$Id: README 71121 2024-04-29 17:27:25Z karl $ This file is public domain. (Originally written by Karl Berry, 2009.) This is the README for the epstopdf script distribution. Primary distribution point: https://ctan.org/pkg/epstopdf (list of mirrors at: https://ctan.org/mirrors) Home page: https://tug.org/epstopdf/ Run epstopdf --help for the usual list of options, examples, etc. Mailing list for bugs and discussion: http://lists.tug.org/tex-k When reporting bugs, please include an input file and command line options, so the problem can be reproduced. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Various test files and a Makefile to exercise them are in the source repository, which is currently a subdirectory of the texlive Subversion repo, purely for the developers' convenience: http://tug.org/svn/texlive/trunk/Build/extra/epstopdf/ The test-binary and test-bin2 files there were supplied by Akira Kakuto and Reinhard Kotucha. They contain binary data. They are public domain. The test-binhdr* files were supplied by Martin von Gagern, constructed as follows. They contain binary junk before the EPS starts. We also use these to test different line endings. These files are public domain. { echo -e '%Some\000binary\001comment'; dot -Tps <<< 'digraph{a->b}'; } > test-binhdr-lf.eps tr $'\n' $'\r' <test-binhdr-lf.eps >test-binhdr-cr.ps unix2dos <test-binhdr-lf.eps >test-binhdr-cr.ps