package LatexIndent::Document; # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # See # # Chris Hughes, 2017 # # For all communication, please visit: use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use File::Basename; # to get the filename and directory path use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)'; use Encode qw/decode/; # gain access to subroutines in the following modules use LatexIndent::Switches qw/store_switches %switches $is_m_switch_active $is_t_switch_active $is_tt_switch_active $is_r_switch_active $is_rr_switch_active $is_rv_switch_active $is_check_switch_active/; use LatexIndent::LogFile qw/process_switches $logger/; use LatexIndent::Logger qw/@logFileLines/; use LatexIndent::Check qw/simple_diff/; use LatexIndent::Lines qw/lines_body_selected_lines lines_verbatim_create_line_block/; use LatexIndent::Replacement qw/make_replacements/; use LatexIndent::GetYamlSettings qw/yaml_read_settings yaml_modify_line_breaks_settings yaml_get_indentation_settings_for_this_object yaml_poly_switch_get_every_or_custom_value yaml_get_indentation_information yaml_get_object_attribute_for_indentation_settings yaml_alignment_at_ampersand_settings %mainSettings /; use LatexIndent::FileExtension qw/file_extension_check/; use LatexIndent::BackUpFileProcedure qw/create_back_up_file check_if_different/; use LatexIndent::BlankLines qw/protect_blank_lines unprotect_blank_lines condense_blank_lines/; use LatexIndent::ModifyLineBreaks qw/modify_line_breaks_body modify_line_breaks_end modify_line_breaks_end_after remove_line_breaks_begin adjust_line_breaks_end_parent verbatim_modify_line_breaks/; use LatexIndent::Sentence qw/one_sentence_per_line/; use LatexIndent::Wrap qw/text_wrap text_wrap_comment_blocks/; use LatexIndent::TrailingComments qw/remove_trailing_comments put_trailing_comments_back_in add_comment_symbol construct_trailing_comment_regexp/; use LatexIndent::HorizontalWhiteSpace qw/remove_trailing_whitespace remove_leading_space/; use LatexIndent::Indent qw/indent wrap_up_statement determine_total_indentation indent_begin indent_body indent_end_statement final_indentation_check get_surrounding_indentation indent_children_recursively check_for_blank_lines_at_beginning put_blank_lines_back_in_at_beginning add_surrounding_indentation_to_begin_statement post_indentation_check replace_id_with_begin_body_end/; use LatexIndent::Tokens qw/token_check %tokens/; use LatexIndent::HiddenChildren qw/find_surrounding_indentation_for_children update_family_tree get_family_tree check_for_hidden_children hidden_children_preparation_for_alignment unpack_children_into_body/; use LatexIndent::AlignmentAtAmpersand qw/align_at_ampersand find_aligned_block double_back_slash_else main_formatting individual_padding multicolumn_padding multicolumn_pre_check multicolumn_post_check dont_measure hidden_child_cell_row_width hidden_child_row_width /; use LatexIndent::DoubleBackSlash qw/dodge_double_backslash un_dodge_double_backslash/; # code blocks use LatexIndent::Verbatim qw/put_verbatim_back_in find_verbatim_environments find_noindent_block find_verbatim_commands find_verbatim_special verbatim_common_tasks %verbatimStorage/; use LatexIndent::Environment qw/find_environments $environmentBasicRegExp construct_environments_regexp/; use LatexIndent::IfElseFi qw/find_ifelsefi construct_ifelsefi_regexp $ifElseFiBasicRegExp/; use LatexIndent::Else qw/check_for_else_statement/; use LatexIndent::Arguments qw/get_arguments_regexp find_opt_mand_arguments construct_arguments_regexp comma_else/; use LatexIndent::OptionalArgument qw/find_optional_arguments/; use LatexIndent::MandatoryArgument qw/find_mandatory_arguments get_mand_arg_reg_exp/; use LatexIndent::RoundBrackets qw/find_round_brackets/; use