#tlg2latex GPL 3 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Maïeul ROUQUETTE, Annette von STOCKHAUSEN https://github.com/maieul/tlg2latex ## Français Convertir facilement des données issues du *Thesaurus Linguae Graecae* vers LaTeX. Utilisation basique : ```python3 tlg2latex.py <fichier_a_convertir>``` Documentation : http://geekographie.maieul.net/117 ## English To convert data from *Thesaurus Linguae Graecae* to LaTeX Basic use : ```python3 tlg2latex.py <file_to_convert>``` Documentation : http://geekographie.maieul.net/117 ## Changelog ### 2.6.0 21-10-2014 Allow ἴνα ellipsis as ἴν’ ### 2.5.2 03-02-2014 Correct line ending characters. ### 2.5.1 03-01-2014 Correct bug when a hyphen is before a line number and this line number is kept in the output. ### 2.5 21-08-2013 Managing stanza. ### 2.4 13-06-2013 Possibility to run a last regular expression at the end of all transformation's steps. ### 2.3 12-06-2013 Possibility to define the way by which line numbers are transformed. ### 2.2 20-05-2013 Possibility to manage insert's symbol, empty lines and paragraph's skip. ### 2.1 15-05-2013 Manage ndash. ### 2.0 29-04-2013 Possibility to configure the script. ### 1.1.1 12-04-2013 The theta character is now added for the ellipsis. Manage hyphens before line numbers. ### 1.1 20-12-2013 More type of hyphens and dashes, manage (partially) chapter's numbers. ### 1.0 11-12-2013 First public release.