local ppl_lineno, ppl_fname = line:match("^#%s*(%d+)%s+\"([^\"]+)\"") if ppl_lineno ~= nil then if ppl_fname == basename and tonumber(ppl_lineno) ~= phys_lineno + 1 then print_error("error: %s:%d: preprocessor line number must be %d", fname, phys_lineno, phys_lineno + 1) end if ppl_fname:match("%.c$") and ppl_fname ~= basename then print_error("error: %s:%d: preprocessor filename must be '%s'", fname, phys_lineno, basename) end pp_fname = ppl_fname pp_lineno = ppl_lineno end end return comment_locations, comments_by_location end -- Load the expected raw lint output from a .exp file. -- -- example return value: { -- { -- exp_lineno = 18, -- location = "file.c(18)", -- message = "not a constant expression [123]", -- } -- } local function load_exp(exp_fname) local lines = load_lines(exp_fname) if lines == nil then print_error("check-expect.lua: error: file " .. exp_fname .. " not found") return end local messages = {} for exp_lineno, line in ipairs(lines) do for location, message in line:gmatch("(.+%(%d+%)): (.+)$") do table.insert(messages, { exp_lineno = exp_lineno, location = location, message = message }) end end return messages end local function matches(comment, pattern) if comment == "" then return false end local any_prefix = pattern:sub(1, 3) == "..." if any_prefix then pattern = pattern:sub(4) end local any_suffix = pattern:sub(-3) == "..." if any_suffix then pattern = pattern:sub(1, -4) end if any_prefix and any_suffix then return comment:find(pattern, 1, true) ~= nil elseif any_prefix then return pattern ~= "" and comment:sub(-#pattern) == pattern elseif any_suffix then return comment:sub(1, #pattern) == pattern else return comment == pattern end end test(function() assert_equals(matches("a", "a"), true) assert_equals(matches("a", "b"), false) assert_equals(matches("a", "aaa"), false) assert_equals(matches("abc", "a..."), true) assert_equals(matches("abc", "c..."), false) assert_equals(matches("abc", "...c"), true) assert_equals(matches("abc", "...a"), false) assert_equals(matches("abc123xyz", "...a..."), true) assert_equals(matches("abc123xyz", "...b..."), true) assert_equals(matches("abc123xyz", "...c..."), true) assert_equals(matches("abc123xyz", "...1..."), true) assert_equals(matches("abc123xyz", "...2..."), true) assert_equals(matches("abc123xyz", "...3..."), true) assert_equals(matches("abc123xyz", "...x..."), true) assert_equals(matches("abc123xyz", "...y..."), true) assert_equals(matches("abc123xyz", "...z..."), true) assert_equals(matches("pattern", "...pattern..."), true) assert_equals(matches("pattern", "... pattern ..."), false) end) -- Inserts the '/* expect */' lines to the .c file, so that the .c file -- matches the .exp file. -- -- TODO: Fix crashes in tests with '# line file' preprocessing directives. local function insert_missing(missing) for fname, items in pairs(missing) do for i, item in ipairs(items) do item.stable_sort_rank = i end local function less(a, b) if a.lineno ~= b.lineno then return a.lineno > b.lineno end return a.stable_sort_rank > b.stable_sort_rank end table.sort(items, less) local lines = assert(load_lines(fname)) local seen = {} for _, item in ipairs(items) do local lineno, message = item.lineno, item.message local indent = (lines[lineno] or ""):match("^([ \t]*)") local offset = 1 + (seen[lineno] or 0) local line = ("%s/* expect+%d: %s */"):format(indent, offset, message) table.insert(lines, lineno, line) seen[lineno] = (seen[lineno] or 0) + 1 end save_lines(fname, lines) end end local function check_test(c_fname, update) local exp_fname = c_fname:gsub("%.c$", ".exp"):gsub(".+/", "") local c_comment_locations, c_comments_by_location = load_c(c_fname) if c_comment_locations == nil then return end local exp_messages = load_exp(exp_fname) or {} local missing = {} for _, exp_message in ipairs(exp_messages) do local c_comments = c_comments_by_location[exp_message.location] or {} local expected_message = exp_message.message:gsub("/%*", "**"):gsub("%*/", "**") local found = false for i, c_comment in ipairs(c_comments) do if c_comment ~= "" then if matches(expected_message, c_comment) then c_comments[i] = "" found = true end break end end if not found then print_error("error: %s: missing /* expect+1: %s */", exp_message.location, expected_message) if update then local fname = exp_message.location:match("^([^(]+)") local lineno = tonumber(exp_message.location:match("%((%d+)%)$")) if not missing[fname] then missing[fname] = {} end table.insert(missing[fname], { lineno = lineno, message = expected_message, }) end end end for _, c_comment_location in ipairs(c_comment_locations) do for _, c_comment in ipairs(c_comments_by_location[c_comment_location]) do if c_comment ~= "" then print_error( "error: %s: declared message \"%s\" is not in the actual output", c_comment_location, c_comment) end end end if missing then insert_missing(missing) end end local function main(args) local update = false for _, arg in ipairs(args) do if arg == "-u" then update = true end end for _, name in ipairs(args) do if name ~= "-u" then check_test(name, update) end end end main(arg) os.exit(not had_errors)