LatexIndent::Item qw/find_items construct_list_of_items/; use LatexIndent::Braces qw/find_commands_or_key_equals_values_braces $braceBracketRegExpBasic/; use LatexIndent::Command qw/construct_command_regexp/; use LatexIndent::KeyEqualsValuesBraces qw/construct_key_equals_values_regexp/; use LatexIndent::NamedGroupingBracesBrackets qw/construct_grouping_braces_brackets_regexp/; use LatexIndent::UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets qw/construct_unnamed_grouping_braces_brackets_regexp/; use LatexIndent::Special qw/find_special construct_special_begin $specialBeginAndBracesBracketsBasicRegExp $specialBeginBasicRegExp/; use LatexIndent::Heading qw/find_heading construct_headings_levels $allHeadingsRegexp/; use LatexIndent::FileContents qw/find_file_contents_environments_and_preamble/; use LatexIndent::Preamble; use LatexIndent::UTF8CmdLineArgsFileOperation qw/copy_with_encode exist_with_encode open_with_encode zero_with_encode read_yaml_with_encode/; use utf8; sub new { # Create new objects, with optional key/value pairs # passed as initializers. # # See Programming Perl, pg 319 my $invocant = shift; my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant; my $self = {@_}; $logger->trace( ${ $mainSettings{logFilePreferences} }{showDecorationStartCodeBlockTrace} ) if ${ $mainSettings{logFilePreferences} }{showDecorationStartCodeBlockTrace}; bless( $self, $class ); return $self; } sub latexindent { my $self = shift; my @fileNames = @{ $_[0] }; my $check_switch_status_across_files = 0; my $file_extension_status_across_files = 0; # one-time operations $self->store_switches; ${$self}{fileName} = $fileNames[0]; $self->process_switches( \@fileNames ); $self->yaml_read_settings; ${$self}{multipleFiles} = 1 if ( ( scalar(@fileNames) ) > 1 ); my $fileCount = 0; # per-file operations foreach (@fileNames) { $fileCount++; if ( ( scalar(@fileNames) ) > 1 ) { $logger->info( "*Filename: $_ (" . $fileCount . " of " . ( scalar(@fileNames) ) . ")" ); } ${$self}{fileName} = $_; ${$self}{cruftDirectory} = $switches{cruftDirectory} || ( dirname ${$self}{fileName} ); # file existence/extension checks my $file_existence = $self->file_extension_check; if ( $file_existence > 0 ) { $file_extension_status_across_files = $file_existence; next; } # overwrite and overwriteIfDifferent switches, per file ${$self}{overwrite} = $switches{overwrite}; ${$self}{overwriteIfDifferent} = $switches{overwriteIfDifferent}; # the main operations $self->operate_on_file; # keep track of check status across files $check_switch_status_across_files = 1 if ( $is_check_switch_active and ${$self}{originalBody} ne ${$self}{body} ); } # check switch summary across multiple files if ( $is_check_switch_active and ( scalar(@fileNames) ) > 1 ) { if ($check_switch_status_across_files) { $logger->info("*check switch across multiple files: differences to report from at least one file"); } else { $logger->info("*check switch across multiple files: no differences to report"); } } # logging of existence check if ( $file_extension_status_across_files > 2 ) { $logger->warn("*at least one of the files you specified does not exist or could not be read"); } # output the log file information $self->output_logfile(); if ( $file_extension_status_across_files > 2 ) { exit($file_extension_status_across_files); } # check switch active, and file changed, gives different exit code if ($check_switch_status_across_files) { exit(1); } } sub operate_on_file { my $self = shift; $self->create_back_up_file; $self->token_check unless ( $switches{lines} ); $self->make_replacements( when => "before" ) if ( $is_r_switch_active and !