1-28-00 Fermi Linux 6.1.1 Beta 012800
01-21-00 --Connie


	    Changed from "Fermi Compute Server" to "Fermi Desktop"
	    Added KDE
            Added GNOME
	    Added gpm-devel
            Added readline-devel

		for CDFonline
		Request from Serguei Bourov
1-19-2000 --Dan

	Added AnotherLevel to the default X install area in comps.  This
	is necessary for those workgroups that haven't chosen a desktop
	environment such as KDE or GNOME.

1-21-2000 --Dan

	Created package zz_libg2c.a_chnage which creates a missing sym link 
	from /usr/lib/libg2c.a to 
	/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/egcs-2.91.66/libg2c.a.  Added this
	to the Fermi area in comps and put the source rpm in /SRPMS.
1-21-2000 --Connie

	Updated apache and apache-devel to

        Added   (from redhat updates area)
1-24-2000 --Dan

	Updated tkrat to v1.2-4 which fixes a Y2K bug.

1-26-2000 --Connie


		Added the CDFoffsite workgroup per Mark L.
		Moved ODS to bottom to make it easier to add CDFoffsite.


		Added CDFoffsite

		Added Xfree86-75dpi-fonts and 
		      Xfree86-100dpi-fonts to
		  "Fermi Desktop" group

		Added code to check if afs is running.  If so then
		disable xntpd.


		Disabled ups/upd install
		Created stopxntpifafs.sh example script 

		Created nisexample.sh script

		Created fstabexample.sh script


		Created XFree86-3.3.6 rpms based on rawhide

		Disabled FB(Frame Buffer) in 2.2.14 kernels
		because the ATI code was just really messing up the
		boot screen.  Also cause XFree86 to not work well.
		Temporary solution is to add the following to 


		This upgraded the version to