$is_rv_switch_active ); unless ($is_rr_switch_active) { $self->construct_regular_expressions; $self->find_noindent_block; $self->find_verbatim_commands; $self->find_aligned_block; $self->remove_trailing_comments; $self->find_verbatim_environments; $self->find_verbatim_special; $logger->trace("*Verbatim storage:") if $is_tt_switch_active; $logger->trace( Dumper( \%verbatimStorage ) ) if $is_tt_switch_active; $self->verbatim_modify_line_breaks( when => "beforeTextWrap" ) if $is_m_switch_active; $self->make_replacements( when => "before" ) if $is_rv_switch_active; $self->protect_blank_lines if $is_m_switch_active; $self->remove_trailing_whitespace( when => "before" ); $self->find_file_contents_environments_and_preamble; $self->dodge_double_backslash; $self->remove_leading_space; $self->process_body_of_text; ${$self}{body} =~ s/\r\n/\n/sg if $mainSettings{dos2unixlinebreaks}; $self->condense_blank_lines if ( $is_m_switch_active and ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks} }{condenseMultipleBlankLinesInto} ); $self->unprotect_blank_lines if ( $is_m_switch_active and ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks} }{preserveBlankLines} ); $self->un_dodge_double_backslash; $self->remove_trailing_whitespace( when => "after" ); $self->make_replacements( when => "after" ) if $is_rv_switch_active; $self->put_verbatim_back_in( match => "everything-except-commands" ); $self->put_trailing_comments_back_in; $self->put_verbatim_back_in( match => "just-commands" ); $self->make_replacements( when => "after" ) if ( $is_r_switch_active and !$is_rv_switch_active ); ${$self}{body} =~ s/\r\n/\n/sg if $mainSettings{dos2unixlinebreaks}; $self->check_if_different if ${$self}{overwriteIfDifferent}; } $self->output_indented_text; return; } sub construct_regular_expressions { my $self = shift; $self->construct_trailing_comment_regexp; $self->construct_environments_regexp; $self->construct_ifelsefi_regexp; $self->construct_list_of_items; $self->construct_special_begin; $self->construct_headings_levels; $self->construct_arguments_regexp; $self->construct_command_regexp; $self->construct_key_equals_values_regexp; $self->construct_grouping_braces_brackets_regexp; $self->construct_unnamed_grouping_braces_brackets_regexp; } sub output_indented_text { my $self = shift; $self->simple_diff() if $is_check_switch_active; $logger->info("*Output routine:"); # if -overwrite is active then output to original fileName if ( ${$self}{overwrite} ) { # diacritics in file names (highlighted in ${$self}{fileName} = ${$self}{fileName}; $logger->info("Overwriting file ${$self}{fileName}"); my $OUTPUTFILE = open_with_encode( '>:encoding(UTF-8)', ${$self}{fileName} ); print $OUTPUTFILE ${$self}{body}; close($OUTPUTFILE); } elsif ( $switches{outputToFile} ) { $logger->info("Outputting to file ${$self}{outputToFile}"); my $OUTPUTFILE = open_with_encode( '>:encoding(UTF-8)', ${$self}{outputToFile} ); print $OUTPUTFILE ${$self}{body}; close($OUTPUTFILE); } else { $logger->info("Not outputting to file; see -w and -o switches for more options."); } # output to screen, unless silent mode print ${$self}{body} unless $switches{silentMode}; return; } sub output_logfile { my $self = shift; # # put the final line in the logfile $logger->info("${$mainSettings{logFilePreferences}}{endLogFileWith}") if ${ $mainSettings{logFilePreferences} }{endLogFileWith}; # github info line $logger->info("*Please direct all communication/issues to:\n") if ${ $mainSettings{logFilePreferences} }{showGitHubInfoFooter}; # open log file my $logfileName = $switches{logFileName} || "indent.log"; my $logfilePath; $logfilePath = "${$self}{cruftDirectory}/$logfileName"; $logfilePath =~ s/\\/\//g; $logfilePath =~ s/\/{2,}/\//g; if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { $logfilePath =~ s/\//\\/g; } my $logfile = open_with_encode( '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $logfilePath ); if ($logfile) { foreach my $line ( @{LatexIndent::Logger::logFileLines} ) { print $logfile $line, "\n"; } # close log file close($logfile); } else { if ( $switches{screenlog} ) { print "WARN: Could not open the logfile $logfilePath \n"; print " No logfile will be produced.\n"; } } } sub process_body_of_text { my $self = shift; # find objects recursively $logger->info('*Phase 1: searching for objects'); $self->find_objects; # find all hidden child $logger->info('*Phase 2: finding surrounding indentation'); $self->find_surrounding_indentation_for_children; # indentation recursively $logger->info('*Phase 3: indenting objects'); $self->indent_children_recursively; # final indentation check $logger->info('*Phase 4: final indentation check'); $self->final_indentation_check; # one sentence per line: sentences are objects, as of V3.5.1 if ( $is_m_switch_active and ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{oneSentencePerLine} }{manipulateSentences} and ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions} }{when} eq 'after' ) { $logger->trace("*one-sentence-per-line text wrapping routine, textWrapOptions:when set to 'after'") if $is_tt_switch_active; $self->one_sentence_per_line( textWrap => 1 ); } # option for text wrap if ( $is_m_switch_active and !${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{oneSentencePerLine} }{manipulateSentences} and !${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{oneSentencePerLine} }{textWrapSentences} and ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions} }{columns} != 0 and ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions} }{when} eq 'after' ) { $self->text_wrap(); } # option for comment text wrap $self->text_wrap_comment_blocks() if ( $is_m_switch_active and ${ ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions} }{comments} }{wrap} and ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions} }{when} eq 'after' ); return; } sub find_objects { my $self = shift; # one sentence per line: sentences are objects, as of V3.5.1 $self->one_sentence_per_line( textWrap => ( ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions} }{when} eq 'before' ) ) if ( $is_m_switch_active and ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{oneSentencePerLine} }{manipulateSentences} ); # text wrapping # # note: this routine will *not* be called if # # modifyLineBreaks: # oneSentencePerLine: # manipulateSentences: 1 # textWrapSentences: 1 # if ( $is_m_switch_active and !${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{oneSentencePerLine} }{manipulateSentences} and !${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{oneSentencePerLine} }{textWrapSentences} and ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions} }{columns} != 0 and ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions} }{when} eq 'before' ) { $self->text_wrap(); # text wrapping can affect verbatim poly-switches, so we run it again $self->verbatim_modify_line_breaks( when => "afterTextWrap" ); } # option for comment text wrap $self->text_wrap_comment_blocks() if ( $is_m_switch_active and ${ ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions} }{comments} }{wrap} and ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions} }{when} eq 'before' ); # search for environments $logger->trace('*looking for ENVIRONMENTS') if $is_t_switch_active; $self->find_environments if ${$self}{body} =~ m/$environmentBasicRegExp/s; # search for ifElseFi blocks $logger->trace('*looking for IFELSEFI') if $is_t_switch_active; $self->find_ifelsefi if ${$self}{body} =~ m/$ifElseFiBasicRegExp/s; # search for headings (part, chapter, section, setc) $logger->trace('*looking for HEADINGS (chapter, section, part, etc)') if $is_t_switch_active; $self->find_heading if ${$self}{body} =~ m/$allHeadingsRegexp/s; # the ordering of finding commands and special code blocks can change $self->find_commands_or_key_equals_values_braces_and_special if ${$self}{body} =~ m/$specialBeginAndBracesBracketsBasicRegExp/s; # if there are no children, return if ( ${$self}{children} ) { $logger->trace("*Objects have been found.") if $is_t_switch_active; } else { $logger->trace("No objects found."); return; } # logfile information $logger->trace( Dumper( \%{$self} ) ) if ($is_tt_switch_active); return; } sub find_commands_or_key_equals_values_braces_and_special { my $self = shift; # the order in which we search for specialBeginEnd and commands/key/braces # can change depending upon specialBeforeCommand if ( ${ $mainSettings{specialBeginEnd} }{specialBeforeCommand} ) { # search for special begin/end $logger->trace('looking for SPECIAL begin/end *before* looking for commands (see specialBeforeCommand)') if $is_t_switch_active; $self->find_special if ${$self}{body} =~ m/$specialBeginBasicRegExp/s; # search for commands with arguments $logger->trace('looking for COMMANDS and key = {value}') if $is_t_switch_active; $self->find_commands_or_key_equals_values_braces if ${$self}{body} =~ m/$braceBracketRegExpBasic/s; } else { # search for commands with arguments $logger->trace('looking for COMMANDS and key = {value}') if $is_t_switch_active; $self->find_commands_or_key_equals_values_braces if ${$self}{body} =~ m/$braceBracketRegExpBasic/s; # search for special begin/end $logger->trace('looking for SPECIAL begin/end') if $is_t_switch_active; $self->find_special if ${$self}{body} =~ m/$specialBeginBasicRegExp/s; } return; } sub tasks_particular_to_each_object { my $self = shift; $logger->trace("There are no tasks particular to ${$self}{name}") if $is_t_switch_active; } sub get_settings_and_store_new_object { my $self = shift; # grab the object to be operated upon my ($latexIndentObject) = @_; # there are a number of tasks common to each object $latexIndentObject->tasks_common_to_each_object( %{$self} ); # tasks particular to each object $latexIndentObject->tasks_particular_to_each_object; # store children in special hash push( @{ ${$self}{children} }, $latexIndentObject ); # possible alignment preparation for hidden children $self->hidden_children_preparation_for_alignment($latexIndentObject) if ( ${$latexIndentObject}{lookForAlignDelims} and ${$latexIndentObject}{measureHiddenChildren} ); # possible decoration in log file $logger->trace( ${ $mainSettings{logFilePreferences} }{showDecorationFinishCodeBlockTrace} ) if ${ $mainSettings{logFilePreferences} }{showDecorationFinishCodeBlockTrace}; } sub tasks_common_to_each_object { my $self = shift; # grab the parent information my %parent = @_; # update/create the ancestor information if ( $parent{ancestors} ) { $logger->trace("Ancestors *have* been found for ${$self}{name}") if ($is_t_switch_active); push( @{ ${$self}{ancestors} }, @{ $parent{ancestors} } ); } else { $logger->trace("No ancestors found for ${$self}{name}") if ($is_t_switch_active); if ( defined $parent{id} and $parent{id} ne '' ) { $logger->trace("Creating ancestors with $parent{id} as the first one") if ($is_t_switch_active); push( @{ ${$self}{ancestors} }, { ancestorID => $parent{id}, ancestorIndentation => \$parent{indentation}, type => "natural", name => ${$self}{name} } ); } } # natural ancestors ${$self}{naturalAncestors} = q(); if ( ${$self}{ancestors} ) { ${$self}{naturalAncestors} .= "---" . ${$_}{ancestorID} . "\n" for @{ ${$self}{ancestors} }; } # in what follows, $self can be an environment, ifElseFi, etc # count linebreaks in body my $bodyLineBreaks = 0; $bodyLineBreaks++ while ( ${$self}{body} =~ m/\R/sxg ); ${$self}{bodyLineBreaks} = $bodyLineBreaks; # get settings for this object $self->yaml_get_indentation_settings_for_this_object; # give unique id $self->create_unique_id; # add trailing text to the id to stop, e.g LATEX-INDENT-ENVIRONMENT1 matching LATEX-INDENT-ENVIRONMENT10 ${$self}{id} .= $tokens{endOfToken}; # text wrapping can make the ID split across lines ${$self}{idRegExp} = ${$self}{id}; if ( $is_m_switch_active and ${ $mainSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions} }{huge} ne "overflow" ) { my $IDwithLineBreaks = join( "\\R?\\h*", split( //, ${$self}{id} ) ); ${$self}{idRegExp} = qr/$IDwithLineBreaks/s; } # the replacement text can be just the ID, but the ID might have a line break at the end of it $self->get_replacement_text; # the above regexp, when used below, will remove the trailing linebreak in ${$self}{linebreaksAtEnd}{end} # so we compensate for it here $self->adjust_replacement_text_line_breaks_at_end; # modify line breaks on body and end statements $self->modify_line_breaks_body if ( $is_m_switch_active and defined ${$self}{BodyStartsOnOwnLine} and ${$self}{BodyStartsOnOwnLine} != 0 ); # modify line breaks end statements $self->modify_line_breaks_end if ( $is_m_switch_active and defined ${$self}{EndStartsOnOwnLine} and ${$self}{EndStartsOnOwnLine} != 0 ); $self->modify_line_breaks_end_after if ( $is_m_switch_active and defined ${$self}{EndFinishesWithLineBreak} and ${$self}{EndFinishesWithLineBreak} != 0 ); # check the body for current children $self->check_for_hidden_children if ${$self}{body} =~ m/$tokens{beginOfToken}/; # double back slash poly-switch check $self->double_back_slash_else if ( $is_m_switch_active and ( ${$self}{lookForAlignDelims} or ( defined ${$self}{DBSStartsOnOwnLine} and ${$self}{DBSStartsOnOwnLine} != 0 ) or ( defined ${$self}{DBSFinishesWithLineBreak} and ${$self}{DBSFinishesWithLineBreak} != 0 ) ) ); # some objects can format their body to align at the & character $self->align_at_ampersand if ( ${$self}{lookForAlignDelims} and !${$self}{measureHiddenChildren} ); return; } sub get_replacement_text { my $self = shift; # the replacement text can be just the ID, but the ID might have a line break at the end of it ${$self}{replacementText} = ${$self}{id}; return; } sub adjust_replacement_text_line_breaks_at_end { my $self = shift; # the above regexp, when used below, will remove the trailing linebreak in ${$self}{linebreaksAtEnd}{end} # so we compensate for it here $logger->trace("Putting linebreak after replacementText for ${$self}{name}") if ($is_t_switch_active); if ( defined ${$self}{horizontalTrailingSpace} ) { ${$self}{replacementText} .= ${$self}{horizontalTrailingSpace} unless ( !${$self}{endImmediatelyFollowedByComment} and defined ${$self}{EndFinishesWithLineBreak} and ${$self}{EndFinishesWithLineBreak} == 2 ); } ${$self}{replacementText} .= "\n" if ( ${$self}{linebreaksAtEnd}{end} ); } sub count_body_line_breaks { my $self = shift; my $oldBodyLineBreaks = ( defined ${$self}{bodyLineBreaks} ) ? ${$self}{bodyLineBreaks} : 0; # count linebreaks in body my $bodyLineBreaks = 0; $bodyLineBreaks++ while ( ${$self}{body} =~ m/\R/sxg ); ${$self}{bodyLineBreaks} = $bodyLineBreaks; $logger->trace("bodyLineBreaks ${$self}{bodyLineBreaks}") if ( ( ${$self}{bodyLineBreaks} != $oldBodyLineBreaks ) and $is_t_switch_active ); } sub wrap_up_tasks { my $self = shift; # most recent child object my $child = @{ ${$self}{children} }[-1]; # check if the last object was the last thing in the body, and if it has adjusted linebreaks $self->adjust_line_breaks_end_parent if $is_m_switch_active; $logger->trace( Dumper( \%{$child} ) ) if ($is_tt_switch_active); $logger->trace("replaced with ID: ${$child}{id}") if $is_t_switch_active; } 1;